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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^That's a very good point. I'm thinking we'll see a complete rebuild of the track, and like you said, possible reprofiling in some places (hopefully to make some of the more boring sections do something more than meander). Hopefully it won't just be a small retracking that just results in more of the same leading to the ride's demise. There is a lot of potential in this ride that would be a shame to see go to waste. But this potential requires some imagination and some effort, not a simple fix. Hopefully Cedar Fair realizes this and is willing to try rather than just give up despite the ride's past history.

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I almost feel that not giving it the NTAG treatment is worse than just taking it down. Conventional retracking, even if it works, will only buy them a few years, and it's already got a bad reputation with both enthusiasts and the GP. If I were in charge of this, I'd say completely overhaul the thing, and market it as a practically new attraction. Bring back the loop, and add a few airtime hills, and do something about the boring helixes. I'm sure management will do what they think is best for the ride, (or at least, best for the park), and I don't claim to know better than them. But seriously, I feel like trying to put more duct tape on the thing is a waste of money in the long run. Re-design and re-introduce it, or scrap it.

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I feel that in order to generate any significant interest in SOB, they need to find a way to bring the loop back. The loop was basically the whole point to the ride.


I agree. Once the loop was removed the ride became pointless but even if you did put the loop back in the ride already has a bad rep with the GP and enthusiasts. Instead of trying to fix the ride in what I think they'll try to do it would be best to just remove it. If all the previous band-aids didn't work what makes CF think this latest band-aid is going to fix things?

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I feel that in order to generate any significant interest in SOB, they need to find a way to bring the loop back. The loop was basically the whole point to the ride.


I agree. Once the loop was removed the ride became pointless but even if you did put the loop back in the ride already has a bad rep with the GP and enthusiasts. Instead of trying to fix the ride in what I think they'll try to do it would be best to just remove it. If all the previous band-aids didn't work what makes CF think this latest band-aid is going to fix things?


The possibility of doing a "New Texas Giant job" on this has been eliminated. That was shared by the FINALLY OUT GOING "Big Dick" Kinsel at the Q&A during Coastermania a few weeks ago. He said the previous owner Paramount sunk a lot of cash into that ride before Cedar Fair bought it. Then Cedar Fair spent a lot trying to make it acceptable. If I'm not mistaken he dropped a number of $20 million to have this done. His comment was if we spend $20 million, we'll put in a new ride. Who know now that Kinzel's successor has been named.

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I think they should spend the money to make SoB good again, because even if they spend the 20 million to build a new ride, they still have that eyesore sitting there looming over the park. It would also probably cost them a fortune to take it down, so I think the Rocky Mountain treatment would be an awesome idea, but I doubt they want to spend that kind of money trying to fix it again.

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My only problem with the NTAG treatment for SoB is that it would still be an entirely pointless and boring ride. Sure, it'd be big and fast, but unless they dump a whole lot of money into it to expand the layout and make it more interesting, it's really not going to help the ride much. It's kind of like putting a brand new turbo engine in a rusty, POS car - it might go faster, but at the end of the day, you still have a crappy car that can go fast. Not that good of an upgrade.


For the amount of money they'd need to dump into SoB to give it the NTAG and make it worth riding again, I'd rather they TAER IT DOWN and build a new GG or GCI woodie that actually utilizes the terrain back there. It makes so much more sense.

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My only problem with the NTAG treatment for SoB is that it would still be an entirely pointless and boring ride. Sure, it'd be big and fast, but unless they dump a whole lot of money into it to expand the layout and make it more interesting, it's really not going to help the ride much. It's kind of like putting a brand new turbo engine in a rusty, POS car - it might go faster, but at the end of the day, you still have a crappy car that can go fast. Not that good of an upgrade.


For the amount of money they'd need to dump into SoB to give it the NTAG and make it worth riding again, I'd rather they TAER IT DOWN and build a new GG or GCI woodie that actually utilizes the terrain back there. It makes so much more sense.


With all due respect I completely disagree with you here. I think that if they slightly modify the layout but re-profiled a few drops, add some airtime hills, add a few over bank turns and do almost exactly what they did to the Old Giant this thing would be a top 10 coaster again. It could use a new ending with some crazy ejector air and twisty's and tunnels and what not but the opening 2/3's of that ride, when it was in good shape, was really solid.


If they did invest in a drastic redesign/re-profile what if they turned the first drop into a giant double down into a huge direction changing over bank entering the existing double helix. I think if done properly this thing has a ton of potential.

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It could use a new ending with some crazy ejector air and twisty's and tunnels and what not but the opening 2/3's of that ride, when it was in good shape, was really solid.


Solid like a brick wall, and rode like one, too. If KI does for some outrageous reason decide to do this, they should rename the ride to avoid the bad publicity it's had for years. My vote: "Money Pit"

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^It's fine, they could just use their other awesome name they came up with for inverted/suspended coasters. AFTERBURN!!11!1!!


Sorta like Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Bizarro, and Dark Knight? All very original


Why does everyone assume that FD from CGA is being sent to KI?Last I read it's going nowhere at the present time.

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@Hilltopper, no need to apologize for a different opinion. Your idea/redesign definitely would make it a more interesting ride, and probably make it better than it is currently (or ever has been). IMO, though, I figure that if they're going to dump that much money into it to make it better, it might be better to start from scratch and make a new woodie in that area. I think that in the long run, it might be better and better-received by the public is the ride was torn down and replaced with a custom terrain woodie. Although that might just be my fantasy.

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I just don't understand why everyone keeps saying that the ride wasn't well-received by the public. Each day that I visited the park in 2007, 2008, and up until the incident in 2009, Son of Beast had a HUGE line...and when the ride was over, when the ops asked, "How was your ride?!" Most people on the trains cheered.


To me, it seems like it was mainly enthusiasts who had a big issue with the ride, not the GP.

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I don't honestly think it would take that much to make it great look what they did to NTAG following its basic profile the same can be done with this coaster as well, the potential is there but will they tap into it is the question


As I said on an earlier post, "Big Dick" Kinzel said (at the Coastermania meeting) they priced it and it would cost $20 million to get the "Rocky Mountain treatment." Obviously, they already looking into that option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick report.

I visited the park today. Vortex was closed all day and Firehawk and Windseeker opened up around noon or 1. For the most part. The park was running fairly well (with the exception of Firehawk's ride crew which were going really slow. Ugh).

Windseeker was really enjoyable. It's a nice relaxing ride with a great view of the park and a little bit of thrill added in with the extra height.

Diamondback seems to have developed a rattle at the bottom of all the big drops before the MCBR. I hope that they don't get worse as the ride ages.

I rode the Beast twice. My daytime ride was just your ordinary Beast ride love it or hate it kinda deal.

However, my night ride was INCREDIBLE. I am aware that a large part of the ride was retracked and that the ride naturally runs faster as the day goes on, but this ride seriously felt like it was pushing 70 mph on the back part of the layout. I have never experienced the Beast at that kind of speed before (this coming from somebody who has ridden it before the magnetic brakes were added). Of course there was a good bit of roughness in one or two turns, particularly the turn into the long brake shed. That just plain hurt.

If you're coming to KI this summer, please ride the Beast at night and you'll be in for a treat.

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