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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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So we're going to go off an aerial picture taken a few weeks back, and from a forum member that updates his new blog with pictures he's taking behind the fence????

Say what you will, but it was confirmed by the park.





I never said it wasn't true, but everyone here needs to start considering sources. It's like believing the Dippin' Dots guys.

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^I remember seeing that in the aerial pictures of the construction site. The turn around the skycoaster is still there, with what looks like the entire fleet of cars parked on that section. I'm not sure how visible that part of the ride is to guests from the midway, but I'd bet the park gets a lot of questions about them.

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This ride is looking great, it doesn't look too intense, but it does look like a lot of fun. The first drop and the barrel roll are probably my favorite parts of the ride, and the theming, while less than other wing coasters, still looks like good for a regional park. Although, I have a feeling this will get lines like S:UF, so I don't think I'll be riding this much unless I have a flashpass.


Airtime - Two weeks until I'll be riding this - &Gravity

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