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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Well doesnt that ride have 5 trains? So it seems like it is pretty likely to happen.

That statement makes no sense at all. A Wild Mouse can run like 10 trains so does that mean they should be crashing into each other all the time? So are you trying to claim that rides with more than 2 or 3 trains are less safe?


So before people go trying to group this into an Intamin problem, try to make some kind of statements without any facts, maybe we should all wait for some official news before making statements that don't offer anything to anyone regarding the accident.


--Robb "Otherwise we're not better than the lousy press blowing things out of proportion." Alvey

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While it seems like Disney has been having quite a few accidents lately, look at the types of ones that have been happening. Most of them are very isolated (effect one person) and not the ride's fault. (That goes for the Mission: Space and ToT.) This accident is a more major one; thank god that no one is hurt too badly.


It will probably take a while to reopen the ride, given the California court ruling regarding 'common carriers.'

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The question is how did the train that hit leave and enter the next block with the other train on the first set of brakes, that shouldn't happen.


INTAMIN wouldn't be to blame as they do not program the PLC, which is responsible for the blocking system. Therefore Allen-Bradley or whoever made the PLC, would be at fault for PLC failure if this is the case since they are the responsible parties .. well them and Disney, since Disney's ET's are responsible for PLC maintenance as well.

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Oh dear.

I can see this being the big disappointment of my holiday.

They have a month to get it going again before they have to deal with me clinging to the ride entrance in fits of tears. Or something...

I also have a month to figure out how best to approach the task of making them feel bad for depriving me of my joy


It looks to me like the red train got to the final brakes after the final helix and didn't move from there, allowing the purple train to slip up it's backside.

As for the reason why the collision was only mild, perhaps the purple train hit enough of the brake section before shunting the red train to kill the majority of its speed.




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^Yeah, if the other train was already on that brake section, that means the brakes were more than likely still closed, meaning they would have slowed the train faster. You hit those brakes pretty hard, so I'd be guessing that's why this wasn't too major of an incident. Had those brakes been open the train would have FLEW into the back of the other train.

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^ Agreed. It always really bothers me when people start instantly blaming the coaster manufacturer, or the park, or whoever.


Most people that make those claims either:


A. Usually have clue what they are talking about.


B. Most likely have no clue what they are talking about.


C. Are a mute.


There are so many 'moving parts' so to speak that are manufactured by several different people on a coaster or any large piece of machinery for that matter (like an airplane, cruise ship, jigsaw puzzle, etc) that it could be any number of reasons why something failed.


Instantly pointing the blame at Intamin, B&M, or whoever, even if it DOES turn out to be that party's fault, is just a sign of ignorance, IMO.



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Yeah. Loads of companies do stuff when constructing a coaster. They all group together. There intamin, the coaster, then the people who build the station, and then the programming. Isnt that right though? I thought that is what it was if it isnt right.

Anyway, I as was asking in my last post, what happened on TOT?


Sorry, Robb posted while I was typing mine.

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Anyway, I as was asking in my last post, what happened on TOT?


A few weeks ago, a 16 year old girl from England came off of ToT at WDW feeling lightheaded and weak. Her mother sat her down at the ride exit and cast members began assisting and she started to go downhill real fast. 911 was called and she was rushed to Celebration Hospital. Enroute she went into cardiac arrest and I think she ended up having to have brain surgery (someone correct me if I am wrong on the last part).


This happened almost a month to the day of the 4 yo boy dying after riding Mission-Space. Disney is not having a good summer.......


Shari "Which is unfortunate, because of how they run their parks" Shoufler

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^It's just a statistics thing...


Disney is going to have more accidents because they have more people at their parks!


Add to that that they're open 365, and Florida is not the best of climates, and yeah you'll have problems.

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DId not hear anything about having to have emergency Brain Surgery. Also to correct a statement that someone else brought up, no she did not die on ToT either.


The News last night did not provide any additional information concerning anything about the actual incident, other than calling it "an incident". This was the local affiliation of NBC News in San Diego.

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Just check through all my "Google" notifs from overnight...

OMG, can't the news media get it right?


I am seeing reports that indicate "60 people injured" to "The incident HAPPENED in the loading station". They all seem to bring up the March incident of the 4 year old child that his parents did not pay attention to on the Story Book Canal Boasts and severed the top of his thumb.


Place the blame were it needs to be folks...sheeesh!

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^ This is EXACTLY why we don't have cool obstacle courses or bouncy trampoline things in the US parks.


It really sucks. I mean, if America actually had a shred of "personal responsibility" we could have all that cool stuff the European parks do.


--Robb "But we don't and that sucks, and they do and it's cool!" Alvey

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They don't have you sign any releases in Europe at all those parks before you go in, do they?

You agree to a release for most american parks too. It doesn't stop people from suing sadly. Look at the back of a Six Flags ticket sometime... OMG...
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You're right! unfortunately how many people read the back of the ticket? (guess would apply at all parks, even DLR)


Legally however, and again unfortunately, lawyers would argue the same point...no one pays attention to the back of the ticket... unless they have them sign it...right?

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Just heard on the Radio here in the UK making it sound like a massive major disaster or something.


Yeah, I was at the Shopping Centre (Mall) and it was on the sound system thing. It was on Radio 1.

The accident wasnt even in our country!!! Why are they making it sound so big?!?

Ok, yeah, it is a very popular park and it is Disney but at least no-one was killed or severly injured. Isnt that the good thing?

So why are they making it so big, even though it was a minor accident? Just because Disney has an Accident but I am sure if Six Flags or something had the same thing, it wouldnt be on the news here. Sure Kingda Ka bust and wasnt on the news. Maybe it wasnt on the news in America.


Are they making it a big deal because it is just Disney?

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Bottom line...it's DIsney. Anytime anything happens at a Disney resort, it's big news to the media.


Just spoke to a cast member that was there last night. It really was no a huge thing to be worried about. Yes there was a problem, but the severity of the impact was very minor. There was an"over-reaction" to the needed response, but inthe times that we live in now...anything that can be construed to be anything... will be.

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