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Does anyone have any stories that aren't of success? This thread's getting a little too happy.

maybe not everybody is a miserable 27 year old virgin who wants to cry about it on a website for theme park nerds


Joe is wise.

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Now the girl that I liked/broke my heart is pretty much begging to go out with me! ...The only catch is, she leaves for summer camp in 4 months, and thinks that she'll have to break up with me because she'll probably hook up with other guys at camp. So if she wants any chance at dating me, she needs to promise that she'd at least try to stay together. The good news is that I finally have the power.

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Now the girl that I liked/broke my heart is pretty much begging to go out with me! ...The only catch is, she leaves for summer camp in 4 months, and thinks that she'll have to break up with me because she'll probably hook up with other guys at camp. So if she wants any chance at dating me, she needs to promise that she'd at least try to stay together. The good news is that I finally have the power.


So she's already thinking about hooking up with other guys 4 months from now, and in order for you two to get back together, you want her to promise she won't? Dude, stop and think about that for a minute.

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^ Yeah I have to echo what beemerboy said. I say look for somebody else or your just setting yourself up for serious heartbreak! And planning in advance of a "breakup" before you really even start dating can't be a good thing. My advice is DONT DO IT!!!! Maybe you guys should just hookup haha. Anyway my relationship couldn't be any better with my gf. We are so into eachother and so connected, and we are going on our first vacation together this week to Disney we can't wait!

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^ It was that on steroids at my highschool because it was becoming that dramatic in the sixth grade. I had a few friends entering the sixth grade and they soon split apart from me and their other friends. Then highschool ended up being like college because about half the class was already pursuing their careers (via tech school & advance classes) and the rest of us were waiting to graduate. Life after highschool got serious for us around the 11th grade (it was 9th grade for me) and the whole drama scene was a thing of the past. Like I would seriously be sitting across the lunch table from a guy that I would literally be fighting with in middle school, but since we both matured so much that we just didn't care any more. At least that's how it was at my highschool. I graduated in a class of 600+ kids.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not really sure how to conduct myself anymore. My ex girlfriend broke up with me last December. I consider it a break up even though she said "We need some time apart". The relationship was getting too serious for her taste and she bailed on me. I figured I'd give her time and then we'd pick up where we left off when she was ready.


A good 3 months or so after the fact I began to see if she was ready to pick up on our relationship again. I began hanging out with her more. We hugged and kissed. I thought things were back on track. WRONG! Turns out she started going out with another guy shortly after she broke up with me. And she just let me get back with her because she still had feelings for me, and didn't want me treating her any differently. I didn't know about this other guy until a month ago. I'm mad, I'm depressed, and I just don't know how to deal with this at all. It's stressing me out and it's all I can think about anymore.

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Don't over think or over worry about asking people out. If it doesn't work out, oh well someone else will come along. I lucked out and am with a girl who loves coasters and parks that formerly worked at SFGAm when I did (but I didn't talk to her back then). She was not the first though, I was previously with someone for 3 years that was a total wack job!

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