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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Its 50 out right now. It was colder earlier. I know they've been testing them with water dummies the past couple weeks but I have no clue why they didn't do it for morning testing. I also know that Catapult is closed and Scream was closed earlier. Both are S&S and they can't run under 40 degrees. They'll probably be opening soon.


I had a feeling something would happen so I didn't bother going this year.

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^^ Looks like the ride was at least open?


^ I think the point is that so many parks have all season long to get things ready. Why do so many of them wait until the very last minute, or in some cases not even bother until the season has begun, to prepare rides for opening when they knew the date that the park was supposed to be ready?

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^Its still running, but like mostly everything else, it opened at 12:00.


^^They had a perfect off season. Massachusetts had maybe one or two big snow storms this year. There hasn't been snow on the ground since the middle of February.


Buzzsaw doesn't have its sign on it. Flashback got repainted and personally, I don't think the new paint scheme goes along with the blue and yellow trains. I'm just disappointed because they had so much time to get these things done. I am glad I didn't go today. From reading their wall comments on Facebook it seems like more than just me is disappointed. I was told that they are low on staffing.


Lastly, I'm not sure if Blizzard River is open because I heard it's still a mess from the mud slide a month ago that I doubt they made any progress on. I'm just upset with my home park right now.


EDIT: I was just told that everything is finally open except for Bizarro, for obvious reasons and video of the valley happening is coming later today.

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^Its still running, but like mostly everything else, it opened at 12:00.


^^They had a perfect off season. Massachusetts had maybe one or two big snow storms this year. There hasn't been snow on the ground since the middle of February.


Buzzsaw doesn't have its sign on it. Flashback got repainted and personally, I don't think the new paint scheme goes along with the blue and yellow trains. I'm just disappointed because they had so much time to get these things done. I am glad I didn't go today. From reading their wall comments on Facebook it seems like more than just me is disappointed. I was told that they are low on staffing.


Lastly, I'm not sure if Blizzard River is open because I heard it's still a mess from the mud slide a month ago that I doubt they made any progress on. I'm just upset with my home park right now.


EDIT: I was just told that everything is finally open except for Bizarro, for obvious reasons and video of the valley happening is coming later today.


At least you guys still have your alpine bobs ride while SFA removed theirs for no good reason at all other than the desire to make the park a worse value than it already is.

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Sounds like opening day of Great Adventure last year where Nitro also vallyed during a test run, the bad thing about that was not only was it closed all of opening day but didn't open up for 5 or 6 days after that (the park was on daily operations for Spring Break week).

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I was there today and saw it valley. THe one thing that tick me off is I am not a super fat person but I have a large chest. Man those B&M Restraints seem different now. It barely clicked in for me and batman it got rough n the final corkscrew. I only spent 4.5 hours in the park and got on a grand total of 4 rides because of the crowds. at least I finally got my pandemonium credit. It's been 5 years since I last went to SFNE. I doubt Bizarro will be open tomorrow either from what I heard.

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That will be a real bummer if they don't get it open for tomorrow!


As much as I am NOT a Cedar Point/Cedar Fair fanboy, I'll never forget being at CP and watching MF Valley...they had the ride back open later that day!!!!

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