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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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^I'm sure there will be people who are upset that it isn't as big as Raging Bull or something at CP(I once heard a guy say B:TR was a bad ride as it was short), but this is a park where S:UF still consistently pulls in 2+ hour waits. I think the train design, inverted drop, and keyhole elements are enough to make it a popular ride, and if not, well, less people in line in front of me.

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I'm sure it will be a popular ride since it is new and unique, but I got a feeling that after a few years the appeal may wear off a bit. I rode Wild Eagle three times on opening day and thought it was a really fun coaster, great for the park, glad I got the credit, but I was content with spending the rest of my day at Thunderhead.

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^After seeing it in person sadly it does look pretty cheep, like it honestly would be better off if they just get rid of it completely if it's just going to be a "cut out" style theming piece. Especially with how good of a job they have done on the rest of the theming...


Honestly that's the only complaint I have really though, other than that the ride looks stunning!

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These new B&M wing things look pretty cool, I hope to get to ride one at some point. They sure seem to be the thing for parks to buy this year.


I can understand how each seat could give a different ride, kinda like X in that aspect, so I get the re-ride-ability thing. For me at least though, once I find that seat I like the most that's generally where I always choose to sit unless something like added wait time makes me choose differently.


I agree about the 2d hangar. I could understand something like that being a prop along the perimeter but being so prominent and so small in scale next to the way more impressive control tower it looks dumb. If they really wanted a head-chopper effect right there, there is probably some other prop that could provide a similar effect and look less dumb. They should just put a rear and sides on it with a partial roof.

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So...these wing rider coasters are basically 4th dimension coasters without the 4th dimension?


I've never rode X at SFMM the last time I was there because the wait was over 2 1/2 hours (I mean, I could have easily watched my favorite Fellini movie in that time frame).


Is there that great of a difference between the two and how they ride? Is there a reason that there aren't that many 4th dimension coasters out there?


I suppose I'm coming across as a GP lurker with these questions but I'm not as knowledgeable in these matters as so many others are on this site (and I must say it's fairly impressive).

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I just read that the height limit is 6'6" (78") which is really surprising. I had to get height-checked before getting on V2 the other day since I am exactly 6'6", and that one has a cutoff at 80". Don't you think going to a 78" height limit is a little too much? (Although I believe Deja Vu had that same height limit)

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X-Flight is easily my favorite B&M Wingrider opening this year, next to Wild Eagle. It looks gorgeous! It's nice to see it in one of my favorite Six Flags parks as well, and it fits super well. Can't wait to ride it this Summer!

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So...these wing rider coasters are basically 4th dimension coasters without the 4th dimension?


I've never rode X at SFMM the last time I was there because the wait was over 2 1/2 hours (I mean, I could have easily watched my favorite Fellini movie in that time frame).


Is there that great of a difference between the two and how they ride? Is there a reason that there aren't that many 4th dimension coasters out there?


I suppose I'm coming across as a GP lurker with these questions but I'm not as knowledgeable in these matters as so many others are on this site (and I must say it's fairly impressive).


Wing riders aren't going to have the rotational part of the ride, obviously. X (and now X2) ride rough. It got better when they updated the trains a few years ago, and if you sit on an inside seat, but I still found it to be a little too much for me. At least for multiple rides.

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Even if these rides are a bit boring I'm sure I would still prefer any of them to X. Yes it lacks the whole flipping bit, but that's part of the reason why I think they would be better. Since X flips around, the seats are only attached to the main part of the train at one location. When the train experiences forces or bumps n stuff the seats fairly violently shake up and down as well as rock back and forth. Since these Wing Rider trains don't spin they are fixed to the main train much better and I'm sure flex way less. That and the fact that it's a B&M, I'm sure the comfort its way better.


Weather or not the style of train really makes the ride all that unique I'm not sure yet. It will certainly have a unique feeling when going though twists n such as your so far out from the center of the train, but I don't think the sitting off the side part itself is all that unique.

