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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Why do Magic Kingdom and DLR still have those stupid car rides? I was completely confused by it's existence during our Disney trip last month. It takes up a ton of room, you can ride it at basically every park in America and there's nothing futuristic about a gas powered car ride.

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Because people still love them...obviously. Autopia at Disneyland can have over an hour wait on a buy day! I personally don't ever ride them, and would like a different ride there, but the general public still loves the ride. Also, Kids get to drive, which is the main draw I feel for families.

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My take on Autopia is this. I remember when they finally combined the two Autopia tracks, the one in Tomorrowland,

the other in Fantasyland, into one. Then they added/created this "off road" section of the track which looked

(at the time) cool. And it was a Big Deal when it opened in this new form. So I just want to experience it once.


And just because, I 'm probably also going to ride the submarine, too.


But I'm skipping Star Tours, because I physically can't ride it anymore. And Buzz Lightyear, because I've ridden

the three versions in Tokyo, Paris, and Hong Kong, and don't feel like riding it solo. Then again.....

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But I'm skipping Star Tours, because I physically can't ride it anymore. And Buzz Lightyear, because I've ridden

the three versions in Tokyo, Paris, and Hong Kong, and don't feel like riding it solo. Then again.....


I remember riding Gobbler Getaway all by myself. It was kind of weird (I think I was the only person on the entire ride, not just my car) but I didn't care and had fun. The HW employees are so nice and plenty used to seeing single-rider enthusiasts lol


I don't blame you for skipping it though, since there are a million other things to do and it's nothing special compared to the other ones.

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...But generally, break right into the park and get the FP for Hyperspace, and if line is less than an hour, I would say do the standby after getting a FP so you can do it twice that day.


Memorizing this part for my Sept. visit.


Actually, and I only remember those from 1997, are there any other rides

with FP... and the same advice goes? Get the FP first, then ride it if the wait isn't long?

(I suspect Peter Pan will be like this IF I want a second ride.)


Honestly I think it's smarter for Hyperspace to do Standby first and then grab a Fastpass after your first ride. When I was last there the Fastpass queue (just to get a Fastpass) was all the way out past the Captain EO theatre and standby was listed at 60 minutes at the park opening but really was a walk straight into the station. Including the forever-long queue the total wait was 5 minutes. By the time we rode and looped back around the Fastpass queue had disappeared and they were giving out Fastpasses for noon-ish, IIRC.


Long story short, standby first thing in the morning, then grab a Fastpass immediately after.


Also, Peter Pan in California doesn't have a Fastpass option. But it's also the weakest ride in Fantasyland, IMO. Go ride Mr. Toad a thousand times.


I think my plan in 2 weeks will be to ride Hyperspace first, get a Fastpass for Hyperspace, and then run over to DCA and try and get Fastpasses for both Radiator Springs Racers and World of Color. I'd rather be running around like a mad man than standing in line.

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^ If you're on your own, Racers has a Single Rider Line.

As does Soarin', Grizzly Rapids, Goofy's Sky School, And Screamin'.


You have to line up for Mater's and Luigi's, though


And DL's SRLs are Matterhorn; Splash Mtn; and Indy.

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^ If you're on your own, Racers has a Single Rider Line.

As does Soarin', Grizzly Rapids, Goofy's Sky School, And Screamin'.


You have to line up for Mater's and Luigi's, though


And DL's SRLs are Matterhorn; Splash Mtn; and Indy.


Also, the WoC dining package at Carthay is worth it. You will get an awesome viewing area, along with great food & cocktails, without running around.

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^ While I did remember the recent WoC Dessert thing being offered recently, I had forgotten if any

restaurant (Carthay Circle...of course!) was offering a WoC Dinner Deal, etc.


Thanks for reminding me! It looks muuuuch better than a Dessert Party, IMhO!

