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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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At this rate of progress, the track work could very well be complete by the end of January. It really is looking great too! I cant get over how stunning that first drop looks! This addition was definitely a step in the right direction for KI.

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There was fog around the gravestones on the parts of the ride that were close to the ground in the night POV rendering, so it might be a possibility. I bet they just put heavy misters (Afterburn's tunnel, Apocalypse, Iron Dragon) around them at most. Not sure if that's even possible, honestly. The others were in man-made structures, where as these would have to be on the natural ground. I want to say the system works like a fountain but I'm not sure. Even if they do, though, I bet it gets turned off after 2013.


Liking the look of those dive loop supports! That thing shoul be intense! As much as I think it'll look stupid going through it, it'll ride like a dream. After my last park trip, I'm hibernating until April because the wait is killing me!

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I remember when Serial Thriller first opened at Geauga Lake they had misters/fog machines (not sure which) around the entire ride so the ride was always shrouded in fog. It was a super cool effect and obviously possible if they do so choose to bother. I'm not going to hold my breath, but if they do it it'll be awesome.

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I remember when Serial Thriller first opened at Geauga Lake they had misters/fog machines (not sure which) around the entire ride so the ride was always shrouded in fog. It was a super cool effect and obviously possible if they do so choose to bother. I'm not going to hold my breath, but if they do it it'll be awesome.

Now that you post that, I looked up pictures of it at Geauga Lake and I couldn't help but immediately notice its resemblance to Banshee. The layouts are nothing alike, but with the colors of it (pink-ish red and blue) and it being inverted and having what seems to be a (horror) themed station, it almost looks like a low budget Banshee. I never got to go to GL but looking at it online, Cedar Fair didn't build Serial Thriller. I almost feel like they might have been slightly inspired by it, though.


Though other than appearance, the rides probably aren't different. I've not been on an SLC but I hear B&M inverts are better anyway (I HAVE ridden four, soon five inverts, and they all rocked!) so Banshee'll probably ride better, and the hues they picked for Serial Thriller are icky, but Banshee's shades are amazing. It feels like they might have had Serial Thriller on their minds when they were coming up with Banshee (whoever's in charge of colors and the like). I doubt it and maybe the resemblances I see are subtle enough to be negligible, I was just reminded of Banshee looking at Thunderhawk during the Six Flags era.


And if anything, seeing those shots of the mist on bare ground just made me eat my words with a side of fries. That means it's definitely possible for Banshee!

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I still wouldn't expect it to happen. Those fog machines never ran when Cedar Fair owned the park as far as I remember. I'm pretty sure they really only consistently ran in the early years and once it became Six Flags Worlds of Adventure it was rare. But they were indeed really cool and added a lot to the overall feel of the ride.

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Once again it was time to go to Kings Island. The line at the front gate was large for a sunday. I may have been because they were giving out Charlie Brown bobbleheads to the first 5000 guests. When i got back to The Beast it was empty. I got in 2 rides without leaving the station. Later on i rode Backlot Stunt Coaster, Adventure Express and Flight Deck. Its empty under the Fd station. I wandered over to Soak City to check out the action over there. Afterwards i went to Graveyard Shift and Ed Alonzos show. On to the photos.


























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