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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I think this is awesome, and agree that a park like Cedar Point would be amazing with something like this. I just hope they're able to integrate it properly, however they're going to allow people to cut in. Flash pass is nice, you've got a person there to scan your pass and allow you in. I remember going to La Ronde and having to skip in front of an entire crowd of people only to have to decide who looks nice enough to cut off on our own. Hopefully there's a separation, or at least a monitored cut off point.

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This sounds awesome, a true skip-the-line pass instead of just making a reservation, and at a reasonable price. If this comes to Cedar Point before August 22nd, I will be unbelievably happy.

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I remember going to La Ronde and having to skip in front of an entire crowd of people only to have to decide who looks nice enough to cut off on our own. Hopefully there's a separation, or at least a monitored cut off point.


Was that the standup? I was so happy that there weren't many people in line when I was there cutting in front haha Let's not forget about Superman at Great Adventure when no attendant is there.


I'm sure KD/ CF will have all the logistics worked out. They've had years to watch others and learn...one would hope.

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50 bucks for what sounds like unlimited ERT for a better part of the day? If anything I would say its under-priced. The similar equivalent at Six Flags, the platinum flash pass, is over a 100 bucks depending on the park.


While I like the Flash Pass/Q-bot style systems the best for the simple systems that really don't use any technology I always liked how Sea World Parks do it - one time for each ride or unlimited. The general public I would guess would be more than happy with one ride on each (plus maybe a bonus ride of your choice) and then you could price unlimited even higher - like one time skip the line for each major ride at CP for $50, unlimited for $75.

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I remember going to La Ronde and having to skip in front of an entire crowd of people only to have to decide who looks nice enough to cut off on our own. Hopefully there's a separation, or at least a monitored cut off point.


Was that the standup? I was so happy that there weren't many people in line when I was there cutting in front haha Let's not forget about Superman at Great Adventure when no attendant is there.


The one I always remember is Le Monstre, having the Qbot scanned, and being let through a fence that puts you in a huge open area for everyone in the long line down the elevated queue to watch you walk up and cut them all off. I'm surprised we didn't get spit on. And then there was no one when we got to the top.

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The general public I would guess would be more than happy with one ride on each (plus maybe a bonus ride of your choice) and then you could price unlimited even higher - like one time skip the line for each major ride at CP for $50, unlimited for $75.


The thing is, at least looking at the Facebook page (BIG mistake on my part, I know, seeing as how many people post stupid comments there), the GP isn't familiar with the whole priced line-jumping idea at all. They all use Fastpass' free-ness as an example on how $50 is overpriced, and I don't think Flash Pass has been brought up once. That area doesn't have any SF parks nearby, so I suppose very few people in the Cincinnati-tristate area have any idea about the Flash Pass prices, which is why they assume $50 is exorbitant. Hopefully people will realize that this is, in fact, a GOOD deal and will warm up with it once they get used to the idea that every chain outside of Disney charges for line-jumping.

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I love the idea but $50.00 is a lot of money. It does not seem like you are getting much for that except that you can walk right up to rides. With these line skipper options at parks a lot of them have a designated seat for this. It sucks because it is always in the middle of the train and I usually only sit in the back seat or the front of a inverted. With the ones that do not have a designated seat you have to live with the dirty looks you get from the people i n line. Plus now a days with the violent world we live in you have to be sorta careful these people you "cut" do not come after you if they see you in the park later in the day. I live right near Six Flags America and we hear all the time on the news about people getting into fights fighting over parking spaces, fighting over line jumping, and verbal altercations of all kinds.

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Someone had already mentioned the similarity to Quick Queue at the Sea World Parks, and honestly, I never felt like the regular line suffers from it at Busch Gardens, so I say go for it Cedar Fair, especially if the have it at Cedar Point, since that would be awesome to be able to have "ERT" like riding on Millennium, Dragster, Raptor, Maverick or many other rides at the park.

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The thing is, at least looking at the Facebook page (BIG mistake on my part, I know, seeing as how many people post stupid comments there), the GP isn't familiar with the whole priced line-jumping idea at all. They all use Fastpass' free-ness as an example on how $50 is overpriced, and I don't think Flash Pass has been brought up once. That area doesn't have any SF parks nearby, so I suppose very few people in the Cincinnati-tristate area have any idea about the Flash Pass prices, which is why they assume $50 is exorbitant. Hopefully people will realize that this is, in fact, a GOOD deal and will warm up with it once they get used to the idea that every chain outside of Disney charges for line-jumping.


It really doesn't surprise me about the "Facebook Response." I would guess that the demographics of people who would post and comment on King's Island page would be the younger demographic who doesn't have disposable income. (I'm looking at some of the posts and it seems to be made by the under 24 demographic.).


It really has nothing to do with people knowing what the Flash Passes prices are, my point was more so what the industry trends are. If Six Flags are getting over a 110 dollars for a platinum flash pass then 50 dollars is quite under-priced. The key I would think is to charge enough to not only operate the program (which would be a small amount I would assume) but enough to make sure not everyone can afford it or it starts to defeat the purpose of it.

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I am not so sure about this.

The fasttrack system at Alton Towers and Thorpe really sucks since it is expensive but not expensive enough to prevent the big crowds form buying it. Therefore the regular line suffers a lot.

I hated my two (very busy) days at these Parks. Hopefully it will turn out fine for KI. Apparently the whole system works for Six Flags where it never bothered me at all.

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I'm all for it as long as there are organized, staffed merge points at a specific location, and then the Fast Lane riders wait just like everyone else basically from the point where you choose your seats at the station. What makes me furious is when (at Six Flags), Flashpass riders come and steal my seat *just* before I thought I was going to board, or worse yet when an entire trainload of Flashpassers comes up the exit and nobody in the standby line gets to ride. Merge points are where its at. Cedar Point already has the old Freeway entrances at many of the biggest rides... it's just a question as to whether or not they want to pony up the dough to staff that extra employee at the merge point.

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^^^This is my concern as well. Above all, I think this is a fantastic thing! Based on Facebook reaction, it could be priced just right.


The problem with keeping it in house is that they're not benefitting from the expertise and proven systems that electronic queing systems have. Without a timing factor, there is no semblance of control over how long each line could get if most go to the same line at the same time. Hopefully, a longer line will cause fast pass holders to go to another ride instead of wait again to re-ride.

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Actually this sounds pretty good. As far as the locals calling it overpriced, though, that's fine. It isn't for the locals. If you have a season pass, you're not shelling out $50 for a 7-hour skip-the-line pass. You can go anytime and hit up the rides you missed, or go for a few hours on a Monday evening when the park is dead. For out of town visitors or people coming on busy summer saturdays, this will be a great additional income for Kings Island. They also said it's limited in the total number, but you purchase it online and then redeem it at the park? How's that work, is it day-specific on the voucher you purchase online? I can see some GP screwing this up and creating some guest relations problems. I hope they work out the kinks, though and take it to Cedar Point. I'd definitely do it at Cedar Point and turn a two-day minimum park into a one-day rides fest!

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I might be one of the few people that really disagrees with this. I understand the benefits of a fast pass and I'm not against parks having them, but this specific system. For instance, I loved Kennywoods, it was very cheap and had a specific time listed for each ride that the general public could see so if they wanted they could avoid the ride during that time. My problem with this is that I feel that it takes away the park experience for families that can only visit once a year and can't afford a fast pass, making the waits even longer for them. Also the fact that it is unlimited, riders can get off a ride, walk right back up the exit, and then take that seat again from people who have been waiting for an hour, without limit. I personally really do not want to see this spread unless it is heavily revised.

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