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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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^You both do have a point. I don't think either of you will like it as much with the new restraints though. The reason I was complaining was because my ride was full of crackling and popping which was annoying.

Completely agree! It was my #1 steel but has definitely fallen since becoming Bizarro. Everything is great EXCEPT the restraints...but they take away a lot. They are very bulky and pin you farther up on your leg, making the airtime painful.

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This is going to be my last complaint post. But in the fan call I was the one who mentioned the lap bars on Bizarro. Just look at these pictures and see if you can see the difference.


To me and people on SFNEOnline it looks like they changed the restraints right before opening. As there are pictures from that audio system website showing a train on the transfer track without restraints. Anyone know why they might have changed them?


current lap bars - photo credit to SFNEOnline


months before Bizarro opened


compare the above picture to El Toro's lap bars

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Don't complain too much about the audio...it could be A LOT worse!


1. You could have sacrificed a back seat for audio.

2. You could have sacrificed a back seat for audio that no longer works.



Bitter SFMM Local here!


You could have made out a lot worse last year, too

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. Six's Splash Island opened today. It looks awesome!




One of the ten new cabana's


Wave pool


The new Johnny Rockets




I personally don't like the wraps on Pandemonium. But they look decent on Flashback, it matches Flashbacks new colors.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to SFNE for the first time next week - either Tuesday or Wednesday. I have a few questions:


1. The weather forecast says scattered thunderstorms for both tues and wed. I know it's early in the week and the forecast is likely to change but I have heard some horror stories of the park shutting down due to incoming rain. Is this going to be a problem?


2. If I'm going on a weekday next week, are the crowds going to be big? I went to SFGAdv this past wednesday and there were no crowds at all. Hopefully the same can be said of NE


3. Is the park generally safe? Again I have heard some stories/reviews of how the crowds can be extremely rude and intimidating. But I know I have heard a lot of the same thing about GAdv and haven't really had many problems with the people there.



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I've never seen the park actually close if it isn't actually raining. Typically if there is constant light rain they will stay open until 2-3 in the afternoon, and they will give out rain checks if you ask (despite the signs that say "no rain-checks").

Edited by ahecht
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As of yesterday, Friday June 19, 2010, Larry Litton, the park president has been released from SFNE. An interim president is now in place and is rumored have worked in management when the park was Riverside.



1. If theirs lightening within 30 miles they shut everything down.


2. Crowds shouldn't be bad at all.


3. Yeah the parks generally safe, other than the basketballs that people bounce around haha. Their is some line cutting which for some reason seems to be getting worse. They used to have security posted on life guard chairs in the queues.

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Thanks for the responses guys. What worries me is that Tuesday and Wednesday have forecasted isolated thunderstorms. We're kind of driving a long way and will be kind of annoyed if we won't be able to ride anything. But I know weather forecasts sucks; I was at GAdv the other day and even that day, the forecast was 60% chance of tstorms and rain but it was basically sunny/partly cloudly all day. Go figure

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If the park closes you could always head over to the Basketball Hall of Fame in nearby Springfield, or check out one of the many museums in the area (the Springfield Museum of Fine Arts currently has an exhibit on Lego art that I've heard great things about).

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1. If theirs lightening within 30 miles they shut everything down.


Actually, the rides are divided into four groups and each group closes based on proximity of lightning. "Alpha" rides are the only ones that close when lightning is at the 30-mile range. As you'd expect, these are the coasters and other tall rides.

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Well I'm officially going to SFNE tomorrow. I'm happy the forecast changed - it'll be partly cloudly all day tomorrowwith a high of 87. I'm a little nervous for the lines though. I know it's a weekday and as a rule parks are almost always less crowded on weekdays but Im thinking the generally nice weather might mean more crowds. Hopefully everyone will be at the water park while we're enjoyng the coasters though :o

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  • 1 month later...

I went on a Tuesday but back in mid June. I would head straight for Bizarro at opening. It was only a 20-30 min wait as opposed to the 90+ min monstrosity later that day. Also Mind Eraser and TDK are right there, though I'm not sure if you want to do Mind Eraser. TDK loaded really slowly from what I remember, so try and do it early on. I rode Cyclone mid day and the line wasn't bad - maybe 20 mins at most. Pandemonium was bad though.Half the queue was filled and it was a little more than an hour wait, what with them having to alternate between Flash pass and stuff. That's one ride that should NOT have the flash pass option!


Anyways, I'm going to SFNE this Saturday. Are crowds super unbearable on weekends there?

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This is obviously way too late for the above guy, but never ever go to SFNE on a saturday during the summer...


Also, Mind Eraser (IMO) is the second best ride at the park. It's gotten less rough over the years i think (especially in the front), maybe i'm just used to it now, but I love the SLC intensity and ridiculousness (also it's almost always a walk-on during the weekdays). Don't get me wrong Batman:TDK is awesome, i just have some sort of thing with Mind Eraser as it was my first inversions coaster.


I'm planning on hitting SFNE on Tuesday, August 10th. What should the lines be like? What strategy should I use?


Tuesday is definitely the best day to go crowds-wise (as long as there's no concert). Strategy? For Tuesday? Get there at 10AM. Stay till 10PM. Have fun. (if you really want strategy start on the left side, ride cyclone in the morning then don't do it again, it sucks once it's warmed up)

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