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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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There was confirmation today that the Superman theme will be removed during the rehab from http://clawshunindustries.com/


It also hints at a possible name change for the park (Six Flags over Springfield?)




While the majority of Metropolis Stock Exchange commodities continued to flounder yesterday, Clawshun Industries earned a sudden influx of new investors, driving its price above $1,000.00 for the first time ever… and their CEO, for one, could not be happier. “It just goes to show you,” commented Alexander Joseph, "capitalism is alive and well."


Joseph is owner of LexCorps, the parent company of Clawshun Industries. On the topic of his recent good fortune in the market, the upbeat billionaire explained, “More revenue means more freedom - freedom to create, to rebuild, and to change the world. Our new shareholders may not have known who was behind Clawshun until now, but that doesn’t mean they won't share in my latest vision. I have plans to overhaul the Ride of Steel in Six Flags over Springfield, Massachusetts. But, eradicating this shrine to Superman won’t be cheap - it’ll take all the money I just made on the Clawshun stock inflation deal. And I made a killing!”


It also confirms, as I speculated before, that Clawshun is part of LexCorps

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From MetropolisStockExchange.com


Thank you all sincerely for inflating the price of Clawshun Industries' stock portfolio. Unbeknownst to you, CI is a shadow corporation for my baby, LexCorps, and we have some very ambitious plans in store for the Superman: Ride of Steel at Six Flags New England. So, in order to move forward on our construction initiatives, I've cashed out your quarterly returns and pocketed the revenue (I can do that - after all, I own the company).


But, don't let that stop you from collecting your free share of stock below - it's the best way to stay informed of my exceedingly clever plans as they unfurl.


Ta-ta and be sure to visit us at ClawshunIndustries.com


Warmest Regards,

Lex Luthor


Basically, it's saying to still sign up for "stock" if you want to recieve updates on the S:RoS construction.

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Although I really didn't care one way or another about Farenheit's viral marketing campaign, I think it works better when you don't know what the coaster will be.....layout-wise anyway. We know what Lois Lane: Ride of Superman is gonna be. There's no secret. It's been there for years. It'll just have a new paint job, fire, and fog.

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The Clawshun Industries site is slowly changing. As you move your mouse over certain words, the original word is crossed out and a new one pops up. Some of the changes are below:




Our corporate office is already abuzz over the proposal to overhaul the Superman: Ride of Steel in Six Flags New England. Although we have fielded thousands of e-mails inquiring as to the specifics of our plans, the truth of the matter is that the details are predominantly locked inside the head of our brilliant CEO - and there's no cracking that chestnut!



Hi, my name is Mitch Faurbach, executive of public-relations here at Clawshun Industries. If you want to get in on the ground floor of a sure money-maker, then sign up for a free share of stock in our company at MetropolisStockExchange.com.



Our corporate office is already abuzz over the proposal to smear the Superman: Ride of Steel in Six Flags New England. Although we have fielded thousands of e-mails inquiring as to the specifics of our scheme, the truth of the matter is that the details are predominantly locked inside the head of the dashing Lex Luthor - and there's no cracking that chestnut!



Hi, my name is Mitch Faurbach, executive of public-relations here at Lexcorp Industries. If you want to get in on the ground floor of a sure money-maker, then sign up for a worthless share of stock in our company at MetropolisStockExchange.com.




Here at Clawshun Industries, we don't know the meaning of the word "impossible." From skyscrapers to transcontinental monorails to the mom and pop store down the street, we strive for excellence. Whenever we can, Clawshun lends a helping hand to small businesses around the globe.


It's about time to celebrate and reward the can-do work ethic in all of us. Join us, won't you? Contact Clawshun Industries today at (877) 895-3755.



Here at Lexcorp Industries, we don't know the meaning of the word "mercy." From skyscrapers to transcontinental monorails to the mom and pop store down the street, we strive for world domination. Whenever we can, Clawshun crushes small businesses around the globe.


It's about time to celebrate and reward the maniacal supervillian in all of us. Join us, won't you? Contact Lexcorp Industries today at (877) 895-3755.





From our humble beginnings as a chain of produce stands in the outskirts of Greater Metropolis to our current status as the 23rd biggest corporation in North America, Clawshun means business.


