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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Topper Track treatment (say that five times fast) would be the only thing that Beast could need, or would ever get (realist here), and Kings Island would only go for that if replacing 7000 feet of track came out to be cheaper than years worth of replacing bits and pieces at a time. They won't do it just to make it smooth, they'll do it to save money, because that's exactly what Topper Track is for.

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  Brassinthegrass said:
I don't know... "Cousin of Beast" just doesn't have that nice ring to it...


^I don't think there's any reason to rename a coaster just because of a layout change.


I'm not exactly pro-Iron Horsing the Beast, but I do think an Outlaw Run style renovation could work in the park's favor. Just think about it: RMC could eliminate any and all need for trims, they could do some work on the banking, and they could add another drop or two without robbing the coaster of its wooden status and while sticking to the spirit of a terrain coaster. No inversions, no steel topper track, but a much-needed revitalization. It could be for the 40th anniversary, and the project's tagline could be something along the lines of "Over the years, 50 million riders have managed to tame The Beast. But this year, something's made him very angry... And he's not about to roll over." (Get it? No inversions!)


Obviously there would be some backlash, mostly from enthusiasts, but I think that there's a possibility for an incredibly successful marketing campaign in there somewhere. ESPECIALLY with the removal of Son of Beast and the addition of Banshee, whose wails indicate a death in the family. It opens the door for the park to build an enchanting narrative around some of its main attractions, past and present, and that much attention to detail could possibly start KI on the journey from themed amusement park to full-fledged theme park. I'd pay to see it.

Edited by foss123
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^Here is my extreme reprofiling idea. It is probably a pipe dream-


Station to top of first lift - Same


First drop - Steeper and more curved for airtime.


Turn and second drop - The turn would be buried lower into the ground, and would pop into a bunny hop before diving into the valley (think reprofiled I305)


Rise and second turn (towards where the "brake shed" is now) - The ride would rise out of the valley. The turn radius is wide now, but in my dream version, you would have a little dip, then a tight, banked turn (think the turn after Goliath's cutback-zero-g stall thing, but only a 90 degree turn.)


Brake Shed - Rather than the brake shed, the ride would dip down and do another airtime hill before rising back to where the shed ends now.


After present-day brake shed - The ride would continue fairly similar to how it is now, but more banked around the turns. A few double-downs and double-ups could be inserted for maximum intensity.


Before second lift - The ride would continue similar to how it is now, but the ride would pull up after it's turn to line up with the lift hill and curve over into more airtime. Pre-lift trims would go after this hill as necessary. The lift would start somewhat higher than it does today.


Second lift - Same as today


Drop off second lift - Is there really any way to improve this besides reducing the trims for a slightly faster ride?


Helix - Banking added, not much else is needed


Ending run - This is drawn out and boring, so how about the ride ends with a few good bunny hops?


Anybody think that this could be an awesome new experience?

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  Coaster19 said:
It would be very interesting to see what RMC could do to The Beast. I just don't know if it would be "ethical" to do so.

I think topper track with no layout changes would be perfectly "ethical" and would give the ride some more "life", making it smoother, also allowing the trims to be removed,....

However, as it has been pointed out, it's a matter of cost given the length of the ride.

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  DevinC049 said:
Like I'm sure many other have as well, I've wondering what it could turn into if RMC turned it into an Iron Horse model. It might not be as nuts as some of the others, but it'd be interesting to see. However I wouldn't actually prefer that to happen, I like the beast as it! It was just screechy this past weekend. Can't change the classics. I feel the same way about Mean Streak. I like it as it, infact its a favorite woodie of mine.

Just out of curiosity, what do you particularly like about Mean Streak? And what makes Mantis, of all coasters, your #1 steel coaster?

Excuse me for getting off topic.

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  bonsaiisuperstar said:
Leave the Beast alone. It's perfect as the classic it is. Why not just have RMC build a new coaster?

^Pretty much this.


We all know Cedar Fair's first transaction with RMC needs to be for a certain Ohio coaster 200 miles to the Northeast...

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  Philrad71 said:
^Agreed...this is almost as bad as ten pages of seat belt talk.


The Beast is fine the way it is.


No one's saying it isn't, we're only having fun and letting our imaginations run wild. Nothing to be pressed about.

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  DevinC049 said:
However I wouldn't actually prefer that to happen, I like the beast as is!


Maybe we should focus on the part of my post that seems to be overlooked.



On a completely separate note that hopefully won't start something a bit awkward, is anyone going to be there the night of the 9th for ERT on Banshee and Bat?

Edited by DevinC049
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  Password121 said:
  DevinC049 said:
Like I'm sure many other have as well, I've wondering what it could turn into if RMC turned it into an Iron Horse model. It might not be as nuts as some of the others, but it'd be interesting to see. However I wouldn't actually prefer that to happen, I like the beast as it! It was just screechy this past weekend. Can't change the classics. I feel the same way about Mean Streak. I like it as it, infact its a favorite woodie of mine.

Just out of curiosity, what do you particularly like about Mean Streak? And what makes Mantis, of all coasters, your #1 steel coaster?

Excuse me for getting off topic.


Hey Password, I'll PM sometime soon, and not congest this thread. Sometime tonight.

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Realistically, besides the total transformation that I suggested, here is another idea - topper track and re-bank the high-stress parts, let off on the trims, and maybe change the brake shed to a drop and rise (because seriously, that shed is pointless with the mag brakes doing in 2 seconds what used to take the whole shed length to do.)

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^ And that's all that needs to happen in order for the park to launch a marketing campaign. I'll say it again, I think it would be perfect for the fortieth anniversary. It would make sure the ride lasts AT LEAST another forty years.


EDIT: I'm coming across like an RMC fanboy. I'm not-- I'm actually a fan of The Beast just the way it is-- but I'm playing with the idea from more of a marketing standpoint.

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  GigaG said:
Realistically, besides the total transformation that I suggested, here is another idea - topper track and re-bank the high-stress parts, let off on the trims, and maybe change the brake shed to a drop and rise (because seriously, that shed is pointless with the mag brakes doing in 2 seconds what used to take the whole shed length to do.)

That would be great, I think.

  foss123 said:
^ And that's all that needs to happen in order for the park to launch a marketing campaign. I'll say it again, I think it would be perfect for the fortieth anniversary. It would make sure the ride lasts AT LEAST another forty years.

Agree, it would add something "new" to the ride while pretty much staying the same, so that it wouldn't be "unethical".

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I just want to say i want and rode Banshee Yesterday. i was at bgt and rode Montu on Monday. I will say hands day i would pick Banshee. The ride is a lot of fun and fly's around the track. Kings Island has a real Winner. Banshee is to me the best ride in the park and my new favorite invert. Great ride

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  UrbanLegend said:
Does anyone know of any Kings Island ticket discounts? The park has apparently wised up and deactivated all the ones on RetailMeNot etc., and I'm nowhere near a Kroger to buy their tickets.



There are about 4 Krogers within a 10 mile radius of Kings Island that you could swing by and pick them up at. Also, you can print them online for a discounted price ($44 online, $60 at the gate. And you can add Fast Lane on the website too if you want it). Also, if you are near a Meijer, they might have them, at least they do around here.

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^ As it should! That coaster is a HUGE win for Kings Island!!


Although, after debating it in my mind, I discovered something about Banshee that I don't like........the fact that it resides 4 and a half hours from me!! That awesome thing needs to be closer.

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[quote name="PhantomNick"the fact that it resides 4 and a half hours from me!! That awesome thing needs to be closer.

Could be worse, like 8 hours by plane As well as 6 by car to the closest decent coaster

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