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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Two trains on the California Screamin' ride at Disney California Adventure bumped into each on Friday evening, leaving at least 60 riders with minor injuries.


The accident occurred just before 6:45 p.m. as one of the trains was coming was ending its ride and hit a second train that was loading passengers, said Michael Simpson, dispatcher for Metronet, which covers the Anaheim Fire Department.


Most of the injured complained of neck and back pain and some were being sent to local hospitals. Simpson said initial reports indicated that there were no serious injuries.


California Screamin' is one of the more popular rides at California Adventure. The ride is shaped too look like a silhouette of Mickey Mouse's head.

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Yeah, just watched it on KCAL9...two trains collided, most people on the train said they were fine, but went to the hospital as a precaution. They're making a HUGE deal out of this! It sounds more like the Powder Keg accident where one train was just advancing into the station and hit the one in the station.


I agree with Eric...how did more people than can possibly be on two trains get injured?!?! I'm guessing it's just a combination of the media and sue-disney happy folks!

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That article that Stitch posted says that it occoured when one train hit another train that was loading.


If that was true the result would be an over-abrupt stop in the train.




What I dont get is that picture shows a train in the first brake run. Maybe it estopped?


I agree with Eric...how did more people than can possibly be on two trains get injured?!?! I'm guessing it's just a combination of the media and sue-disney happy folks!


Lol...probably. All the stations are mentioning "two trains collided", and then mentioning every accident at the resort since 1998.

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My bad...dude yeah one train was in the breaks before the station, and the other train hit it at full speed coming into the final breaks.


Honestly, that's a major fault of the breaks, but I give those Intamin trains credit for staying in one piece and not killing anyone!


Hope the 15 people still in the hospital are okay!

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