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Walt Disney Imagineering will design the hotel, which currently doesn’t have a theme, Disneyland officials said. Guests will dine in an upscale rooftop restaurant watching Disneyland’s nightly fireworks over Sleeping Beauty Castle. There will be two pools, a fitness facility, concierge service and a kid’s play area. The average nightly rate would be about $450.



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Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Is this one going to be $350 a night in the off season, too?! Can't wait to say screw that and go to the $60 Super 8 instead!


You can find my white ass at the HoJo for like $100 with a shorter walk to the gate.

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^ Too many little brats screaming at that "waterpark" they have. The Super 8 is 15 minutes walking to the gate, comes in from the other side allowing a Starbucks stop, and is quieter.

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Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Is this one going to be $350 a night in the off season, too?! Can't wait to say screw that and go to the $60 Super 8 instead!


Yep, but hey, it's another lobby to walk through, and I'm sure the restaurants will be interesting.

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I was (still am?) hoping for a more of an expansion of Downtown Disney, along with the new hotel. My hope is that it will not be very visually obtrusive while inside the park

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^ Too many little brats screaming at that "waterpark" they have. The Super 8 is 15 minutes walking to the gate, comes in from the other side allowing a Starbucks stop, and is quieter.


Reasonable point. I actually stayed at the Fairfield Inn last time and was pretty OK with that (and closer than the HoJo). Probably would do the same again. Unless Disney magic starts involving sex, it generally isn't worth what they charge. Even then, Backpage would probably be cheaper.

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^ Too many little brats screaming at that "waterpark" they have. The Super 8 is 15 minutes walking to the gate, comes in from the other side allowing a Starbucks stop, and is quieter.


I'm usually an Anabella, or Candy Cane Inn, type. There is a convention in town the weekend we are going to the parks, so this time we are trying Hotel Menage. It has a tiki poolside bar, and pool access is 24 hours. Can't wait to try that out.


Since getting word of the Anabella closing in the upcoming years, I asked the people there what their plan was. Apparently, they are moving closer to the convention center, and will have a larger foot print that will allow them to build several pools (one thats adults only, hopefully). The city has been working on developing an area on the convention center property for some time now. I wonder if that's where they plan to go.

I do love the Candy Cane Inn free shuttle.

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So I guess Disney World is the only Disney property with value resorts?


Paris, but they're overpriced garbage that only seems to appeal to Americans on the autism spectrum w/Mickey hugboxes and lower middle class British families.

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So I guess Disney World is the only Disney property with value resorts?


Paris, but they're overpriced garbage that only seems to appeal to Americans on the autism spectrum w/Mickey hugboxes and lower middle class British families.


Yeah, seriously. They're pretty bad. On the other end of the spectrum, the Sequoia Lodge is considered a full on resort and supposed to be France's version of Florida's Wilderness Lodge, but it's anything but. Sure the color palette was correct but the rooms I saw were comparable to a Quality Inn. Also if you're not a born and bred Parisian don't expect to get a second look by the bartender.

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So I guess Disney World is the only Disney property with value resorts?


Paris, but they're overpriced garbage that only seems to appeal to Americans on the autism spectrum w/Mickey hugboxes and lower middle class British families.


Yeah, seriously. They're pretty bad. On the other end of the spectrum, the Sequoia Lodge is considered a full on resort and supposed to be France's version of Florida's Wilderness Lodge, but it's anything but. Sure the color palette was correct but the rooms I saw were comparable to a Quality Inn. Also if you're not a born and bred Parisian don't expect to get a second look by the bartender.


All those hotel rooms are such a money sink that they bring down the entire resort financially. At least they're bothering now to put in flat screens in their "deluxe" hotels only a decade after they became generally standard in Red Roofs and Motel 6s and similar overseas. Not that it'll save them. Also like with Paris: Might as well just stay at the "good neighbor" hotels with the free bus service a 20 minute walk away. They aren't perfect, but you'll save a bunch of money and lose none of the charm since the official hotels all repeat the same billiards tables and coin operated nonsense everywhere thing in them.

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