But, that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our personal touch. Over 1.2% of our annual profits go to worthwhile charities. When we say "Clawshun Cares," these are more than just words - they’re a promise.



From our humble beginnings as a chain of shady credit unions in the outskirts of Greater Metropolis to our current status as the most corrupt corporation in North America, Lexcorp means business.


But, that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our hair. Over 1.2% of our annual profits go to completely fraudulent charities. When we say "Lexcorp Cares," these are more than just words - they’re a promise.





Hello and thank you for taking an interest in Clawshun Industries. On behalf of myself and our wonderfully energetic and passionate CEO John Exler Espada, I would like to extend a warm Clawshun welcome to new investors, employees and contractors who have partnered with us over the past two years during which I have been acting president.


We're growing in leaps and bounds and challenging the conventional wisdom of corporate America at every turn. Don't turn your back on Clawshun - we're a feisty bunch!




Hello and thank you for taking an interest in Lexcorp Industries. On behalf of myself and Lex Luthor, my mentor, guide, and an unparalleled genius in his own right, I would like to extend a warm Lexcorp welcome to new suckers, employees and contractors who have partnered with us over the past two years during which I have been acting president.


We're growing in leaps and bounds and challenging the conventional wisdom of lawful America at every turn. Don't turn your back on Lexcorp - we're a criminal bunch!


Also, on the http://clawshunindustries.com/message.aspx page, moving your mouse over the picture of the president removes his hair and makes him bald

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the thing that i don't like about this is the fact that Batman, SFNE's floorless, has an extremely similar paint scheme, it's got the exact same purple track as what is seen in the photo.


If they repaint Batman (which i doubt will happen), it won't be as bad, but if they do, it'll get annoying, being the same color and all.

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Yes, but Superman and Mind Eraser used to have very similar color schemes (red track, blue supports) and those two rides were right next to each other.


i guess so, but red and blue was such a common color scheme, that it'd gotten plain and boring, and i had already gotten used to it. i happen to love this purple and blue color scheme, and it's rare, so i think it's a shame that they are side by side.

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I've been pretty critical of the SROS renovations, fearing that SF is messing with perfection. But if the ride's getting a new name and theme at least that's a positive. It's annoying to have to preface any praise for the ride with, the sros in New England. Since it's the best ride on the planet it should have its own identity. So far, I'm liking the creativity.

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The supports have already been painted... they are just dark blue again. Why else would some supports be darker now than others and why would they have covered the supports with plastic while they are painting the track if they were still going to paint the supports differently?


I'm still sticking with what I said a page back... the scheme definitely looks a lot like the Bizzaro color scheme.

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Word on the street is that certain sections will be kept red, and others will be purple. I'm not a big fan of the color scheme personally. I mean, I know the new paint is part of a makeover, but what needs paint more than anything else in that park is the Thunderbolt, it looks like its about to fall apart any second.

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Lex Luthor is kind of a beyotch.


An email I recently got,


"Thank you all sincerely for inflating the price of Clawshun Industries’ stock portfolio.

Unbeknownst to you, CI is a shadow corporation for my baby, LexCorp, and we have some very ambitious plans in store for the Superman: Ride of Steel at Six Flags New England. So, in order to move forward on our construction initiatives, I’ve cashed out your quarterly returns and pocketed the revenue (I can do that – after all, I own the company).


Be sure to visit us at ClawshunIndustries.com


Warmest Regards,

Lex Luthor "

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  • 4 weeks later...
from: Mitch Faurbach

to: *****

date: Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:50 PM

subject: Happy Holidays from Clawshun Industries


During the busy time of year, we wanted to send a special heartfelt message from all of us here at Clawshun Industries. Click on this link to view: http://www.clawshunindustries.com/xmas

We are excited about 2009, and especially the new ventures we have on the horizon. Our best to you and yours.

Mitch Faurbach


Public Relations

Clawshun Industries



If you go to http://www.clawshunindustries.com/xmas it takes you to a page that asks for a phone number. Enter your number and you get a phone call that says:

"Merry Christmas from Clawshun Industries, and here's a message from our CEO..."


As it says that, the web page's background changes from red to purple (familiar?), and it shows a picture of a christmas tree with kryptonite hanging from it that says "Merry Lex-Mas".

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