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So...these wing rider coasters are basically 4th dimension coasters without the 4th dimension?


Is there that great of a difference between the two and how they ride?




Yeah, Wing coasters are the same as 4th dimension coasters only on the wing coasters, the seats are facing forward and they do not rotate. I haven't been on a wing coaster but I've that the B&M versions are VERY smooth, but slow. 4D coasters (Not including the Zac spins) can be extremely rough and uncomfortable depending on where you sit on the ride.

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For some odd reason, when I hear the name X-flight, it reminds me of Delta Dreamflight, which used to be at WDW.


Six Flags welcomes you back from your X-flight

The awesomest ride of your life!

Once you've taken an X-flight,

the earth's an inspiring sight!


There's excitement!

There is screaming!

Sailing the skies so blue.

Yes the X-flight is the best chance,

for a Q-bot to dreams old and new!


For you, we've created the X-flight,

the most heart-pounding flight of your life!

Once you've taken a part in the X-flight,

you'll see rides in a different light!

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^Thanks for getting that song re-stuck in my head! The Ride Ops Office for TLC was behind one of the show scenes in that ride and you'd hear that song loop over and over and over and over and over...


...Its taken me years to get that song out of my head and now its back!


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Can you guess where Theme Park Review is at today?



That's right! We are at the X-Flight media day at Six Flags Great America!


Is "Sexy" a word you'd use to describe X-Flight?


X-Flight looks absolutely stunning! Respond to this post if you agree!


More pics and video coming soon!


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Edited by robbalvey
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Trust me it will be popular. The whole wing rider concept seems to blow the GP's mind. The key hole and hanger seem to be especially loved. Plus SFGAm hasn't got a new coaster in 10 years.


Did I hear that correctly? Um I don't think so as that little park in MD. was the one to go 11 years without a coaster till now.Hate to say this but the wingriders thus far look a little lackluster in terms of the typeof inversions offered,much like the DM'swhich only offer immelman's as their main element.

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X-Flight looks absolutely stunning! Respond to this post if you agree!


Very much agree! When this was announced I'm not sure everyone thought it would be this good and keep the theming but they proved some people wrong. Now hopefully the reviews for the ride are good!

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Trust me it will be popular. The whole wing rider concept seems to blow the GP's mind. The key hole and hanger seem to be especially loved. Plus SFGAm hasn't got a new coaster in 10 years.


So Dark Knight, Little Dipper, Rajun Cajun and Superman: Ultimate Flight don't count?


The ride looks AMAZING!!!

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Trust me it will be popular. The whole wing rider concept seems to blow the GP's mind. The key hole and hanger seem to be especially loved. Plus SFGAm hasn't got a new coaster in 10 years.


Did I hear that correctly? Um I don't think so as that little park in MD. was the one to go 11 years without a coaster till now.Hate to say this but the wingriders thus far look a little lackluster in terms of the typeof inversions offered,much like the DM'swhich only offer immelman's as their main element.



I personally feel wing riders have shown their ability to do almost every inversion out there. From the long drawn out twists, zero g rolls, dive loop first drops, immelmans, and the vertical loop on Wild Eagle. I feel as the concept starts to mature, we will begin to see taller, longer, and even more intense layouts. I feel X-Flight is just beginning to show what the wing riders are capable of.

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Local Fox News Chicago broadcasted live from SFGA this morning. I assume today was media day? Though it doesn't overwhelm me with speed, the ride appears to move rather smoothly and sleekly. I am looking forward to riding it this Saturday.

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I hate to say it, but this looks like just another recent B&M to me: smooth and forceless. I'll be surprised if this is really any better than Swarm. It just seems to be going much too slowly to generate any real force in the tightest and twistiest bits. Of course, I've been wrong before, and I legitimately hope I am again in this case, but I just don't see anything exceptionally wonderful here.

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