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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I imagine that if they ended the Monthly plan on passes, That would probably cut AP's by alot.

Disney makes way too much money off of those tickets to just get rid of them, jacking up the prices until they finally start selling less is a much more likely scenario.

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Well Disney tolerates the various hotels on Harbor, because they have to. Those hotels provide zero revenue to Disney, yet they thrive because of Disney.


Let's also not forget about the Anaheim Convention Center brings in big numbers every year, and is expanding its facilities for more.

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Hey guys!


Planning a vacation back home to good ol' SoCal this November and wanted your thoughts as to when the best time to visit the most magical place on earth!


I'm thinking the week of November - 7th - 9th actually - would be a good couple of days. Right after Halloween but not so close to schools being out for Thanksgiving. Thoughts? Even though I grew up rather close to Disney I didn't actually get to visit the park often (at all). So I don't really know the "sweet spots" of when to visit. Of course, soon as I move away, my family then decides to get season passes


Also if you have any strategic plans of action as to where to stay for a night or two? We used GetAwayToday for our honeymoon a few years ago, which included park hopper tickets, and that was neat - but I'm all for saving some money where I can.


Thanks all! Carry on.

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Well I would assume that Disney tolerates the various hotels on Harbor, because they have to. Those hotels provide zero revenue to Disney, yet they thrive because of Disney. (Normally you would expect to pay a royalty fee etc...) But Disney can't go complete commando on the Harbor hotels, so they'll offer some type of (bastard) side entry, which will likely involve a long line/wait??? Thus encouraging those guests to perhaps stay at a Disney hotel on their future visits.


The argument that Disney would be wise to inconvenience those people for the sake of getting them to book official hotels is stupid. And it comes down to one thing: Capacity. Disney does not with their three hotels have anywhere near enough capacity to be able to accept all the people staying in those hotels plus their current numbers of guests. Also, they don't have a hotel with a competitive price point to lure them away. Shutting them out completely would have been spiteful and done nothing for Disney's own bottom line, since they need the hotels across the street to increase multi-day, out of town stays that spend money in the parks.


You nailed it. Disney and the city of Anaheim need those hotels to support their tourism/convention business.

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So yesterday the summer blockout came to a close and naturally, as a annual pass holder, I went.


One thing that I noticed was that the park was surprisingly light from around 8-1. Splash Mountain was a walk on at 9, Big Thunder was a 8 minute wait a little after 9, and California Screamin' was a 5 minute wait a little after noon. However, the park exploded from around 1 until 5, but it ended up quickly dying down into the night.


Around 5 the California Screamin' operations were fantastic. Every single train sent out was waiting a bit on the launch. A wait that usually would be 30 minutes was 15 minutes.

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I found this on google news that Disney has a new patent to possibly turn light sabers into weapons for attractions. It would be cool to have a Return of the Jedi Speeder Bike ride where you swing at Storm Troopers as they approach your bike trying to knock them off.



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^ Maybe this "light saber" patent could/will be used in conjunction with the new SWL attraction,

which "might" be trackless, and might involve fighting (shooting, etc.) from your ride vehicle.


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Hey guys!


Planning a vacation back home to good ol' SoCal this November and wanted your thoughts as to when the best time to visit the most magical place on earth!


I'm thinking the week of November - 7th - 9th actually - would be a good couple of days. Right after Halloween but not so close to schools being out for Thanksgiving. Thoughts? Even though I grew up rather close to Disney I didn't actually get to visit the park often (at all). So I don't really know the "sweet spots" of when to visit. Of course, soon as I move away, my family then decides to get season passes


Also if you have any strategic plans of action as to where to stay for a night or two? We used GetAwayToday for our honeymoon a few years ago, which included park hopper tickets, and that was neat - but I'm all for saving some money where I can.


Thanks all! Carry on.


can't really speak to most of your question, but I do know that when we go, we stay at Hilton Anaheim (near the Convention Center)

not sure if that works for "saving money". . as it can be more expensive than the cheapies, but it's a beautiful Hotel, that not only has a shuttle to the font gates, but is in WALKING DISTANCE to front gates.


that's where I'd stay, if this helps any

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Hey guys!


Planning a vacation back home to good ol' SoCal this November and wanted your thoughts as to when the best time to visit the most magical place on earth!


I'm thinking the week of November - 7th - 9th actually - would be a good couple of days. Right after Halloween but not so close to schools being out for Thanksgiving. Thoughts? Even though I grew up rather close to Disney I didn't actually get to visit the park often (at all). So I don't really know the "sweet spots" of when to visit. Of course, soon as I move away, my family then decides to get season passes


Also if you have any strategic plans of action as to where to stay for a night or two? We used GetAwayToday for our honeymoon a few years ago, which included park hopper tickets, and that was neat - but I'm all for saving some money where I can.


