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Will the world end in 2012???


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^ (Probably my only serious reply to this thread) Rich, you are exactly right. People need to just live their own lives to the fullest and not live out of fear and constant worrying. One thing that struck me as highly interesting was something DBru said:
Our preacher just happened to bring it up in church last week.


Nothing like a new spin on the old "Fire & Brimstone" routine to scare people into becoming faithful churchgoers. The end of the world is coming, QUICK, don't do anything BAD or you'll end up in hell in about four years.

I have no problems with religion being a positive source of inspiration and motivation in people's lives, but using an underlying fear tactic to frighten people into faith seems so wrong.


See, here is where I agree with you. I cannot stand it when preachers or pastors act like you are going to get hit by a bus as soon as you walk out of the church. And also, just saying, when the world ends, (again going by what I believe here) you don't immediately go to hell when the world "ends". You get ~7 years after the rapture to make things right with god. But without going into detail, lets just say getting hit by a bus may be the way you WANT to die during about the last half of those 7 years. Just nit-picking!

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^It's debated if the Earth is going to be sallowed by the sun. As the Sun expands it'll get really really toasty on earth, but there is a good chance that the expanding sun will expand the orbit of the earth, so we won't burn up completely.


However in something like 1000^100 years everything is going to basically end up at a constant low state of energy as atoms themselves break down, don't think the Earth is going to escape that one!

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^Sillier people who actually believe that someone can predict the future. Why does our society have some fixation on trying to figure out what happens to them before it does. Seriously can't you just be happy that for the most part you have control of your life, I mean if we really knew when the world would end can you imagine how big of a$$holes people would be.



what, i don't believe nostradamus, why else would i say "lol, that silly nostradamus"

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^Sillier people who actually believe that someone can predict the future. Why does our society have some fixation on trying to figure out what happens to them before it does. Seriously can't you just be happy that for the most part you have control of your life, I mean if we really knew when the world would end can you imagine how big of a$$holes people would be.



what, i don't believe nostradamus, why else would i say "lol, that silly nostradamus"


It was a general quote based off of your statement. There was nothing in it directed toward you. My comprehension skills are good enough to pick up on the fact that you calling him silly does not in fact mean you believe him. However your total lack of the rules of capitalization leads me to believe you should spend more time studying and less time on the computer.

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