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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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^ What did you hate?!?!?


that it felt like it was trying to throw me out to my death.


It wasn't "fun" for me.


but that's fine, there are lots of other rides at Hershey that I loved and rode instead (tho I'm sad Stormrunner is still down. thats my favorite in the park).


I look forward to trying out Candymonium at some point.

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^ What did you hate?!?!?

AIrtime. He hates airtime.


Speaking of which - if you love airtime, boy do we have the ride for you.


you really shouldn't speak for me - since


1) we've never actually met


2) I answered above exactly why I don't care for it.


you don't agree? That's perfectly fine.


but you shouldn't speak for me, since you really have no idea

(those that DO know me? know I love airtime, just not a fan of ejector air. . but that has nothing to do with why I don't like Skyrush)

Edited by bert425
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Oh Bert, I'm just playing around.


i'm sorry, if I took it wrong.


it's been a rough day, and that I should be going to Atlanta tomorrow (but not because of this stupid Pandemic - and so I'm going to be sitting at home wasting time off instead of being at Dragon*con) really has me in a dark place at the moment.


i'm really missing my friends whom I only see once a year, and was looking forwards to hanging with.


oh, we'll be online, since the con is going virtual. .but it's not the same

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I'm glad to see they are open every weekend in October this year with I guess the buy outs and Antique Auto Show that normally took place the first 2 weekends cancelled. I am kind of surprised they kept the daily operations on weeknights in December, the few times I visited the park in past years on those nights, they were always empty.


It also looks like Candymonium will be open for Christmas Candylane. I was not expecting that considering how strict they are about running rides in cold temperatures compared to Great Adventure.

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We rode it a few times last Friday and it flies into the brake run. I don't think it'll have any issues running without issue - of course above whatever temp limit Hershey is going to set for it. You can bet they are not gonna run it into the 20s/teens like GAdv does with Nitro.

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Those wheel heaters combined with the ability to adjust the trims can hopefully allow that ride to make it through the course without any trims.


Fixed it for you.


If they run it without trims in December I would drive down just to ride it.

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One of the benefits of B&M having trims along the course is that it helps make the ride more consistent. I've seen this with Mako on the cooler days when the trim doesn't hit. On the warmer days, I've had the trim hit on Mako, but the airtime feels just as good afterwards even though you feel the trim.

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I'd budget for it but you might not need it if you strategize: download the app, the wait times are pretty accurate, or at least they were for us last week. Skip Candymonium (and maybe even Skyrush) becuase everyone will go there first and those lines will die down later, so instead hit Fahrenheit and Great Bear early, maybe Laff Trakk (and the Wild Mouse) if you want to do that. The woodies in the back won't have much of a line at all, and as you hit up stuff in the back of the park, keep an eye on the app and when the Skyrush and Candymonium lines die down after the morning rush head that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Double post, schmubble post.


For those who have ridden, how would you rank Candymonium in the parks coaster line-up? After getting a few laps in a few weeks back, I enjoyed it immensely but would absolutely rank it behind Skyrush and Storm Runner, maybe even Fahrenheit as we had one of the best rides I've ever had on it during this last visit. Great Bear and Lightning Racer were running incredibly as well, though I think I'd probably take a spin on Candy before either of those. It's a nice addition, looks great with the new entrance and its perfect for all the pussies who can't handle Skyrush. lol


Skyrush is just an incredible ride, one of the few coasters that makes me question how it got the OK and was actually paid for and installed. Here's a few photos from our visit. Love this park.



The entrance will look much better once the trees and foliage grow in


Candy is a solid B&M hyper.


Chocolate Mako


Bow down to this greatness.


I mean...


Great Bear is rock solid.


Storm Runner not running is a crime, but the park is still great even without it.


Fahrenheit is criminally underrated.



We'll be back soon

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I visited HP about a week ago, and one thing I feel the need to talk about the biggest surprise of the trip: the arcade by Great Bear. While I know the park had a few arcade areas, this arcade was large, and most notable: had a ton of retro games priced at their original 25/50 cent levels!


I bought a card with $5 value and my sister and I killed about an hour or so playing Street Fighter II, retro wack-a-mole, Mario Bros, and a lot of Pinball. While some machines could use some maintenance (looking at you Millipede), they largely all worked just fine. They also had a selection of modern games that I felt were mostly fairly priced considering we were at a large amusement park, mostly at around $1/play for the newer games.


For anyone who is able to visit Hershey Park somewhat regularly and is looking for what in my opinion is a hidden gem in the park, I recommend the checking out the arcade by Great Bear!

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In addition to the video games in the arcade, I also like that the prize selection compared to arcades in other parks like Dorney and Great Adventure. Besides having Hersheypark themed items for prizes, they usually have a lot of licensed sports teams items.

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