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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Maybe they'll decide to retrack it now. I haven't been on it, but from what I hear about the ride, that would be a very positive thing. I just hope those people were okay.



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The Cincinnati Enquirer posted an article. Apparently someone broke their chest bone - and people came back into the station with blood coming out of their mouths.


Cincinnati Enquirer Article


Man - I would hate to see Son of Beast removed. But to Cedar Fair it's just alot of money in maintenence and settlements - and since its not Cedar Point - they aren't going to care about taking out a coaster.

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I love this line from the Enquirer article:

Pipoly said that at about the time of the malfunction, his friend who had been near the front of the line for the ride Delirium, was told that there were mechanical problems and the ride was being shot down.


There you have it folks, its going to be put out of its misery just like Old Yeller or a horse with a broken leg.

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Alright, everyone, I'm here in Sharonville, Ohio tonight (today was spent at Kings Island), and I've got firsthand news on what went on.


I got in line for Son of Beast shortly after I got to the park and took a ride on Top Gun. This was, I dont' know, sometime in the afternoon before dinner. I'm standing there in the station, and a train gets back and a lady doesn't get up out of the seat. She's holding her upper chest, and they called the paramedics and escorted her to the ride's exit gate (she was still there when I left the line).


They send a ride op, paramedics, and a security guard out to the next train that's now waiting on the transfer track brakes, those three guys come flying back to the station yelling to "start the ride and get those people in here right away."


The next train rolls in, and literaly everyone on the train is holding their chest, head, neck, stomach, you name it. That's when all sorts of employees, paramedics, security guards, and other personnel come running up the exit. It literaly looked like a scene out of Saving Private Ryan, people were EVERYWHERE on the path, just lying there.


I took a walk over to ride Racer, Adventure Express and a few other rides, come back to ride Drop Zone. The Timberwolf Theatre over there is just packed to the brim with ambulances, paramedics, and all those injured.


Word that I heard from several people that were near the exit path is that a board fell down and struk people as they went past. Take that with a grain of salt, though, because I'm not sure exactly what happened.


So there you go, an update from the park from about 10 feet away from those injured.


*~* Jon


EDIT: Just saw the note about people with blood coming from their mouths: there were two small kids in the last car that both lost teeth and were therefore bleeding. Other than that, I saw no blood.

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If the people came to a hard sudden stop, they may have thought they were riding the Beast instead of his son! Hey, its Kings Island, I'm sure the people thought it was part of the ride, until the evac team came along.


Yeah, I had a E-stop on Everest.


"Is this part of the ride? Wow, Janet! This ride is realistic!"

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I saw that myself. I guess the Sling Shot is like the new clay pigeon ride. A couple people get on, they get launched, and then someone on the ground shoots at them.


Anyways - this could mean huge trouble for Kings Island. Another result might be prolonged time before we get anything new. Cedar Fair could remove Son of Beast - and the rides Paramount was planning on removing - AND not give us anything new for 10 years...


I mean most of what the park makes this year is probably going to go to settlements past and present - cause of SOB.

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Exactly. And I am sure they will have no qualms about removing Son of Beast. If they remove the rides planned on being removed for 07 under Paramount management - and remove Son of Beast - lines will be horrendous at Kings Island... Would you wait over 3 hours for Face/Off? Over 1 hour for Vortex? And this is normal day crowds...

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