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Watched I am Number 4 today. To my surprise, I actually liked it. It follows the basic formula of the high school superhero movies, but I still enjoyed it.

OHMYGODOHMYGOD I LOVE THAT MOVIE! The book is even better! I bought the DVD the day of the release!




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I watched Green Lantern: It was decent, but I thought the film climaxed way too soon. The villain was a bit lame I thought.


I also recently saw Scream 4: Wow. Nothing against those who like the style of Scream films, but it was one of the worst and least enjoyable movies I've seen in a long long time. I couldn't tell if the bad acting was intentional or not (thinking intentional), but if it was, it wasn't in the least bit funny, it was rather obnoxious. The plot: nowhere. Scares? none. Creepy setting? So overdone and glamorized it had no effect. Comedy? Really comedy? no. So bad it's funny? Yeah!!! um... NO. Just a really frustrating, head scratching movie.

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Am I the only one who liked Hangover 2? I mean the shemale part was pretty unnecessary (especially since I saw it with my dad...awkward), but it had some pretty good jokes. Yes I've seen the first, I didn't think they were too alike...I mean the storylines, apart from the hangover, someone disappearing, Alan drugging everyone...were completely different! So were the jokes, too.

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^ I probably could have told you that...


JAMIE FOXX WILL BE QUENTIN TARANTINO'S DJANGO UNCHAINED YES! Tarantino has finally announced his "slavery" movie in which Jamie Foxx will kick some white people asses. I like it so far though... from what I remember of the premise it is part revenge flick because Matt Damon, who plays a slave owner, wins Django's wife in a poker game.


I have loved almost all of QTs solo projects and I am looking forward to this for 2 reasons. #1 I am a prety big Tarantino fan in the first place, his movies are smart, bloody, and are more sophisticated action movies cause they tell a story, have good character development, are well acted, and are awesomely written.


#2 Reason is this brings us closer to Kill Bill volume 3. I like the idea of that one a lot and QT is so damn brilliant in what he did. Nicky will attempt to avenge her mothers death with the help of Elle Driver, who is blind but not dead. There is also rumor that the Crazy 88 are in some way involved again... but I love that franchise and it is IMO the second best franchise only getting beaten by Evil Dead. The bride rules!

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^Dark of the Moon was awesome! Michael Bay definitely upped his game. There's more build up involved before really getting into it, rather than just blowing things up right from the get go. Once it really gets going it's insane!

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Just a little hint for everyone, please check out the IMDB page for a "sketch" movie coming out in the near future called "Movie 43"... even though its a sketch movie it has pulled in some serious talent for the small roles (in alphabetical order):


Anna Faris Scary Movie

Chloe Moretz KickAss

Chris Pratt Wanted

Christopher Mintz-Plasse McLovin

Elizabeth Banks Scrubs n stuff

Emma Stone Superbad

Gerard Butler 300

Hugh Jackman Wolverine

Jason Sudeikis SNL

Johnny Knoxville Jackass

Josh Duhamel Transformers

Justin Long Dodgeball

Kate Bosworth 21

Kate Winslet Titanic

Kieran Culkin McCaulay's eerie looking little brother

Kristen Bell Doesnt matter where shes from... shes always hot!

Leslie Bibb Iron Man

Liev Schreiber Scream

Naomi Watts King Kong

Patrick Warburton Joe Swanson!!!

Richard Gere Pretty Woman

Seann William Scott American Pie

Stephen Merchant Tall nerd from Office

Tony Shalhoub You probably know him from Spy Kids or MIB

Uma Thurman Kill William





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I saw a couple of weeks ago Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which I found to be really great and hilarious film. Acting is rather good, plot is unique (wierd for those who haven't read the comics) and jokes were also funny. Certainly recommened!


And I'm definetly going to see Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2 as soon it comes to theatres (13.7).

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Just watched skeleton key.... It had incredible twist ending, with a very un-happy ending. I also watched saw, and it wasn't gory at all. I hear the rest are gross but this one just made you imagine everything which was worse! Part of you felt the pain. The twist in this movie was even better then skeleton key, and caught me waaaaaaay off guard!

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I just saw Transformers in IMAX 3D and it was totally awesome. i feel like i just got hit in the head by some rocket-propelled sports vehicle and then fell over and landed on a landmine, that's how bad my headache is. And I love it, its a bitter sweet reminder of those three hours of explosions, totally awesome robo-shiny car hybrid cyborg thingies, Maxim hot chick, Linkin Park and total awesomeness.


Anyone who complains about the lack of plot or emotion (which there was this time) needs to have Optimist Prime come and say "Dont be a NEGAtron!!!" and then get blasted off by his lazer cannons to the dark side of the moon where they can complain all they want about how all Michal Bay does is blow stuff up and make movies centered around cool stuff.


I mean, seriously. Its 'effing transformers, not some award winning cinematic masterpiece...

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Watched Limitless... a pretty good idea for a movie, made me wonder what i would do with those abilities...


Left me trying to answer a few questions though... did De Niro's character know about it all along, if so why wasnt something said before, did he purchase the pharmaceutical company so he could provide them for the new senator and so on...


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Recently watched I Am Number Four and Beastly. I really enjoyed them both. I Am Number Four was a good story and left things open for a sequel. Beastly was no cinematic triumph, but a cute retelling of a classic story.


I've posted about it before, but I'm still obsessed with Burlesque. I could watch it over and over. Have subsequently downloaded the soundtrack and can't stop listening. "I am a good girl..."

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Just got back from watching Super 8. I really liked it! Great acting, really cool explosions, and the little film that rolled during the credits was pretty funny. My one complaint is that, story-wise, it was more or less just a run of the mill monster movie. Very well-done, but just a monster movie.


(The pyromaniac kid with braces was my favorite.)



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