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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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OK, I have a hot lead. One of my co-workers knows I love coasters and she said that her uncle was visiting and mentioned to her Dad that his company had been working on the new King's Island coaster for a while now. Her ears perked up and she asked him questions about it. He said he was not allowed to disclose any info about it. He works at Champion Bridge in Wilmington, OH. It's a steel fabrication plant. I went to their website and looked around. They have no mention of roller coasters and all project seem to be steel buildings. Anyone near Wilmington that can go look around and see if any coaster parts are sitting around outside??

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I am not sure if it has been said yet, BUT......


If you are planning to go to Kings Island, do so this season. The sooner, the better.


Beast is running at it's best! The best rides that I have had on it, have all been this season!


I would go as far as saying that 75% of the ride has been re-tracked, and it is amazing.


The valley and turn into the long brake shed, a good portion of the run between the long tunnel to the second lift, and helix finale have all been re-tracked.


Also, I could be wrong, but it feels as if the entrance to the helix has been re-profiled. It feels like it is banked more as you go into the tunnel form the drop.

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I've heard mention on this thread of a b&m dive coaster & a b&m gig, and thought, wouldn't it be sick to have a b&m giga-dive coaster?.. Idk if b&m would ever do it, but you never know... They' e already built a giga (something they repeatedly said they wouldn't do), and they have some pretty tall@$$ dive coasters in Shikra and griffon. Idk... Just a thought.


PS: as for the whole giga and mega in the same park deal, I can see why CP would do it, as they're all about breaking world records (or at least when they built their gig and mega), & I can see why CW would do it as IMO CF is kinda turning them into the CP of Canada, only with B&ms instead of intamin a. But with that said, idk why they'd do it at king's island... Maybe it's a Cf thing?... & I guess it kinda makes sense, as with Beast and SOB, they did that with woodies. Again, just another random thought, take it how you like.

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OK, I have a hot lead. One of my co-workers knows I love coasters and she said that her uncle was visiting and mentioned to her Dad that his company had been working on the new King's Island coaster for a while now. Her ears perked up and she asked him questions about it. He said he was not allowed to disclose any info about it. He works at Champion Bridge in Wilmington, OH. It's a steel fabrication plant. I went to their website and looked around. They have no mention of roller coasters and all project seem to be steel buildings. Anyone near Wilmington that can go look around and see if any coaster parts are sitting around outside??


I just drove by and saw nothing of interest. They don't have a ton of easily-visible yard space outside, though.


To note, for whatever it's worth: Champion Bridge is a far smaller operation than Clermont Steel.

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I am not sure if it has been said yet, BUT......


If you are planning to go to Kings Island, do so this season. The sooner, the better.


Beast is running at it's best! The best rides that I have had on it, have all been this season!


I would go as far as saying that 75% of the ride has been re-tracked, and it is amazing.


The valley and turn into the long brake shed, a good portion of the run between the long tunnel to the second lift, and helix finale have all been re-tracked.


Also, I could be wrong, but it feels as if the entrance to the helix has been re-profiled. It feels like it is banked more as you go into the tunnel form the drop.


I rode the Beast several times a few weekends ago and I agree it was running great! Love that coaster!!!

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How can we rule out it's an Invert? It's obviously not a Dive, but what characteristic of those track pieces rules out an Invert?


Like I said, the piece on the left is either an upwards curve on a sitdown or a downwards curve on an invert. Since the radius is very tight, it would be impossible for an inverted train to make such a curve. So I believe it will not be an invert, regardless if this is for KI or another park.

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New track has started to show up at the Clermont Steel plant. Photo courtesy of Brian5475E over at kicentral:



If it was an inverted coaster, the curves of the track would be going in the opposite direction.


I would say that this track is most likely for a floorless coaster.

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Ok, fine. I'll let everyone in on the secret footers. They're for a new concept called Corn Dog world. Each concrete pad will be a different stand where you can create a totally unique type of corn dog. And you all thought it was going to be a coaster.

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Ok, fine. I'll let everyone in on the secret footers. They're for a new concept called Corn Dog world. Each concrete pad will be a different stand where you can create a totally unique type of corn dog. And you all thought it was going to be a coaster.

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Looks like Floorless track. Maybe it's for Nitro?


Nitro was topped off in April, I would imagine it is completely assembled or close to it by now. I would say this track is 99% not for Nitro in India (B&M Floorless) but rather for a new project. I won't believe this track is for KI until I see it showing up on their property. I still have my fingers crossed for a B&M Diving Machine.


With so many 2014 coasters yet to be announced, this track could really be for any client around the world. They are a very busy steel plant!

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Thanks for that info about Nitro. I couldn't find much about it on the net.



This track does seem to be floorless though. The more compact ones, like Batman – The Dark Knight & Insane Speed.


However, footers have just started to be poured. I don't think we would see these type of pieces yet (curvy ones), we should be seeing straight sections (lift, station). Which is why I believe this is not for KI.

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KingsIslandPR, on 24 Jun 2013 - 11:25 AM, said:

"For those waiting for when we'll announce what we're building for the future, you might want to grab yourself a Snickers bar. It's going to be awhile.


We still have the majority of the 2013 season in front of us. Enjoy it before it passes you by!"


KI PR commented on Kings Island's Fansite.

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