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You know I'm content about a lot of things; as you guys have learned my love life is one of them, but I don't quite understand the forums because it seems like we're not allowed to express our feelings. I know it's no secret because I've been here since almost the beginning and look at my post count. Not that I care about how many posts I have, but I had to hold back a lot of the things that I've wanted to say in fear of what might happen. I thrive on sympathy and I won't do or say anything that might make someone feel uncomfortable because I don't want people to treat me like that either.


Hypothetically speaking, let's say I see a post on here and the person is feeling miserable about breaking up. I don't question the tactics or attitude on the subject. I honor the poster because he/she is human and that's normal. I know everyone here thinks that they're Dr. Phil (I'm definitely not), but can't we just be supportive? Isn't the point of having the forums was to make friends and help each other out?


All right. I'll back off and let you be miserable. I'm 27. My friends are all in serious relationships, engaged or married. Many have been married for a few years and have a couple of kids. So I know what you're saying. I'm just saying maybe you need an attitude adjustment because the way you're being now isn't helping anything. And it's not fun to try to drag other people down to your pathetic pity party.


I appreciate the effort and I never attended on dragging anyone down with me, but I was just being honest about how I was feeling. I guess I'll keep those feelings bottled up from now on. Although, I don't understand about the attitude adjustment you're speaking of. I never did say I "needed" a girlfriend. I just didn't like being alone on a romantic holiday...

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Let me tell you a story:

One of my very best friend's in the entire world is a guy named Jason. I've known him forever ever ever. We went to school together, we've gone on road trips together, we've lived together, we played in a band together, we've commiserated over girl problems, etc. At 24, he never had a girlfriend. He was a tad on the short side, and he was also into some really nerdy stuff. His apartment was essentially a collection of old school NES cartridges games. I think at the high point he had 900 games and 5 NES systems. He had his fair share of crushes and "secret loves" but he was never gutsy enough to act on them. My other friends and I tried giving him advice, mostly about confidence, but he never really took it to heart, and constantly got steamrolled.


So one night, we're at another friend's bachelor party, and there was a girl there who is a friend of the groom. She wasn't exactly fawning over Jason when they met, but Jason thought she was attractive, and out of the blue, Jason decides to "man up", be confident, and see where it would lead. They were dating a few weeks later, and the end result you can see below.


The moral of the story is this: You can sulk all you want about this or that being an impediment to you having a girlfriend, but the real key to success is being true to yourself and confident about what you want. If a 5'3 guy who owned 10 copies of Zelda II can pull it off, then you can too.


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^^That was actually a really good story, Wes!


As for myself...still nothing. But I'm pretty sure this one girl checked me out at Magic Mountain on Sunday!...


I'm so pathetic, that when a guy asked me how far I've gone with a girl, I had to reply "I've accidentally touched some boobs a few times." And then I was trying to convince my other friend who's really gullible that I had a girlfriend, so a frantically looked through my pictures on my phone for a picture with a girl, and only found ones with my best friend and my cousin.


On the plus side, this one girl that I kinda like says that she also kinda likes me, so we'll see where that leads.

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^^^ Your friend did very well, Wes.


If anyone is looking for love, the best way is to act like you don't really need someone or just not looking. For whatever reason, others find that attractive; perhaps because you don't come across as "needy"---a major turnoff for most people.



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Anyway Ive got an amazing girlfriend now, weve only been dating for a month but we sure have hit it off and are both really into eachother. Its really gonna work out I think. So happy now that I met her, shes attractive, caring, funny, and real. My ex was lame and bad mouths me behind my back but is so nice to my face. If she hates me so much why does she keep wanting to keep talking to me and try to be nice to me. I think shes jealous that Ive got a way better girlfriend than she ever was

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^ Hey hey! Not all! I pride myself on my normalcy! And I've known my fair share of crazy guys, so that can go both ways.

Also, I personally feel like most people (men and women alike) start out normal, and get screwed up by a bad relationship experience or two. I think once they lose faith in a "normal" relationship, they start acting crazy. As for the ones that are crazy to start out with... well, I have nothing to say about that. Slap them and send them back to where they came from!

