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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Wow! It looks like an awesome giga coaster. Seems like it will have a good mix of airtime and intensity. I guess we can now say that Carowinds has joined the big leagues. Hopefully I can get down there one of these days to ride it.

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You are the only one..... How are you not excited for a ride that has more airtime the MF, THE best coaster in the world. This is an amazing addition and a 100% guarantee of a top 20 ride.


More airtime than MF?! Really?! It's not even open yet! MF has little airtime I'll admit but this IS B&M we are talking about so don't expect anything spectacular.


Like I've said numerous times already, I'm happy for the park but I personally don't think it is what they needed. Remodeled entrance looks fantastic!


I'm happy that you're all about it.

Edited by DJeXeL
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I hate to be a debbie downer here...but am I the only one not that enthused about it? The turns are so spread out! The one good thing is the video doesn't really capture the speed but I guess we'll see...will hold final judgement until I ride it of course.


Curves are designed primarily around velocity. So, yeah...


Millennium Force has a huge spread out over-banked turn, and I've never heard any complaints.

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Yeah they totally didn't need America's tallest non-launching coaster. Who would? Bunch of stupid park owners.


A wing coaster would have been SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than a 325 foot tall Park Icon that will draw enthusiasts and some non-enthusiasts from across the country. I mean, what the hell Carowinds!


This is so stupid I can't believe they didn't go with Vekoma to build this.


Millenium Force only wins best coaster in the world like 1 out of every 3 polls that are taken, how ridiculous that Carowinds would build something that clearly looks just as good with possibly more airtime how stupid how dumb.

Edited by BlahBlahson
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I hate to be a debbie downer here...but am I the only one not that enthused about it? The turns are so spread out! The one good thing is the video doesn't really capture the speed but I guess we'll see...will hold final judgement until I ride it of course.


we are in 2

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Did any one else pick up on the transfer track after the station, right before the lift?


It might be my eyes playing on me, but are there three transfer sections? If this thing can run 4 trains it will be a capacity monster. This would be great, as they have the option of adding or subtracting trains as needed.


EDIT: I see that there will be three trains from the website. Still will be great for capacity.

Edited by coasterkid124
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Did any one else pick up on the transfer track after the station, right before the lift?


This makes the initial brake run shorter, while also allowing for elements for the main layout. Unless, you wanted the Leviathan look.

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You are the only one..... How are you not excited for a ride that has more airtime the MF, THE best coaster in the world. This is an amazing addition and a 100% guarantee of a top 20 ride.


He's obviously not the only one as shown in this thread and there are plenty of people being nice and not saying bad things but perhaps thinking them. Also, you're just making stuff up saying how much airtime it has and that MF is the best coaster in the world.


What do I get back from your 100% guarantee?

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He's obviously not the only one as shown in this thread and there are plenty of people being nice and not saying bad things but perhaps thinking them. Also, you're just making stuff up saying how much airtime it has and that MF is the best coaster in the world.


What do I get back from your 100% guarantee?


Umm... The Gold Ticket Awards say high. Plus it has at least 5 moments of airtime.

Edited by MagnumFreak25
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Did any one else pick up on the transfer track after the station, right before the lift?


It might be my eyes playing on me, but are there three transfer sections? If this thing can run 4 trains it will be a capacity monster. This would be great, as they have the option of adding or subtracting trains as needed.


EDIT: I see that there will be three trains from the website. Still will be great for capacity.


If there were 4 trains, two would always bee stacked. Unless they went for a dual station.

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Cedar Fair seems to be an a "new entrance" kick lately. They re-designed Cedar Point's entrance when they built Gatekeeper, too. Carowinds' new entry plaza should look pretty cool when it's done.


Fury325 seems like it'll be a fun ride, but THIS was my big takeaway from the news. Yay, renovations!!

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Come on people! We all should be happy that the World's Tallest/Fastest Giga Coaster is in the USA! If it was in another country, some of you would be complaining about it's too far away! This is going to be great, and maybe people wouldn't brag so much about MF at Cedar Point once this ride is open. I love MF, but it's time another coaster get some shine.

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