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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Cedar Fair's height restictions have put some rides that are considered "family" into more of the "thrill" category. If they were to put a family launched coaster like Cheetah Hunt they will more than likely give it a 48" or 52" height limit. I do realize that a lot of that is manufacturer recommendations but most Intamin coasters have a higher height restriction that are not family friendly.

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Cedar Fair's height restictions have put some rides that are considered "family" into more of the "thrill" category. If they were to put a family launched coaster like Cheetah Hunt they will more than likely give it a 48" or 52" height limit. I do realize that a lot of that is manufacturer recommendations but most Intamin coasters have a higher height restriction that are not family friendly.


I thought CH's height restrictions was 48". Generally a coaster with a 48" height restriction could be considered more family-oriented, but I see it as that magic line between some of the less intense rides (Cheetah Hunt, Verbolten, garden variety flat rides) and some of the more intense, higher thrill rides (Millennium Force, X2, Drop of Doom).


Firehawk and Windseeker are not extreme. To me an extreme ride is something the most kids and adults would be nervous or afraid to ride. My kids and their friends are not nervous to ride either of those unless they are afraid of heights.


I'm pretty sure most kids would stay away from any flying coaster. Having inversions is enough to keep a good chunk of them away. Same with Windseeker and it's height. With something like a star flyer, you alienate the crowd that hates spinning rides and the crowd that hates heights.

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^ I see your point on Firehawk and Windseeker. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. I am not a big man.


I guess my kids are weird. Of the 54" rides they were least nervous or scared of Firehawk. They were more scared of D-back, Drop tower, Sheikra(BGT). I guess I thought Manta is an extreme and awesome flyer and Firehawk is slow and not exciting.


As far as height requirements and Cedar Fair goes, they do change. Adventure Express and Racer were both 44" rides and now are 48" since Cedar Fair bought the park. I would consider 48" family friendly because most kids hit 48" around 6 years old. I was bummed because last year my kid was 44" and could only watch those 2 coasters. Yes C-hunt is 48".

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It's certainly not marketed as "intense" or "extreme" or "aggressive". It's marked as "scary". Just the sheer thought of being in a seat 300 feet in the air with nothing but a lap restraint is enough to turn more than a few potential riders off. Just imagine what would have happened if they put in an actual 300-foot Star Flyer with nothing but chairswing seats and chains.

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Yep, I knew a few people who thought Windseeker was going to be a thrilling ride and they were severely disappointed by it after getting off, but I considered it quite relaxing and enjoy them. Those StarFlyers though, holy crap... I'd probably be bracing for my life on the 400ft tall ones!


A 48" height requirement is actually what I consider the starting point for many young kids. They can pretty much ride every Arrow coaster and any wooden coasters that have PTC trains on them. I think Millennium Force is a weird one to be 48" which I thought it was 52" like TTD.


I really don't know what to say about Kings Island next year. All I know is that with Cedar Point getting a large investment this year, and Kings Island basically getting nothing major in rides for 2012 and 2013, all of the signs are pointing at Kings Island to be next in line for the major investment in 2014. There's actually a weird trend going on in the chain for the investments since around the time Ouimet was brought in, basically it being this:


- A large, roughly $25-20mil major investment at a major park (Leviathan, Gatekeeper)

- At least a couple $15-10mil investments (Soak City at Kings Island, Gold Striker, Planet Snoopy at Kings Dominion)

- A few $8-5mil investements (Windseekers, water park slide complexes, Knott's Boardwalk expansion, coaster relocation like Stinger)

- A few minor $4mil or less investments (Dinosaurs Alive, single ride additions like Flying Scooters, refurbishments, capital improvements)


I don't know if this is part of the 5-year plan that started last year or just me looking too much into the hard numbers, but I'm starting to think some kind of pattern is showing up. Yes, I know that there's usually no set pattern on how investments go, but there has to be something going on here with the 5-year plan.

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Yeah, Kings Dominion I believe is one of the parks that will not be receiving anything too major in the coming years since i305 was built in 2010. In 2014, KD will probably not be getting anything major more than likely, just being a recovery year for Planet Snoopy. 2015 does point to Knott's though if Kings Island is getting the headline attraction in 2014.


Valleyfair, Michigan's Adventure, and Worlds of Fun will probably be getting the mid-range investments over the next couple years. What each park is getting though, could range anywhere from a coaster since all 3 parks are possibilities, a Planet Snoopy at MiAd, new flat rides at Worlds of Fun and Valleyfair, or possibly Windseekers if Cedar Fair decides to continue building them in 2014.

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KD could be getting a pretty good sized coaster in 2014 or 2015 like a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter or a GCI woodie. KD probably wouldn't get CF's headline attraction of the year, but they might get CF's 2nd largest investment.

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Valleyfair certainly doesn't need a Windseeker, just my opinion from someone that has been to ValleyFair many times in the last couple years.


It could however use a nice coaster, nothing huge but something that can be ridden over and over. You know a Maverick clone would be just fine

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KI, KD, and CW just recently recieved big coasters. I don't know why, but for some reason, I feel like a ZacSpin will be coming to KI. I also see KBF getting the next big coaster too, I hope so because I love that park.


Since ValleyFair, Michigan's Adventure, and WoF are smaller parks,I could so one of them getting the next

relocated coaster. Maybe Michigan's Adventure will receive a new coaster because they got a relocated SLC from Geauga Lake in 08 or 09 I think. I honestly think Invertigo from CGA should have went to MA, or VF.




I also think Firehawk and WindSeeker are thrilling rides. Firehawk has extreme hangtime, which can scare the shit out of some people, and make them thing they're going to fall off. Windseeker's height can be scary for some people too. You don't have to be scared of the big thrilling coasters, a lot of GP actually love them, and aren't scared. Most of my friends and family love coasters, excpet for my one friend who hates coasters after he rode Roar at SFA. GP and teens can be either scared of them, or in love with them. Thrilling coasters don't have to be "scary" to everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So planning on being at Kings Island on May 15th, but one of the guys in the group might have a schedule problem and we might need to move the trip to the following week, so then we would be in the park on May 22nd.


Just curious as to how the crowds would be on May 22nd, I would expect the crowds to be pretty light on the 15th. Thanks.

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So planning on being at Kings Island on May 15th, but one of the guys in the group might have a schedule problem and we might need to move the trip to the following week, so then we would be in the park on May 22nd.


Just curious as to how the crowds would be on May 22nd, I would expect the crowds to be pretty light on the 15th. Thanks.


Crowds on May weekdays are great, because most local schools are still in session. There will be waits for rides ranging from 10 to 30 minutes on average (Firehawk and Flight of Fear would be about 45), but you'll still be able to ride everything once and then some.

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