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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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With the new restraints on the trains, will they get rid of the maximum height restriction? Because it looked like the new trains don't have the ankle brace things anymore, and I thought those were where the maximum height came from.


The max height restrictions are due to the ride layout,not the restraint system...at least on the NY & MD versions of the ride what with the large helix elements in their respective courses.


It seems like there might be a tie in on both rides as the colors on medusa east are the same,just reversed when compared to the SFNE superman colors.

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It seems like there might be a tie in on both rides as the colors on medusa east are the same,just reversed when compared to the SFNE superman colors.

And because both rides are being worked on and advertised by Clawshun Industries and have photo updates next to each other on the same page?


Call me weird, but I like the new scheme. I dunno, maybe the blue and red felt a little overused IMO. I like the newer colors.

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A person on another website said that they saw coupons at Dunkin Donuts today with ads for a "Bizarro" ride. That could be the new name of Superman. The colors fit perfectly and Lex Luthor created Bizarro, so that is how he is connected to the Bizarro theme. What does everyone else think?



The colors are exactly the same as the ones Superman is being painted. I think we've found our new theme!

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^I think you have just made a very nice discovery.


Thanks for sharing---though unless you are a Superman fan, the theme would be kind of hard to 'get'. I guess the new theming will explain it, though.

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I don't like the idea of a B Villain getting a massive (and highly rated) hyper coaster. For one the color scheme is ugly (Medusa looks good though) and Bizarro isn't even a coold name! Maybe the next Revamp will be Batman the Ride at SFS.L. The can remodel it to Manbat the Ride. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manbat

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Ok, i know this may not be a Six Flags style idea. But what if these printed coupons are fake. What I mean is what if Six Flags is using this character to throw us off until the next part of the campaign is made live? Dunkin Donuts may just be a part of the game. I am thinking its weird that these coupons were just released. As of writing this they were still in the store by my house in Central Massachusetts. If Dunkin Donuts had made a mistake about giving them out we would have heard something about the "Bizarro" name or the coupons would have been pulled to wait until Six Flags was ready. And before I saw the pictures and the name, I didn't know who Bizarro was. IMO, I don't think the name fits this amazing ride at all. Not unless Six Flags is planning some Disney or Universal type themeing.

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No, it does make sense. There really isn't anything to suggest that the coupons have a fake name. I agree that it seems a bit weak to replace it the Superman theme with Bizarro. It almost seems like they wanted to re-theme the ride, but not break the Superman name/theme that it is so famous for, so they picked Bizarro, so it could be extremely similar to Superman - its an imitation (then again, it is clever, i guess). They could even still use "Ride of Steel" in the name as well.

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I don't like the idea of a B Villain getting a massive (and highly rated) hyper coaster. For one the color scheme is ugly (Medusa looks good though) and Bizarro isn't even a coold name! Maybe the next Revamp will be Batman the Ride at SFS.L. The can remodel it to Manbat the Ride. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manbat


Biazzrro is an A-list villian. A B-list villian is Toyman.

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What's next? Theming the Ride of Steel at America to Richard Pryor?


Well that coaster is bad like a motherf***er.


I have to admit this Superman saga is looking more stupid by the second, oh well, as long as the coaster is still good. Bizarro, never heard of him before today, but I'm not much of a geek. Dark Knight is the only Batman movie I've seen.

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^I'd have to admit that since Bizzaro has set to have been seen in any major film (which totally could have been the plot for Superman IV; Nuclear Man was an epic fail) He's not a character many would be familiar with, despite his dominant presence in the comic strip. I thinks it's a nice homage to people who follow the Superman storyline, but I think it's not going to be as recognizable to a very broad audience.


I hate to link the two, but if SROS has been rethemed as a villain theme, and somehow Medusa is connected along with the rumor that the trains might be reversed...here's something to think about

Mr. Mxyzptlk.bmp

Mr. Mxyzptlk

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^ It's known to me because of how many times Seinfeld would mention the Bizarro superman and they even had a bizarro world episode. He is a real Superman fan and if you watched that show you know what bizarro is. And really, by looking at the dude how hard is it to figure out it's a bad superman? Great name and idea.

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^^I don't think many people find the familarity of Bizzaro with reference made on Seinfeld. You know him from those reference, and a few other people may know, but I originally said A BROADER audience wouldn't necessarily know the story and background behind the character. Having said that, it's upto the revamp team and creative theming to provide the background behind the character. I'm going on a whim here, but that logic by itself does all but guarentee some sort of preshow/video prior to boarding. That way, you could justify naming a ride after a fairly unknown character if you use the queue to tell the story behind them.

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