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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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This is gonna be awesome! DCA's ToT isn't that popular and this new theme can really give DCA an attendance boost. Not to mention how great the building looks!


I wouldn't say that. Even though it's not as good as the original, it's still fairly popular. This is especially true for the people who have only visited the California resort, which makes up a large chunk of their guests.

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Well I assume this transformation will coincide with the release of the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie. (Disney is a master at promotion etc...) Personally I think this is a AWESOME idea! I really enjoyed the 1st guardian movie, and this somewhat dated attraction will benefit from a new overlay. (Much like Soarin' over CA has a new update, this will be better as well) An excellent move by Disney! The visuals look very impressive so far.

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Meh, I do not really like this idea. And, I did not care about the Maelstrom conversion, because that ride was nowhere near 'classic' status. However, Tower of Terror was probably one of the best original stories they had come up with in the past twenty years. Even though it was based on a property, Twilight Zone an older property that many of the younger generation is not familiar with.


Now, I do believe that this will be better done than that God-awful Test Track conversion. However, the conversion of these two modern classics into something more 'hip.' And I do not like the direction of the company in this sense. I wish Disney would go back to making more original classics instead of feeling like everything has to be based on the newest property. I did not care about Maelstrom, (and who honestly did?) but I have a problem when they feel a need to upgrade some of their newest classics. I think that the newest major non-property based attraction in a US park was Everest in 2006. I will also give Seven Dwarves a pass, because the property itself is classic enough already. But I feel that Test Track and Tower of Terror are two storylines that should remain untouched.

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And I do not like the direction of the company in this sense. I wish Disney would go back to making more original classics instead of feeling like everything has to be based on the newest property. I did not care about Maelstrom, (and who honestly did?) but I have a problem when they feel a need to upgrade some of their newest classics. I think that the newest major non-property based attraction in a US park was Everest in 2006. I will also give Seven Dwarves a pass, because the property itself is classic enough already. But I feel that Test Track and Tower of Terror are two storylines that should remain untouched.



Soarin' Around the World *just* opened as a major non-IP attraction.


Test Track could easily have gone Tron themed if GM didn't renew their contract. Honestly having seen what TT 2.0 ended up being and now seeing Tron Lightcycle Power Run in Shanghai, I think the Tron theme could have made for a better attraction than what's there now. The whole car design part in the queue is fun, but the test ride itself is disjointed storytelling at best. Tron would have told a much stronger story.


What ultimately matters is what makes for the best attraction possible. If use of an IP-based theme like Guardians makes for a much richer, more immersive experience, I'm totally OK with it. If the day ever come where the use of original themes/stories for theme park rides was completely abandoned in favor of IP-based themes, that would be a sad day, but it's not going to happen. Certainly this move doesn't signal that day is near since Twilight Zone was an IP-based theme anyway. This move swaps that out for a potentially stronger, certainly much more relevant theme. I'll miss the Twilight Zone, but DCA's version was always a scaled-down version of the original anyway. WDW has the real Tower of Terror that will still be there after Guardians has moved in. Now it won't suffer from such a comparison without much of anything being lost. Instead, we gain having an attraction unique to Disneyland, and an attraction unique to WDW (and Paris) that used to be close cousins of each other. That's a GOOD thing.


Having this be the cornerstone of a Marvel presence in DCA is probably the best news of all. They can take what has been a mostly dead, ill-conceived area of the park for 15 years and turn it into a huge success. Can't wait to see what else is to come.

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The whole Hollywood Studios section of the park has been a bit problematic from Day 1; it always seemed a bit "half-assed," and TOT (which I like a lot, although not as much as the Florida version) never quite fit in. (A hotel in the middle of a studio?) If that section of the park "goes Marvel," then this conversion makes sense.


The concept art looks pretty impressive.

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Anyone else surprised that the ride will close in early 2017 and reopen in summer 2017? Seems like a tight window convert it from ToT to GOTG. I loved Guardians, so I'm excited to see how this project turns out. The ride itself is already fantastic, so I'm sure it will be a real winner. It is pretty surreal that Disney is moving forward with this decision! A Marvel themed area is going to be a huge win for the park, and I can't wait to visit when it's complete.

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Anyone else surprised that the ride will close in early 2017 and reopen in summer 2017? Seems like a tight window convert it from ToT to GOTG.

I'm kind of surprised. I'm totally okay with this in concept considering that the Hollywood Studios attraction is still the way it is, but I'm not sure about the potential execution. The fact that they're only closing the attraction for, let's say, six months at most makes me think like this won't feel like a new attraction when it opens. Ready and willing to be proven wrong, as always.

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Anyone else surprised that the ride will close in early 2017 and reopen in summer 2017? Seems like a tight window convert it from ToT to GOTG.

I'm kind of surprised. I'm totally okay with this in concept considering that the Hollywood Studios attraction is still the way it is, but I'm not sure about the potential execution. The fact that they're only closing the attraction for, let's say, six months at most makes me think like this won't feel like a new attraction when it opens. Ready and willing to be proven wrong, as always.


