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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Regardless of how this ride turns out once it opens, there is no denying that these things are some of the most photogenic coasters out there, especially in the long, drawn out rolls. Just gorgeous.


Based on the Wingriders already in operation, I get the feeling that the photogenic quality of the ride type is the biggest selling point to begin with.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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I know they haven't finished the theming on the train, but someone please tell me (because I don't feel like searching, sue me), are they going to still have all the theming on the ground for the train to have all those head/foot choppers? Because the ride loses at least half its appeal if they aren't going to go through with all the theming.

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^^ Yes. I'm not sure where the idea that it wasn't going to be built came from, but as has been confirmed by the park so many times now, it will be built and construction has already started on them.


Also the park confirmed on Twitter that a testing video will be released tomorrow.

Edited by deathbydinn
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^Well that's good then. Lord knows SF has been cutting costs across the board the last couple years, at least they decided to keep what will probably be the best part about this ride intact.


Those covers are the only surface I can think of that could be used when it comes time to promote things like Karate Kid or Stride.

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^Well that's good then. Lord knows SF has been cutting costs across the board the last couple years, at least they decided to keep what will probably be the best part about this ride intact.


Those covers are the only surface I can think of that could be used when it comes time to promote things like Karate Kid or Stride.


Well apparently we won't have to worry about that, at least for the time being. Looks like all sorts of Six Flags parks are taking off their ad wraps.

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^Well that's good then. Lord knows SF has been cutting costs across the board the last couple years, at least they decided to keep what will probably be the best part about this ride intact.


Those covers are the only surface I can think of that could be used when it comes time to promote things like Karate Kid or Stride.


Well apparently we won't have to worry about that, at least for the time being. Looks like all sorts of Six Flags parks are taking off their ad wraps.


How will I know what to buy?

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The trains look pretty rubbish compared to #THESWARM and Wild Eagle... i hope they are going to improve them



Looking forward to seeing the trains with the covers on. This has always been the best looking wingrider in my opinion, so I can't wait to hear the reviews in May.

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It will speed up, just like The Swarm did. But one thing i'm thinking about is that on the swarm's first test run, that first drop was slow. But x-flight's first drop takes it abit too fast from my opinion.


The Swarms first test run, the part of interest is at 0:27:



I know that X-flight's drop is 7 feet smaller than the swarms and has 8 rows compared to The Swarms' 7 rows, but it does look abit fast. In the end, I'm not a genius engineer so my eyes might be fooling me.

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Courtesy of the park.


I thought it was really cool that Six Flags chose to commemorate the Wright Brothers and their achievements with this ride's design and theme. Now everyone will know how it feels to be an aviation pioneer racing through the skies at 12 mph.

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It will speed up, just like The Swarm did. But one thing i'm thinking about is that on the swarm's first test run, that first drop was slow. But x-flight's first drop takes it abit too fast from my opinion.


The Swarms first test run, the part of interest is at 0:27:





I know that X-flight's drop is 7 feet smaller than the swarms and has 8 rows compared to The Swarms' 7 rows, but it does look abit fast. In the end, I'm not a genius engineer so my eyes might be fooling me.


Looks the same. It's all about perspective.

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Courtesy of the park.


I thought it was really cool that Six Flags chose to commemorate the Wright Brothers and their achievements with this ride's design and theme. Now everyone will know how it feels to be an aviation pioneer racing through the skies at 12 mph.


Thanks, thanks for the Coca-Cola choke and burning in my nose. I KNOW better than to drink and read the TPR forums. Milk would have burned less. Thanks again.

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The trains will look fantastic when the covers are added. It seems to me like any coaster with extra-wide cars (such as B&M dive coasters) has that sort of spread-arm, graceful appearance. I will be waiting with a charged battery and an empty SDHC card!



I'm not going to speculate on how good or bad or the speed until people have actually ridden it.


Exactly! At the end of the day, these coasters are constrained by the limits of the average human body, NOT for the off-ride perception of speed.

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