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Photos from behind the scenes!

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How often does Magnum have that starfield effect going? I didn't even have an idea that it existed.


Whenever the fog is working, which it was surprisingly often last summer (2008). The day that they turned on the fog that summer, it looked like there was a freakin' BONFIRE inside the tunnel lol! The fog was BILLOWING out of the tunnel, and we had guests telling us very time they came back that the tunnel was on fire... I got to the point where I was incorporating it into my spiel: "You're going to experience seven amazing points of airtime and three way-cool tunnels - the third of which IS NOT ON FIRE! But thanks for your concern!" The thing is, that in order for the starfield effect to work, it also has to be sunny... and the sun has to be shining through the holes in the tunnel just right lol.

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I have some from a winter tour of Lake Compounce last winter:


Zoomerang from the maintenance area



One of the then brand new cars for Ghost hunt in storage.


Zoomerang cars in storage.


The old Hershey Wildcat trains that were put on Boulder Dash.


Another angle of Zoomerang, around the Zoomers Gas N Go car ride.


Fresh train in the shop.


Zoomerang wheels in the shop.


The chassis of a Wildcat car.


Nerd shot!


The "hall of mirrors" in Ghost hunt.


A figure inside Ghost Hunt.


Some Wildcat cars and the older Boulder Dash cars stored in the picnic area.


Red train.




Zoomers cars.


Dash in the winter.


It's much easier to see without the leaves.

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Here is one from under the water tower at CLP. I have a buch from waldameer from when Nancy Gorman gave me a behind the scenes tour I will look for them.


A Car from a ride. I will give you a cookie if you can guess the ride.


From Dreamland Ballroom


Blue Streak


Blue Streak

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bring up such an old thread but I came across a few more of my photos!! Hope you guys enjoy!



This is what happens when the other person does not pay attention and does not tell you when to STOP moving the train forward!


This is Annie going to sleep for the night!!


This is what happens when birds fly near dragster...

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^Not funny!!!


I was getting reports of this when I was over at Nemesis Inferno...and I'm just thinkin to myself "great, the first TPR Trip and we'll send someone to the hospital Fabio Style!!!" Luckily no one was hurt...other than the bird!

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  • 3 weeks later...

While searching for photos of something else I found these of Fiesta Texas and the Rattler under construction. Also found some "behind the scenes" photos of another older woodie whose first drop was neutered. Will post those later.


I suppose this view is unchanged since 1991, but seldom seen by riders.


Dec 1991 - ahhh, the good ol' days - fantastic first drop, but not especially compatible with spinal columns (or Morgan trains)


summer 1991 - I have more from this trip somewhere...

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I love this thred. Here's some from Holiday World during the awesome Midwest trip. We had an early morning walk back around Raven and a second walk back in the afternoon around Voyage.




One last look at the first drop!


The turn around! Lots of 90° degrees turns all around!


First tunnel!




And here's Voyage!


And even more Raven through the trees!


The famous turn on the lake!


Raven first drop!


Bottom of the first drop straight into the tunnel!


First sight though the trees!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^^^Beautiful Holiday World photos, Matteo!


Waaaaay back in the summer of 1989, a park then known as Six Flags Over Mid-America invited coaster club members to come try out their "new" Arrow/Vekoma hybrid, Ninja. Some of us were escorted into restricted areas, and I had my camera!


hot control panel action!


oh, the pain...


under Ninja


red train


blue train


some views from the lift of Screamin' Eagle

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A bit of caution: Please restrict all photo postings to pictures that have been taken "legally" (that is, that do not violate park rules). We've had some problems in the past with members sneaking into cast-member areas and taking pictures.


Remember that breaking park rules and posting pictures about it will get you some quality time with Bantron.


I would just add: If you are an employee of a park, you may very well have signed paperwork that states that you will not share any information that you are privy to as a result of working at the park, which usually includes "back stage" photos.


Of course, if you know that you're not bound by any such rules and/or have special permission, nevermind. But please be aware that this can be a very tricky area for park employees.


/Enjoying the thread.

//Not trying to be a wet blanket.

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Here are a few of mine. Lift walks and some shots from on the ground employees only areas at Cedar Point. Also, some VIP tour stuff from Kings Island.


VIP Tour Under the Beast's Structure


VIP Tour Under the Beast's Structure


VIP Tour Beast's First Drop


VIP Tour Beast Lift Hill Accent


Low Zone of Mantis


Mantis Controls! Ooooo....


Cool shot from behind the Mantis Station


Looking up the support of Iron Dragon


Down the Drive Wheels of the Station area block


Lift Walk - View of Mantis and its entirety... Most underrated ride in the park! =D


Walking down the Lift!


Lift Walk - View of Top Thrill Dragster from the Mantis Lift Hill


Lift Walk - View of the first airtime hill of Millennium from the Mantis Lift Hill


Lift Walk - View of the greatest coaster in the world from the Mantis Lift Hill! =P


Lift Walk - View of Millennium Force from the Mantis Lift Hill


Lift Walk - View of Mantis and Millennium from the Mantis Lift Hill


Lift Walk - View of Millenniums final Overbank from the Mantis Lift Hill


Lift Walk - View of the back of the park, Mean Streak and Millennium Island Lift Walk

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