I'm not that worried honestly. They said that they already shot footage to be used in the ride while the shot the GOTG sequel. And it was mentioned on screamscape that they could start exterior work on parts of the building before the ride even closes. I have no doubt that they everything interior within six months, so really it doesn't scare me.

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Cautiously optimistic about this. I give Disney the benefit of the doubt bc Disney, but I agree with AJ. Six months seems like a very small window to convert ToT into an entirely new elaborately themed attraction.


That being said, I think the concept is awesome. Guardians was a great movie and ToT is a great ride. Perfect marriage of the two.

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I feel the way most of you do.



- It was a second rate Tower of Terror to begin with

- It will help with that area of the park

- Great looking concept art

- Better drop sequence



- Six months!!??! I know Disney can make magic but this will be tough.

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Im happy to see a re-themeing rather than taking the ride down. Im just not the biggest super hero fan. I hope they don't take out hollywood land for the Marvel area. Also a little sad to see DCA losing a scary-ish ride.

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As I mentioned before I am very excited and welcome this upgrade to the tower.


I am a former Indy, BTMRR, and DLRR ride operator and still speak with many of my friends who continue to work the rides at the resort. I am not surprised to see many of them, and many guests who have heard the news mostly seem upset with this transition. While many are upset at this change , I feel most Californians haven't tried the superior Florida version, or the awesome Japanese version (I have yet to try Disney Sea's but it looks amazing!) The point I'm trying to make is if this version makes DCA's tower completely original from the other versions story-wise, we are going from a cloned story and theme to an original one, which is awesome in my opinion.


While I don't believe everything I see on Screamscape or other theme park rumor sites all the time , Joe Rohde said himself that this will be the first of several attractions in the area. There was a strong RUMOR going in 2015 that the lots behind Tower of Terror would become a Marvel themed land. The big E-Ticket ride rumored to be in this area was an Avengers-themed indoor, launched coaster with projection and other special effects. I hope this comes to fruition , between Marvel land at DCA and Star Wars land at DL, this is a MAJOR expansion and I can't wait to see this come to life at both parks!


Regarding Marvel land taking over Hollywood, I very much doubt it. The red car trolleys are still very new , and the area does still offer some nice attractions, perhaps Monsters and Muppets will see some kind of upgrade or replacement. Personally I love the animation building and think it's a must - see for a first time visitor.


I have not worked at the resort in several years but I hear a new lot/parking structure is being built so DCA can continue to expand, Micechat has shown where the new land would supposedly be.

Edited by ECZenith
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I'm more than fine with this makeover of my favorite Disney ride. Yes it'll be an overlay but only because it's hard to build a building that big in six months. It's sounds like the variety of each experience will make multiple rides fun and necessary. Maybe you have to rescue a different Guardian each ride? Also showing Disney smarts this will open around the same time the sequel comes out. It's a perfect time for rebranding. Robb if you want to see people cry about it check out Disneyland's Facebook post about. They say they're ruining the history of the park and instead they should put this in Tomorrowland. Lol yes the fifteen year old park shouldn't be ruined so let's put it in the original classic park. Ugh.

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Guardians is one of my favorite movies so I'm beyond excited. Would this excitement be there if they were touching the Orlando's much superior version, he'll no!! At least this means every ToT attraction across all the Disney Resorts are unique, as Disney fanboys fishing for complaints usually bring up having unique attractions at each park. Now you guys got a new one, so accept the awesomeness of Guardians. I will miss having a horror-based ride not too far from home though, but Haunted Mansion is looking better than ever today.


I'm very excited for the future, as Hollywoodland was always underwhelming. We can now understand why they decided to not redo this section of the park besides the name change, but I do wonder what this means for Frozen in the future considering the broadway show is literally right next to ToT. Makes me think the land is actually going behind ToT instead of taking over Hollywoodland and the abandoned soundstages.

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Bubba I agree, the parade building, other large backstage buildings and lots behind ToT are likely the new home for the Marvel attractions. So many awesome expansions in California right now with Harry Potter, Star Wars and now this. It's a good time to be alive, a great time to be an attractions fan!


Between RSR and ToT

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There's confirmed to be a Marvel land but the location is unconfirmed. I just can't imagine the trolley rolling through Marvel area, and it would make the most sense to put the new stuff in this area. I rode a golf cart down that service road During cars land construction and that area is pretty big. I hope this happens.

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If this is part of a bigger move to convert that area of the park into a Marvel land, I am on board with this. If they don't have plans to go full Marvel, I would have preferred they kept the Twilight Zone theme. Even though it wasn't as good as Florida's, the tower and ride is still very immersive.


The drops will provide the same great experience regardless of the theme and I know the new theming will be well done.

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^^ Well, they had to totally "re-theme" Disney Sea's Tower of Terror, because the locals didn't know

the connection to "The Twilight Zone". And it turned out pretty good, I'd say. This could

end up (I hope) with the same results in DCA.

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I think I may be the only person who has never cared at all about DCA's ToT.... I've always found it to be a mediocre ride at best. It's never been overly popular and it drives me crazy that even with no line it takes 15 minutes to get on a 90 second ride. Throw in the experience you get on WDW's version and if further shows how sad California's version is.


I'm looking forward to a more fun overall experience and a randomized drop sequence. I think this could be a great change.

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