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Bump, but man i need some help


So I’ve been loose friends with this Girl all year long. I’m a senior, saxophone player, she’s and sophomore clarinet and piano player. We know each other through concert and jazz band and we have gone on a few trips with our school groups this year, one of which to Disney World. During which I spent a good deal of time with her and we really get along great. Anyway, after getting back from the last one I think I fell for her. She’s just so funny, smart, and beautiful. I've started trying to spend more time with her both in and out of school but most of it is still in a group setting. Usually it seems like it’s a lot of me saying hi to her, texting her, or coming over by her. But she does always seem happy to see me We have had some great talks though when we are alone but that's usually only when I'm giving her a ride to or from some event and don’t last long. We’ve only been spending a lot of time together over the last month or two so this is fairly new.


I tend to be a very quiet person but I did manage to work up the nerve to ask her to prom. That was this Saturday and we went with a group of friends. There was only one actual couple in and group. The others were just going as friends and we were kind of in between. I was hoping to get her alone and to myself but we were still stuck in the group setting. We danced a lot and had fun but it was always the group and not just us. We did have a great moment snuggling during a slow dance. We just gradually got closer until I held her tightly and she had her head on my chest and my head was on hers. It was absolutely amazing but as soon as the song ended she seemed to pull away. I could tell she was nervous after that and the group made the decision to leave once the slow dancing started at the end, much to my dismay, but as much as I regret it I didn't complain. We left and went to the post prom, still in that group setting. We had some more fun there, I tried getting close to her and cuddling again but all the people made that hard. I drove her home and by that time it was 4:00 A.M. and we were exhausted.


I've always felt like I've gotten mixed signals from her, and I don't know what to do next. Always being stuck in a public environment makes having a serious talk with her hard. I'm thinking of asking her to dinner and/or a movie this weekend in the hopes of getting her alone to figure out where we stand and see if she thinks of us as a couple or just good friends. I just can't tell right now if she’s into me or thinks of us as just friends. I know I want to be a couple and I’m having a hard time showing her that and trying to read her. I don’t think it would be a good idea to have a talk like that during school or in a text message.


TL;DR Senior guy, sophomore girl. Mixed signals, always in a group setting, goes to prom, awesome slow dance, guy doesn’t know if she wants to be a couple, needs advice.

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^ It really depends on how good of friends you are I think. Just ask her what she "wants to be" or thinks of you. Maybe she doesn't know that you like her that way... but there is also the chance that she just wants to be friends and you scare her off. Maybe I also shouldn't be giving advice at 3am... lol.


Not in a relationship(yet) but I have a date on Wednesday at Disneyland! She is a Disney nerd and we have similar music taste(which is fairly rare in a girl considering I primarily listen to punk and ska) and I REALLY like her, probably a lot more than I should this early on, so I am REALLY hoping this leads somewhere. We have SO MUCH in common. Wish me luck, guys.

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^^ Just ask her to come round to yours for a movie night, or out for dinner or something, just the two of you.

Spend some time alone with her, and see if you can work out if she likes you.

If you still aren't sure, then just ask her if she would be interested - tell her you really like her and you think you wanna be more than just friends and want to know how she feels about that


In other news, on the 18th of this month it would have been mine and my ex's year anniversary!


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^ It really depends on how good of friends you are I think. Just ask her what she "wants to be" or thinks of you. Maybe she doesn't know that you like her that way... but there is also the chance that she just wants to be friends and you scare her off. Maybe I also shouldn't be giving advice at 3am... lol.


Not in a relationship(yet) but I have a date on Wednesday at Disneyland! She is a Disney nerd and we have similar music taste(which is fairly rare in a girl considering I primarily listen to punk and ska) and I REALLY like her, probably a lot more than I should this early on, so I am REALLY hoping this leads somewhere. We have SO MUCH in common. Wish me luck, guys.

Ugh... FRIENDZONED! The thing is I have just misinterpreted things... I mean, it was our second time meeting and our first time ever meeting "alone" so we'll see if I can move past the friendzone. The good news is she's PERFECT... but that's also the bad news in a way, lol because even though we met recently I REALLY want things to work out. But we're going to hang out this summer, she wants to go to Warped Tour(this is where we share a love of punk rock/ska) D23(this is where we share a love of Disney) and WEST COAST BASH(cause she ALREADY KNEW WHAT IT WAS AND HAS A SIGNED COPY OF KNOTT'S PRESERVED) add to that that she's VERY pretty and... but I'm an optimist. This is going to end in one of two ways, the end of the summer is either going to see me in the best mood I have ever been in cause if she wants to go out it would honestly probably been the best thing that's happened to me for the above mentioned reasons. OR I'll end up VERY DRUNK and kinda sad, but we'll see. Ugh, awesome people suck... lol,

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  • 2 months later...

^ Odd considering this is about someone else, lol. Didn't really work out, but what I've got now is pretty good as well. So I am dating someone which is cool. I guess she's kind of my girlfriend... ish. We are dating each other exclusively which is awesome, but she is only in socal for the rest of 2013 and then she is moving to Sacramento with her family. It will probably suck when that happens cause I am pretty sure neither of us want a long distance relationship, but right now I am pretty happy(living in the moment) and everything is awesome!

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  • 4 weeks later...

What I've noticed is,since ride nerds/enthusiast or whatever you wanna call it, isn't the typenof nerd that'll go mainstream like superhero movie needs, we all better get used to dating FP... Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I'd want to date an enthusiast anyway. However, knowing more enthusiasts in general in my area would be great.

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  • 3 years later...

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