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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I'm liking that they are adding this benefit. Heres my theory: Its been around for a while and so its not gaining as much profit and so they want to now use it as another persuasive way for people to upgrade from a silver pass to a gold pass. I always get gold, and still have yet to visit Dinosaurs Alive, so I'm just glad that now I get to get in for free!

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Apparently Eejanaika at Fuji-Q is 249ft tall according to rcdb and if that's true then the first raven turn inversion would have be over 200ft tall in comparison to the first drop (which would be a taller inversion that GateKeeper..?). I was always confused by this.


The Raven turns are only considered a 1/2 inversion according to RCDB: Inside Raven Turn. This may be why.

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Screamscape posted an aerial photo of Carowinds that was taken recently. In it you can see where they are clearing the land for the proposed FestHaus-style dining facility. I sadly note that Gr8 Sk8 has in fact been taken down. Hopefully it has been moved to somewhere else in the park.



They've neutered that ride so much in the past 25 years, I'm not sure if it would be worth it. Used to be much more forceful, and the last time I rode it, the ride only went one direction instead of both ways as usual. However, it's one of the few flats that they have so maybe they should keep it. If they could find a spot in the County Fair area, it'd be a good fit there.

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Screamscape posted an aerial photo of Carowinds that was taken recently. In it you can see where they are clearing the land for the proposed FestHaus-style dining facility. I sadly note that Gr8 Sk8 has in fact been taken down. Hopefully it has been moved to somewhere else in the park.



They've neutered that ride so much in the past 25 years, I'm not sure if it would be worth it. Used to be much more forceful, and the last time I rode it, the ride only went one direction instead of both ways as usual. However, it's one of the few flats that they have so maybe they should keep it. If they could find a spot in the County Fair area, it'd be a good fit there.


Yeah, that's my concern. It isn't the best flat out there but I'd rather have it than nothing. Fortunately it's still listed on their website so I'm hoping it will remain for awhile.

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There used to be picnic shelters and Joe Cool's Driving School, a 50's style Cadillac Cars, where Dinosaurs Alive is currently.


I don't think Gr8 Sk8 will be coming back if they're indeed removing it. Looked to be a Chance Falling Star, and unfortunately those are disappearing one by one due to some mechanical issues that have popped up with them in the past couple years.

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Hereis an article from a few years ago that talks about the difference about the state inspections for the rides at Carowinds.


One of the former employees can better explain their pay, but from talking to one of them a few years ago I believe they told me the park assigns you a position when you are hired (like Afterburn operator) and your pay is taxed for the state that position is located, even on days where your work location is in the other state.

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^^^ Ok, thank you for the answer! Looking at the aerial views, I noticed it was quite a chunk of land and figured there had to be something of significance there. Now I cant wait for this whole Dinasaurs Alive thing (educational as it may be) to kind of go out of vogue, and the land be put to better use.

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Hereis an article from a few years ago that talks about the difference about the state inspections for the rides at Carowinds.


One of the former employees can better explain their pay, but from talking to one of them a few years ago I believe they told me the park assigns you a position when you are hired (like Afterburn operator) and your pay is taxed for the state that position is located, even on days where your work location is in the other state.

I worked at Carowinds in 2006 and my pay was taxed based on which state I lived in.

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Carowinds just posted a teaser of the 2014 map on their Facebook page showing off the new location of what used to be the Xtreme Skyflyer (now Ripcord). And you can see in the portion of the map they have on there that Gr8 Sk8 has either been moved or removed as well, as the aerial views a few weeks ago had shown.

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