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Well my latest relationship has turned into a disaster. I'm just going to be single forever. I'll be like Samantha from Sex and the City, haha. Yeah, okay, maybe not. But still, I always manage find the crazy guys or the jerks. I think I'm happier single, so I'll play that game for a while and see how it goes.

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Well my latest relationship has turned into a disaster. I'm just going to be single forever. I'll be like Samantha from Sex and the City, haha. Yeah, okay, maybe not. But still, I always manage find the crazy guys or the jerks. I think I'm happier single, so I'll play that game for a while and see how it goes.

You'll get over it, and you'll date again. No worries. You're too young to consider being "single forever."

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So, today I had my first date with Alex. And it went awesome.


We went to see Princess and the Frog, and then ate at Mikuni's in the same shopping center. There wasn't nearly as much awkward silence as I expected, so that's a really good thing.


I think this could turn out to be a good relationship.

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So, today I had my first date with Alex. And it went awesome.


We went to see Princess and the Frog, and then ate at Mikuni's in the same shopping center. There wasn't nearly as much awkward silence as I expected, so that's a really good thing.


I think this could turn out to be a good relationship.


Good dude, that's awesome. And don't worry about the awkward silences. When you two are together for a while, those won't seem as awkward as before!

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^ I agree, every girl Ive ever been with that I actually liked, I never ran out of things to keep a conversation. I have pretty high self confidence (without the cockiness) so I never get nervous really, but sometimes first dates are a lil awkward and trying to make sure you don't say anything stupid. Anyway I broke up with my last girlfriend and just started dating this smokin hot half spanish girl we are both really into eachother so I think this will really work out well .. So much happier in life now, I was not happy at all in my last relationship I can't even say how happy I am now!

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A single person on valentines day can't help but feel a little depressed. I recently met a girl who I thought was real nice and I asked her if she wanted to get a beer sometime. She said yes and we exchanged numbers. I called her last night and asked her out, but she said that she was at penn state visiting her boyfriend. I guess she was too nice?

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This thread needs another injection of happy! I'm going out with a girl I was good friends with. We ended up hanging about away from the bigger group of friends a few times totally randomly so it just sort of happened. Now we seem to end up watching crap on tv at her place and having fun (not like that). Things are going great!

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^ Have you ever considered that perhaps it is? If you only feel comfortable in a relationship, you should seek help. Or at least try to enjoy yourself. It's OK to get lonely, but you shouldn't feel that it's better to be in a relationship than not in one. I know people like that. They skip from boyfriend to boyfriend (or girlfriend to girlfriend), but they're not truly happy. And the significant other knows that. Try changing your mind. At least get out and get your mind off it.

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You guys got me on a bad day, but I don't pretend everything is alright when I know it isn't. Sure, I keep myself busy plenty, but you know it's hard not to think about it when you go to bed alone at night.


I've never technically had a girlfriend, but to me love is something that's precious, so why would I not want that? If I were to think of it in any other way then I think I would loose self respect. I appreciate the input guys, but this is just the way I am.

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I think you just need to take a step back. You're 23. It's OK. If you've never had a girlfriend, you've always been going to bed alone at night. Don't try comparing it to something you don't really know yet.


I'm not saying love isn't something you wouldn't want. You're just going about it the wrong way. Sure, things may be upsetting now, but what's this not "pretending everything is all right" nonsense? You're alive. I assume you are healthy and have a family that loves you.


Just cool off. Go for a walk. Clear your head. Yes, I was angry and bitter and jealous on Valentine's Day and the days leading up to it, but I got over it. I'm going to find a woman someday. It may not be soon, but I'm not really thinking about it. Being that bitter at your age isn't going to get you anywhere. I was bitter for a long time when I was your age. I had a girlfriend when I was 21, and that was a mess. My next girlfriend wasn't until I was nearly 25, and she was my last girlfriend. Do I harbor bad feelings? Yeah, sometimes, because of the way she treated me after she broke up with me, but I get over it and move on.


You need to relax, man. Songs and movies tell you that love is the only thing you need. Sure, it's nice, but tell me you're not loved. Does your family hate you? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe your family does hate you, and I'm sincerely sorry if they do. But getting so worked up at your age is just bad for your health. Settle down, think about things, and you'll see it's not so bad.


Besides, would you rather run off and get in a relationship right now knowing it won't last and be that good, or would you wait for a really great girl to come around? Trust me, the latter is much better than the former.

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I think you just need to take a step back. You're 23. It's OK. If you've never had a girlfriend, you've always been going to bed alone at night. Don't try comparing it to something you don't really know yet.


You're like the tenth person to tell me this. I know people my age that are married brother. Also, I really don't know who you are so I have to suspect that you're only assuming that I live an ordinary life. This is all besides the point anyway. So what if I've been going to bed alone my entire life and what difference should it mean if I continue to do or not do so? I also haven't been in my own house or my career yet. Does that mean that I should just continue to live off my parents?


what's this not "pretending everything is all right" nonsense? You're alive. I assume you are healthy and have a family that loves you.


I was referring to just love. I usually don't bring in my personal life into anything that I talk about, but I meant that I don't pretend I'm happy for the sake of being happy. I rather be truthful if you know what I mean.


As for the rest of your post; haha, well I've said this exact same thing five or so pages back on this topic and to be honest you're preaching to the wrong person.


Also, I am not just looking for any girl to be with. Trust me if I was this way I would be with someone right now, but I'm not because I really do care about this sort of thing. It seems impossible to find the qualities that I want in a girl like mutual attraction and respect. Anyway, I feel fine because I like the way I look at love and life.


By the way, I'm sorry if you had a bad relationship in the past, but I'm still pulling for myself to find the right girl.

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All right. I'll back off and let you be miserable. I'm 27. My friends are all in serious relationships, engaged or married. Many have been married for a few years and have a couple of kids. So I know what you're saying. I'm just saying maybe you need an attitude adjustment because the way you're being now isn't helping anything. And it's not fun to try to drag other people down to your pathetic pity party.

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