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Movies, Movies, Movies.....


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I went and saw Hugo a couple days ago. Despite this being marketed as a family film, it is a really good movie. The trailers don't give away too much of the story, and it actually talks quite a bit about the history of early movies (based on what I learned in my History of Film class, it is very accurate as well). Yes, it is a little overrated, but it may be the best thing currently playing (haven't seen Muppets and probably won't, but that may be the exception).


Also, I went and saw Breaking Dawn-Part 1 last weekend with my family since I was bored. Here's a simple piece of advice: Unless you are a fan of the Twilight Saga, don't waste your time on this one.

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My friends the Railsbacks and I had our usual series of bizarre and bad movies on DVD over the Thanksgiving holiday: Conan the Barbarian (just plain dumb), Ink (just plain weird, but I rather liked it), and X Men: First Class (somewhat better than I'd expected).

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^ I am actually looking forward to MI5 just a bit! I am not a huge action movie fan, but Brad Bird(director of The Incredibles and Iron Giant... to name a few) is directing it. It is also his first ever live action film. Lastly on the pros list Simon Pegg is probably the best thing to ever come from England and is awesome in most every roll!

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I just saw Midnight in Paris for the first time and LOVED it. I think I'm developing an addiction for Woody Allen...


]You need to watch Annie Hall, The Purple Rose of Cairo, Hannah and her Sisters...



Saw Tin Tin in Abu Dhabi last weekend and sadly will never have that time back, long, dull and with the most annoying hero ( term used very loosely ) ever. The first 15 minutes of Tin Tin talking to himself should have been a warning.


Mission Impossible GP : Yet again another over blown, over produced mess. The opening credits give away most of where the story will go, this was film making by numbers. The editing was beyond awful, scenes would just end mid sentence. Two and half hours of nothing!

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Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant? While the rest of us try not to get smushed under his BIG FEET. Whats so great about Caeser? Hmm? Brutus is just as smart as Caeser. OK Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. People totally like Brutus just as much as they like caesar. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody???!? Huh!? Because thats not what Rome is about! WE SHOULD TOTALLY JUST STAB CAESAR!


Mean Girls is like the best movie ever... It will never get old!

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Insidious is a GREAT movie!

I can't tell you how many times I've responded to posts about Insidious in this forum. It is probably my favorite horror movie. That or Halloween.


In unrelated news, I watched Dinner for Shmucks, The Dilemma, and Repo Men today. They were all mostly average, with Repo Men being my favorite of the three.

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I love the new Batman trailer. It gives away hardly anything. Really think they're holding back a lot of good stuff for the actual release of the movie. I can see it going down the whole Occupy Wall Street theme, with the poor of Gotham rebelling against the rich where Batman/Bruce Wayne is stuck in the middle due to his dual identity.

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^^I made the mistake of watching that movie for the first time at 4 in the morning. Needless to say I went to bed a little confused. I have watched it multiple times since and find it interesting. Not necessarily good in the typical movie sense, but definitely interesting.

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Got a chance to catch up on a ton of movies this week. Planning on watching a few more. Let's start.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire + Order of the Phoenix. I plan on watching Half Blood Prince tonight and Deathly Hallows 1 tomorrow. So far the series is pretty good. Having just read Deathly Hallows, I'm excited for part 1. Order was my personal fave of all the HP movies thus far.


The Hangover - I got some good laughs out of this movie. I can see why everyone loves it so much.


Shrek 4 - OK movie. It's pretty much a variation of the already tired Shrek formula. On it's own it's above average but it's easily the worst of the Shrek movies.


Monsters v. Aliens - good movie.


Despicable Me - Great movie. It feels kinda like a Pixar film and I can see why people love it so much. Those minions are so cute. Same goes for Megamind, which was great.


Cars 2 - I actually enjoyed this movie. Sure the spy element was a bit overdone, and they could've focused more on Lightning, but I liked it. Probably not Pixar's best, (I might even say it's their worst film) but it's still a pretty good watch.


The Muppets - This was an awesome movie. Great music, great acting, and best of all, the Muppets There were a few cheesy sections that probably weren't necessary (like that rap scene) but it was good overall.


I just finished Monty Python and the Holy Grail today too and I loved it.


I may have missed a few movies here and there. Too bad my sister doesn't have a better movie collection.

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I went to see MI:4 in IMAX the other day and was lucky enough to see the 6 minute prologue to the Dark Knight rises. I have to say that that if the rest of the movie is anything like those 6 minutes, this movie will kick a**. It is now my #2 must see movie next year, after only The Avengers. BTW, I thought MI:4 was actually pretty good. I enjoyed it better than the last 2 Mission Impossible movies.

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