Thanks all! Carry on.


We've stayed at the Ramada Maingate several times, which has recently been remodeled and is now called the Grand Legacy at the Park. The location can't be beat and the prices are usually pretty competitive with the area. Plus, they offer discounts for AAA, Annual Passes, and a variety of other discounts (sign up on their email list). If you have the budget for a higher priced hotel, I would recommend the Paradise Pier hotel. It's the cheapest of the three Disney-owned properties and you get the Magic Morning hour every day of your stay. IMO, the extra you pay is totally worth it to have that Magic Morning hour each day (it switches between DL and CA). During our last trip, in CA we were able to ride Radiator Springs 3 times before the GP was let into the park. On the DL side, we were able to hit most of the Fantasyland rides and then get in line for Hyperspace Mtn before the general opening. It all depends on how much you want to spend, but consider the Paradise Pier if it's in your budget. If not, then the Grand Legacy is a solid choice.

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So yesterday the summer blockout came to a close and naturally, as a annual pass holder, I went.


One thing that I noticed was that the park was surprisingly light from around 8-1. Splash Mountain was a walk on at 9, Big Thunder was a 8 minute wait a little after 9, and California Screamin' was a 5 minute wait a little after noon. However, the park exploded from around 1 until 5, but it ended up quickly dying down into the night.


Around 5 the California Screamin' operations were fantastic. Every single train sent out was waiting a bit on the launch. A wait that usually would be 30 minutes was 15 minutes.


This is good news! I was planning on going either this Friday 8/26 or Saturday 8/27 and heading there first thing in the morning. You think Friday will be good like that too?

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Has anyone mapped out on Google or whatever the distance from this new garage on what used to be Pumbaa to DL's gate, and the walking distance from the existing Mickey & Friends garage to DL's gate via the walking path?


I'd be interested to see which has the longer walk.

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Thank you guys for your suggestions! I'll take a look at those hotels. I wanted to stay at Paradise Pier on our honeymoon but we decided to save the extra cash for other Disney splurges. Maybe one day I'll save up for a super trip and go all out.


Paradise Pier is a 30ish year old hotel purchased by Disney and refurbished to be the "bargain choice". It also has an epic walk to the park gate because they closed off its entrance to DCA. I think you're at least as well off or better off staying at something like the Fairfield Inn across Harbor.

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Thank you guys for your suggestions! I'll take a look at those hotels. I wanted to stay at Paradise Pier on our honeymoon but we decided to save the extra cash for other Disney splurges. Maybe one day I'll save up for a super trip and go all out.


Paradise Pier is a 30ish year old hotel purchased by Disney and refurbished to be the "bargain choice". It also has an epic walk to the park gate because they closed off its entrance to DCA. I think you're at least as well off or better off staying at something like the Fairfield Inn across Harbor.


It's not a long walk to DCA at all from Paradise Pier. The Grand Californian is right across the street and still has its private entrance, so you just enter there. You do have to walk through Downtown Disney to get to DL, but it only takes about 10 min.

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This is good news! I was planning on going either this Friday 8/26 or Saturday 8/27 and heading there first thing in the morning. You think Friday will be good like that too?


I feel like Friday won't be that bad, as schools are starting to go back in session. However, I can't comment on Saturday, as I haven't been to Disney on a Saturday in ages.

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Sorry, I meant spin more violently. I used to always remember the rafts making one rotation on the way down, but the most recent time I rode it I noticed that my raft spun a bunch of times on the way down. Three of my friends, who were all on a different raft, felt the same way.

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I'll be heading to Disneyland tomorrow for my last visit during the 60th anniversary celebration. That means my last ride on Hyperspace Mountain before Ghost Galaxy returns for Halloween. I like the Hyperspace layover, but I definitely miss the classic version. I was just curious if anyone else misses the classic version, and if you think it will return after Ghost Galaxy or not.

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Sorry, I meant spin more violently. I used to always remember the rafts making one rotation on the way down, but the most recent time I rode it I noticed that my raft spun a bunch of times on the way down. Three of my friends, who were all on a different raft, felt the same way.

This is how it used to be, at least when the ride first opened. I admit I probably haven't ridden it in ten years, but I remember them spinning a bunch of times down the drop.

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^^I've always enjoyed the classic 'Dark' version of Space Mountain myself. But, I would assume that after Halloween has passed that Disney would likely switch back to the Hyperspace Mountain. Mainly because of the upcoming December 16th release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Disney is a master at promotions, and this tie in/cross promotion may be to good to pass up.

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