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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I would actually be quite surprised if parks got to pick their new rides. I feel like as small as these chains are, the decisions for new rides would be made at a corporate level. I remember Dick Kinzel saying once that Patriot was sort of above and beyond what they'd have normally spent for a new attraction for Worlds of Fun back when it got added, which led me to believe that the decision to add it came from a higher level than the park. I'm sure GMs have input, and please correct me if I'm actually wrong on this, but I don't think that the decisions to build rides like Mystic Timbers, Banshee, or what have you, were made solely by KI people.


I'm sure they do have some sort of discretionary budget for certain things, but I would expect that budget to be for little more than general upkeep.


Disclaimer: This is just what I heard, this is not 100% fact as I'm not in corporate to know what goes on.


From my understanding the Cedar Fair parks choose what they want, put in a request to corporate where it then gets approved or denied. So most additions are ideas from within the specific parks management but ultimately corporate gives the final OK. I don't know how budgets are allocated. I would assume for Patriot at WOF they put in a request and made a good argument why they should get the budget for the ride.

Edited by JRice92
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^ Sounds similar to where I work.


Each "team" has an annual budget and the manager of each team has to attend (I used to be a "finance" team member so I got to attend a couple of these) an annual AOP (Annual Operating Plan) meeting around the beginning of Q4 to bring their team's budget proposal to the table for the following year. That budget proposal then goes in front of a council to see if the $$ amount gets approved or shot down - usually first at the facility (or park if you will) council and then on to a corporate council.


And yes, you better bring your big guns (as well as a sh%t-ton of good data) to the table if you are looking for a significant increase in $$ for spending. I assume that it's probably very similar to how these corporate chains would run their parks where each park would consist of a team that would bring their ideas to the park AOP meetings seeking approval and if it's approved by management there, then it would head to corporate to get the final approval (or denial).

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If there is a gift shop I am not sure where it will be located. As of right now there is no new buildings except the station and shed visible on the webcams. Also there was a blueprint image going around a few weeks ago which showed the line and exit. The exit basically dumps you onto the exit for the train. There is a very small new kiosk which I assume to be for photos. There is still a lot of work going on so it is possible a gift shop will pop up last minute, but I doubt it.



Maybe they will reuse the interior of the train depot building for a gift shop?

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Maybe they will reuse the interior of the train depot building for a gift shop?

It would be a good move to use that for a gift shop for Timbers souvenir's and possibly some new Train gear! but where would they put the coke freestyle that is in there right now, plus that's a pretty small space as it is right now.



New station pictures where released by the park today! It looks beautiful!!!!!!!

© KingsIslandPR on twitter.



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Beautiful might be a stretch... looks just fine to me, though.



I was thinking the same thing. It looks okay, but I wouldn't really call it "beautiful!"


Regardless of how the station looks, I'm just glad that they are getting closer to getting finished!!

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Kings Island just sent out a media invite for ACE members. I'm not sure what other clubs will be included. There isn't a spot for a guest, unfortunately. So nice of them to include some of us. I didn't think Cedar Fair would be inviting the park/coaster clubs again after some problems at another media (that I did not attend).


Doesn't seem like they are talking too much about the shed anymore, I haven't seen it in any of my feeds. Very excited for the ride!

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Doesn't seem like they are talking too much about the shed anymore, I haven't seen it in any of my feeds. Very excited for the ride!


Who cares about a shed when just a couple hours north, there's a shiny new RMC under construction.

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Doesn't seem like they are talking too much about the shed anymore, I haven't seen it in any of my feeds. Very excited for the ride!


Who cares about a shed when just a couple hours north, there's a shiny new RMC under construction.


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I have never purchased a souvenir bottle. Even when I received one for free at Coasterstock, I did not use it.

Does anyone remember if CoasterStock participants receive the season long souvenir cup or the daily one? Thanks!

It was the daily one. I used mine just once on check-in day and never used it again. I hate carrying those cups around parks, because I never have a bag. Saves me l*cker money.

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^I would think other clubs are invited, but I really have no clue. I met up with some TPR club member friends at the Banshee media day. Perhaps they are trying to keep the group small or have different times for the media? Six Flags have had shifts for media days; usually one early and one a few hours later.

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At first I was sad that I probably wouldn't be able to do media day but then remember I got to experience that and while it is cool the first rider auctions are much better.

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I think the biggest problem with inviting all coaster clubs is the extremely large number of GOCC members in the area. The ratio of enthusiasts to media was hard to manage at Banshee media day...not to mention feeding all of those people.

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Maybe they will reuse the interior of the train depot building for a gift shop?

It would be a good move to use that for a gift shop for Timbers souvenir's and possibly some new Train gear! but where would they put the coke freestyle that is in there right now, plus that's a pretty small space as it is right now.



New station pictures where released by the park today! It looks beautiful!!!!!!!

© KingsIslandPR on twitter.


Are you on that crew? If so and you get drive trained, you are going to bake in the morning sun up there in that drive box. Banshee's drive box sucks in the afternoon through sunset. Even worse, is the metal panel. It reflects the heat. That's why we put that Halloween curtain in the one window at Banshee.

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