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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Could the bad capacity be blamed on enthusiast credit whores?


No, it can be blamed for the fact that it only had 3 "cars" on the entire ride that held a maximum of two people (and not comfortably if you are not a small person).


Rode it several time over the past few years...until my daughter got big enough for other coasters!



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  • 2 months later...

I never rode the goaster coaster but thats because the line took forever. I hope they keep the Beastie name. That was the first Roller Coaster I ever rode. My GrandMother of all people took me on that ride. Anyone remember the Smurfs boat ride? Was my MOST favorite ride when I was young. I didnt go in the 2005 season, where did they place the Italian Job at? Now I'm thinking about my childhood memories at PKI when it was just KI. My dad used to do Vibration testing on the roller coasters. Sometimes he would let me skip school and Id go ride the spinning ride next to the Vortex while he rode the Vortex with the test equipment. He got to ride The Beast with no brakes at night, with no lights. Wish I could have.

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RIP Scooby Doo Ghoster Coaster

I rode it the year it opened (1998) I was like 7 then. I think I rode it 3 times or so, but that was 7 years ago.


Did anyone notice that Avatar was on RCDB for a while and now it's not?

I have no clue why they did that.


Did anyone also here that paramount parks may be no more in a couple of years?

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  CoasterFanatic said:
^ You do not need a child to ride the "Ghoster Coaster" I have rode it twice. Both times by myself.


Wow, and I thought I was cool!



BTW, Chris, I thought we told you! That's why we didn't bother with Lagunasia, we had so much fun at Hamanako!!!

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  SFOGdude25 said:

Did anyone notice that Avatar was on RCDB for a while and now it's not?

I have no clue why they did that.


One of the perks of having sent in over 1000 pics to RCDB is that he answers my e-mails. His reason for removing Avatar from the site:


ME: Hey, Duane!

So why'd you pull the listing for Avatar from the site? Did you feel it

isn't really a coaster? Just curious.


DM: They were advertising it as a roller coaster before I realized it was just a fancy Zamperla Disk-O.


And there you go!

For me, no longer a credit.

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So...this will be the second time that we ditch our credits for flats? *Remembers back to King Cobra, and that bastardization which took its place* Atleast it wasnt Vortex. Otherwise, there truly would be no reason to get a season pass this year...


Jared"Now looking at alternate parks to visit in the Tristate this summer"Becker

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  Reon said:
So...this will be the second time that we ditch our credits for flats? *Remembers back to King Cobra, and that bastardization which took its place* Atleast it wasnt Vortex. Otherwise, there truly would be no reason to get a season pass this year...


Jared"Now looking at alternate parks to visit in the Tristate this summer"Becker

Do you EVER make a post that isn't bashing PKI?

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Hey. Ive been a constant pass holder for over a decade now. I know the place inside out for every little detail since 1987...And considering its my most visited park, I think I have the right to bash it as much as I want.

Besides, they have Vortex. One of the best old school steelies I've ridden...Thats ONE thing PKI still has atleast Im just mad that Avitar wont be a coaster. It was advertised as "A one of a kind unique coaster" But what is it? Just a clone of a newish flat ride on a small half pipe track. Granted, I've never gone on a Disc-o, and it may be fun, but still...the fact that I dont like PKI's seasonal changes since this millenium started wont change.

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  • 3 months later...

Here is a report from local media outlet:


"A fire scare shuts down a ride Sunday afternoon at Kings Island. Park officials say two guests reported a smell of smoke on the Son of Beast ride. There was no sign of fire.. but firefighters were called as a precaution. The ride was inspected, and no source of smoke was found.The ride was operational by 5:35 Sunday afternoon."






I'm sure some enthusiasts out there wished SOB had caught on fire (lol), but at least it wasn't serious and no guests injured.

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