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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I rode it yesterday during the last session and it offered loads of sustained floater at a relatively fast pace. The first hill had probably 5 seconds of floater, which was great. I would say it is on par with Behemoth as a B&M hyper.

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Oh wow... no impressions yet? Was really looking forward to seeing what the community thinks!

Same here! There are a few 'reaction videos' on YouTube but I figured the thread would be popping off by now. As a displaced PA native and former op there, I'm dying to hear what it's like.


There is also a backseat POV out there somewhere... but don't watch it!! If you do, someone will come to your house, retrofit your favorite seat with Skyrush lap bars, staple you, and leave.

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Oh wow... no impressions yet? Was really looking forward to seeing what the community thinks!

Same here! There are a few 'reaction videos' on YouTube but I figured the thread would be popping off by now.


It's almost as if there's a global pandemic going on that's making travel / vacations a bit difficult at the moment...


Also, I mean, it's a B&M hyper. Grab a Mad-Lib and fill it out with "fun", "floater air", and "people eater", and you've pretty much covered 95% of all reactions.

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Looks like fun! It's nice of the park to be inclusive and have something to ride for the pussies who can't handle Skyrush.


My thoughts exactly.


I love Skyrush more than most people, but I can see how somebody would strongly dislike that ride. There is something to be said for a fun, comfortable, re-rideable B&M Hyper. Despite having similar stats, Skyrush and Candy are literally polar opposite coasters and I think this is a great addition to the park.


Hersheypark already had one of the best coaster collections in the country, and Candy honestly makes it even better. They have a coaster for every person's taste. I haven't been since 2016 but I loved the park. Hoping to visit in 2021!

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The ride is a lot of fun! Good mix of strong floater and a little bit of ejector in some spots. Good pacing and some really good speed. Overall, its one of the best hypers they've made for sure. I'd put it right up there with Goliath at Over Georgia and better than Mako.

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I'm pretty sure those are just utility conduits running from the valley's up to the actual trims. The trims are where they usually are on these B&Ms (on a flat section of track leading uphill to the crest). Not sure why they chose to run the conduits this way and not paint them the same color as the track. But they really don't seem to slow the ride down much.

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^^ I get that, but when the park has a superior GCI coaster (or two depending on how you count) literally within a couple hundred feet, I'm not that worried about it.


I get that too but 3 good GCI coasters and an original RMC is better than 2 and a RMC conversion.

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I get that too but 3 good GCI coasters and an original RMC is better than 2 and a RMC conversion.



So 4 coasters are better than 3? well, yeah. But sometimes you have to settle for something more realistic.


Candimonium looks very Mako-ish, which isn’t a bad thing... in fact, I think it might look better if only because it’s MCBR-less... one less chance to slow it down!

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The ride is a lot of fun! Good mix of strong floater and a little bit of ejector in some spots. Good pacing and some really good speed. ...


Agreed. "Floating; ejector spots; suitable tempo punctuated by brief periods of intensity." Definitely sounds like fun. (Or, at least "my" speed!)


AND...it makes me hungry for a Hershey bar.

So I'd say that this coaster is a Mission Accomplished for Hersheypark.



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I get that too but 3 good GCI coasters and an original RMC is better than 2 and a RMC conversion.



So 4 coasters are better than 3? well, yeah. But sometimes you have to settle for something more realistic.


Candimonium looks very Mako-ish, which isn’t a bad thing... in fact, I think it might look better if only because it’s MCBR-less... one less chance to slow it down!


Yes I'll agree but I'll still say something more realistic and better is simply to have GCI redo the ride. I don't like losing wooden coasters to RMC. I enjoy them but I enjoy more traditional wooden coasters more haha. Either way looking forward to trying out Candymonium.

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I'd prefer GCI give it the Ghostrider treatment. I'd hate to lose Wildcat. It has a great layout and lots of potential it just needs some work.


This 10000%


Personally, I'd take a GCI over RMC anyday, but I know that is unpopular opinion. I'd much prefer Hershey just build a ground-up RMC to make those RMC fan boys happy.


Wildcat has always been a top wood coaster for me, I love the layout. Today, a full retrack with Ipe wood would be stellar. Not just patch repairs. They made improvement switching to the MF trains from the PTC's, but they should have done a full re-track then to fix all the damage caused by those PTC's over the years. Not just isolated sections of retracking.


Here's hoping RMC stays the hell away from Wildcat...

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