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I've gotten picked on horribly in school. At one point I was actually cutting myself. Kids, especially girls would be horrendously mean to me. one of them pushed me down a set of stairs and all her friends laughed. I broke my collar bone, In fact my high school freshmen year picture has me with a sling on in my year book. Last Friday a girl and all of her friends dumped a bottle of snapple on my head and swore at me for no reason. I've given up with not only girls, but people. They S****. I'de much rater isolate myself and talk about roller coasters. I've only ever really gotten along with enthusiasts.

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I've gotten picked on horribly in school. At one point I was actually cutting myself. Kids, especially girls would be horrendously mean to me. one of them pushed me down a set of stairs and all her friends laughed. I broke my collar bone, In fact my high school freshmen year picture has me with a sling on in my year book. Last Friday a girl and all of her friends dumped a bottle of snapple on my head and swore at me for no reason. I've given up with not only girls, but people. They S****. I'de much rater isolate myself and talk about roller coasters. I've only ever really gotten along with enthusiasts.


Wow, I'm so sorry you ever had to go through that! I went to a fairly small high school, with a very laid-back atmosphere, so I can't even wrap my mind around people acting like that. There's just no reason for it. It's really too bad that it has shaped your opinion of people in general, because I can tell you, most are inherently good (or at least that's what I have seen and believe). Maybe one day you'll have a different experience where you can see that. For now, at least you know you have a community you can feel at home in here!


As for me, I'm still single and enjoying it

Trying to focus mostly on school and work (to pay for school) right now!

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I've gotten picked on horribly in school. At one point I was actually cutting myself. Kids, especially girls would be horrendously mean to me. one of them pushed me down a set of stairs and all her friends laughed. I broke my collar bone, In fact my high school freshmen year picture has me with a sling on in my year book. Last Friday a girl and all of her friends dumped a bottle of snapple on my head and swore at me for no reason. I've given up with not only girls, but people. They S****. I'de much rater isolate myself and talk about roller coasters. I've only ever really gotten along with enthusiasts.


Press charges. They won't be laughing then.

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I really, really didn't want to get involved here, but I have a really hard time believing in full this 'bullying' story.


First off, if you broke your collar bone there should have been a doctor's report, school officials, not to mention your parents should have been involved, etc.


Secondly, most schools have officers, cameras, resourse counselors, etc. Did someone see any of these incidents?


It all just seems a bit fishy.


Sorry if all of this is actually happening to you, but if it is, you gotta place some blame on yourself and your parents for not doing anything about it!

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I've gotten picked on horribly in school. At one point I was actually cutting myself. Kids, especially girls would be horrendously mean to me. one of them pushed me down a set of stairs and all her friends laughed. I broke my collar bone, In fact my high school freshmen year picture has me with a sling on in my year book. Last Friday a girl and all of her friends dumped a bottle of snapple on my head and swore at me for no reason. I've given up with not only girls, but people. They S****. I'de much rater isolate myself and talk about roller coasters. I've only ever really gotten along with enthusiasts.



If what you say is true, why don't you stand up for yourself? You look like a pretty big guy in your avatar, fight back.

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Do you go to a public school? There's no reason this should be happening. Notify a teacher you know well that you know will care. Sadly, not all of them will (even though they should). Notify an administrator or your parents.


I don't agree with fighting back in school as it will only get you in trouble, but take other actions that will get them in far more trouble. Assuming this is all the truth.


I disagree, nobody likes a snitch. It'd just get you picked on even more, or at the very least it wouldn't help make new friends. I'd just stand up for myself, self-esteem goes a long way and it's really easy to victimize someone who has none. Sulking doesn't solve the problem, and telling your teachers might get the other guys in trouble too but it's not going to help your social situation. I'd say stand for myself whether or not I'd get in trouble, but that doesn't necessarily mean physical violence.


I'm not really buying this sob story though, it seems a little bit too dramatic to be true.

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