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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Can't we just sum the last year worth of discussion on this (and every new ride discussed on TPR) in a few short statements?


"Looks great, good for said park, I'm sure the crowds will love it"

"Boo, it's not an Intamin... fail"

"Not enough airtime"

"Should have built an Aquatrax"

"Should have built a mega lite"

"So cookie cutter"

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I think it looks wonderful, especially how it will interact with the new entrance to the park. As for the ride experience I don't know what to think. I though Leviathan looked underwhelming when I first saw announcement but ended up enjoying it very much and more so than Behemoth.


It also makes me think about what Dorney could do if they ever got an giga...wishful thinking though and i'd rather have another solid woodie anyways.

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This looks better than Leviathan in every possible way. Bigger hill, bigger drop, more elements, longer length, no dumb brake runs.


And Leviathan is the 13th ranked ride in THE ENTHUSIASTS poll.


Anyone who is flat out complaining about this ride is someone I will never, ever listen to for their opinion. It will be a top 15 steel coaster in the world when it opens, and a thrilling, iconic attraction for 40 years.

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This ride seriously looks like pure perfection to me. Leviathan is one of my top rides of all time and this layout takes Leviathan and just adds a whole bunch more awesomness to it.


I can't wait to get to this park next year... So jealous!

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Banshee at kings island is always a walk on....


... That's because it's a very high capacity coaster. Line length has little to do with popularity. Last year, GateKeeper had over 2 million rides, but it's almost always a walk on when I've ridden it. Technically, it's the most popular coaster in the whole park, it just doesn't usually have a line. The exact same thing applies to Banshee.

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To be honest, why are people SURPRISED about this and are only now complaining? You knew EXACTLY what you were getting when B&M came around and this being a giga if you followed this. It's exactly what will be eaten up by GP with the record and layout. What we should realize is B&M hasn't created any bad coasters ever besides a few stand-ups and (in my opinion) Gatekeeper. It's not like they just handed you a Volare and asked you to use your imagination.




That being said, their are two pretty promising points in the layout. The low to the ground overbanked s-curves and the drop below the walkway. The rest seems like a definite cookie-cutter ride, but this is a giga custom cookie-cutter and not an actual cookie-cutter spinning coaster stuffed into a building with special paint. *cough* Hersheypark *cough* I personally am excited for the ride as it won't really disappoint as a giga coaster and will provide an amazing ROI for Carowinds.




And the new entrance looks BEAUTIFUL in my opinion. Including the landscaped drop under the walkway. That looks like it will be pretty to walk over and really give a nice atmosphere before you enter. Again, this entire project gives exactly what the park needs.




For the ones who say a wing coaster would be better, how many wing coasters have you heard get as many rave reviews as Leviathan? I don't understand how coaster enthusiasts think wing coasters would be a better ride than a giga? Remember guys, even though Thunderbird is a wing coaster, the only reason people are excited is because B&M is actually making a launched coaster. If it had a lift and a drop, I bet people would not find the coaster as glamorous. Not bashing Thunderbird, but lets look at what B&M has made and realize Banshee is just one coaster and not necessarily a "comeback."





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They're the same manufacturer, which is the biggest similarity that Fury and Intimidator have so ya, don't even seem similar so stop complaining!


Thanks for clarifying that MF and Maverick are from the same manufacturer. I had no idea!

You're a fanboy of F:325 and I'm not. So that makes me wrong?

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Nice ride. I wondered this with Canada's Wunderland too, what made them choose to build a 200ft B&M sit down coaster then build a 300ft B&M a few years later. Maybe if it was a different style of car or company I would be a lot more excited about it. I wonder if CF plans on moving Behemoth and Intimidator to different parks in the future?

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I have to admit, one thing that did disappoint me a bit is the drop angle. I thought it would be more like 85 and I'm sure that (despite the train length) it would be more than fine if it were vertical, given its height.

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Nice ride. I wondered this with Canada's Wunderland too, what made them choose to build a 200ft B&M sit down coaster then build a 300ft B&M a few years later. Maybe if it was a different style of car or company I would be a lot more excited about it. I wonder if CF plans on moving Behemoth and Intimidator to different parks in the future?


Always wondered about why parks build something so similar in the same park (Leviathan & Behemoth, Intimidator & Fury325). It would just seem logical to switch it up. Then again, I am not in charge of theme park.

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Congratulations Carowinds! Looks like a great ride and a reason to make another trip down there next year.


I've always thought that giga coasters were about speed, not airtime, and if you did get some airtime then that is just a bonus. This doesn't look anything like Intimidator so it will be a very different ride experience.


I might be the only one a little bummed by it but I thought the antebellum themed main entrance was one of the more unique entrances to a park and I would miss it. This new entrance seems like a clone of CP's new gate, which is waaaay better then the old one at CP, but seems rather bland at Carowinds.

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Nice ride. I wondered this with Canada's Wunderland too, what made them choose to build a 200ft B&M sit down coaster then build a 300ft B&M a few years later. Maybe if it was a different style of car or company I would be a lot more excited about it. I wonder if CF plans on moving Behemoth and Intimidator to different parks in the future?


Always wondered about why parks build something so similar in the same park (Leviathan & Behemoth, Intimidator & Fury325). It would just seem logical to switch it up. Then again, I am not in charge of theme park.


It's worked amazingly so far. You get to world class rides in the same park. Sure its the same model, But they have different style's. One's low to the ground high speed and the others Large airtime. If you don't like it you can just go ride something else like a wild mouse.

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looks like a monster hope they don't fill the supports with sand I would love to hear that classic B&M roar

This. And right by the entrance of the park it would look even more intimidating. But that's what concerns me, due to the location they might silence it to be more "friendly".

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I've been reading on Carowinds' Facebook page some of the reactions to Fury 325, and I'm very surprised that no one has said anything about it being similar to Intimidator. That was the reaction when CW announced Leviathan, but I guess that people are realizing that there are differences between i232 and f325. Although, there are some people that are complaining that they didn't get an attraction for families. Seriously, how can you not be happy with a $30 million giga coaster? I'd kill for Valleyfair to get something like this!

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looks like a monster hope they don't fill the supports with sand I would love to hear that classic B&M roar

This. And right by the entrance of the park it would look even more intimidating. But that's what concerns me, due to the location they might silence it to be more "friendly".


that's very understandable

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Nice ride. I wondered this with Canada's Wunderland too, what made them choose to build a 200ft B&M sit down coaster then build a 300ft B&M a few years later. Maybe if it was a different style of car or company I would be a lot more excited about it. I wonder if CF plans on moving Behemoth and Intimidator to different parks in the future?


Always wondered about why parks build something so similar in the same park (Leviathan & Behemoth, Intimidator & Fury325). It would just seem logical to switch it up. Then again, I am not in charge of theme park.


Once again, they arent similar besides manufacturer. Ill ask again, would it be different if Fury 325 had the EXACT SAME layout but was made by Intamin? Is it really that dumbfounding for a park to have two coasters built by the same person in the same park? Is Holiday World making confusinh business decisions by having three wooden roller coasters in the park? I mean, same materials, same track type, must be all the same ride then right?

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