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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I was at the park all day today and Bizarro opened with the park. The train that vallyed yesterday was on the transfer track at opening, but later added on. Kudos to SFNE to not wait until next week. I do have one complaint though. We got to the park at 10:15 and then walked over to the restrooms at Crack axel canyon and waited for park opening which was at 10:30. At 10:40 we were still waiting. The security guard told us he could not open this side until a supervisor told him to. By then people were already at rides, and we were waiting. Finally we walked over to the main midway and went off to the rides. Are you kidding me? Park opens at 10:30, Security should let you loose at 10:30. I understand it was the second day of the season, but this young Security guard was not an new employee. I seen him all last year. But, whatever. Park wasn't crowded at all and looked very clean. But the blue train on Flashback needs to be painted to fit the new color scheme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to give a quick update from this past weekend:


Due to the inclement weather, the park was empty. Superman was a walk-on (and a 2 train wait for the front row), as were all the other rides in the park. They did close at 2:30pm because heave rain was on the way, but they were giving out rain checks to anyone who asked.


As for changes from last year, they reconfigured the station for Superman so that the front row now has its own line. Previously, the front CAR had its own line, which meant that row 2 would often go empty because no one wanted to wait an extra 30 minutes for it, and people had trouble squeezing through from the regular line. Also new are the boarding announcements which all say "We hope you have a Six Flags ride" or "We hope you have a Six Flags day". I get that they are trying to tie into their "More Flags, More Fun" campaign, but it was very annoying.

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Cool photos from opening day.


This year, I don't think that I'll have time to visit SFNE. Last year, I went 3-4 times with my season pass and since they didn't really add anything major new this year, I decided to just go to Canobie once or twice instead along with my family's trip to Niagara Falls (Seabreeze, Darien Lake, Canada's Wonderland, and Marineland).

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I went on Tuesday. Here's some notes:



-New restraints on Flashback aren't normal Vekoma restraints, very comfortable and no head banging!

-Mind Eraser was also pretty smooth

-Cyclone retracking makes its 10x better and I love Cyclone again

-All buildings look brand new

-Employee's are nicer then ever

-They themed the propane tank on Bizarro and it looks amazing! It looks like a small oil rig with a big LexCorp logo on it.



-Bizarro's audio on yellow train is complete crap. Its all crackly and from what I read about Terminators audio its similar to that and I'm scared its going to go completely out like Terminator

-Food prices are up again and are unreasonably high

-Crews on all the rides are slow, hopefully later in the year they will get better

-Houdini and Splash Water Falls were closed


Overall I had a good day on Tuesday and from what I've been told its been pretty crowded all week and season pass sales are up.

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-New restraints on Flashback aren't normal Vekoma restraints, very comfortable and no head banging!


They looked to me like the standard Vekoma restraints with leather covers over them to cover up the worn away original surface.


-Bizarro's audio on yellow train is complete crap. Its all crackly and from what I read about Terminators audio its similar to that and I'm scared its going to go completely out like Terminator


I forgot to mention that in my trip report from weekend #2. On the one train that was running, the first-row right-side seat had the audio cut off on the bottoms of all the hills (where there are high positive Gs), and the last row of the train had no audio at all. Honestly though, as much as I love the audio on rides such as Rock'n'Roller Coaster, California Screamin', and both the Dick Dale and Michael Giacchino versions of Space Mountain, the random people screaming audio on Bizarro detracts from the ride in a major way.


By the way, I know that both Bizarros and Terminator have been having intermittent audio problems, but does anyone know if Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit has had the same problems? I know that the same company (http://www.showsys.us/projects/onboard.html) did the audio for all of them.

Edited by ahecht
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^Yeah thats the yellow train. I don't know why they were using that one. That one always has problems. Its fully broken on every seat behind the audio box.


The blue train cuts out after the tunnel and comes back after the last building.

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They looked to me like the standard Vekoma restraints with leather covers over them to cover up the worn away original surface.


Thats true. I was comparing them to Mind Eraser, which they were a little different. Flashbacks just seemed less bulkey.


You mention the audio not working like it would be a bad thing? That would be one instance where six flags maintenance is appreciated. It ruined a great coaster.

Thats your opinion, most of the general public, some coaster enthusiasts, and me myself happen to enjoy the audio. Personally, I happen to think it enhances the ride and the lift hill audio gives me chills and gets me pumped up. Superman lacked that. I didn't mention that the audio wasn't off though. I just said it wasn't working. Its completely off in the yellow train, seats behind the audio box. Thats where I first sat. That was just plan old Superman for me. Honestly, I was bored. I was bored not having the audio.


Second ride of the day I got the blue train and sat in the front. I knew the audio would be out from the tunnel onto the last building. But other than that it was an awesome ride.


Third ride I got the yellow train again and sat near the front. Now some speakers worked, however most didn't. What I mean by didn't work is I meant static. Loud, loud static and popping noises that hurts your ears. Now that sir, that ruined the ride for me. Only until after the second tunnel did it come in a little with no static. But that ruined the ride for me.


Ride Bizarro without the audio then tell me if you still feel the same way.

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Ride Bizarro without the audio then tell me if you still feel the same way.


I have, both for many many years as Superman, and again in the back row of the yellow train. I still feel it's better without the audio. However, I am sure that with a better soundtrack (e.g. a synchronized musical score) the audio would enhance the ride.

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Media Day audio is what you want then. If you went on Media Day they were playing a different audio. It was still everything about Lois Lane falling into the worm hole that opened up as a result of Lex Luthor using the ray to trap Superman, except it didn't have any movie quotes. Only thing during the ride itself was Bizarro talking occasionally and lots of fighting noises and music. When the fire was bursting it played some really dramatic music that was cool. I feel the quotes do ruin it however I learned to live with it.

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Ride Bizarro without the audio then tell me if you still feel the same way.


I have, it was called Superman: Ride of Steel. The "audio" is nothing but random sounds that are near deafening levels. As someone mentioned previously, I am all for audio adding to the experience, i.e. Rock n' Roller Coaster, but the "audio track" does nothing but make obnoxious sounds and quotes. You are the first person I have heard from that *enjoys* the audio addition.

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Read what I said above you. I said I preferred the track that was played during media day. I grew to enjoy the one they play now but it is pointless. I have to agree. And riding Bizarro without the audio makes it Superman yes, but after riding it a lot I grew bored of the same old Superman. But thats just my opinion. Complain to the park that you don't like the audio. They do have the other version hanging around as it was played for a few weeks in the middle of the summer.

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Don't complain too much about the audio...it could be A LOT worse!


1. You could have sacrificed a back seat for audio.

2. You could have sacrificed a back seat for audio that no longer works.



Bitter SFMM Local here!

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^ Agreed. Do the SFNE locals not appreciate that a Bizarro with no audio is still BETTER THAN 99% OF ALL THE STEEL COASTERS IN THE WORLD???


Sorry, I can't shed a tear for any of you.



Edited by robbalvey
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