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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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B&M's shouldn't need very large queue lines anyways. That is if they are running at capacity and the crew is hitting interval.


Exactly. If you think about it, even Behemoth's queue is kind of small. The crew is able to run it so amazingly that it's not even an issues except for opening year/busy days. So, don't worry, come 2 years the length of the queue will be a moot issue.

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Agree about the B&M coasters not needing super long lines because of capacity. As long as a crew is on their game, the physical length of the queue line will not be an issue. Just look at Dollywood which is well known for having efficient ride ops. The queues are all short even Wild Eagle which is brand spanking new!

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The time is finally here!



Look where TPR is it today!



TPR's credentials for the Leviathan media day! Excited!!!!



Leviathan entrance sign! LIKE of you think that looks amazing!!!


Stay tuned to this thread and to TPR's Facebook page for more photos as they are posted!



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More photos from Leviathan Media Day happening right now as I type this!



The entrance to the park is certainly going to look different this year!



Our TPR Media crew for the day!



Here are the lucky first riders from Leviathan's auction!



You are witnessing Leviathan's inaugural run!!



There it goes up the 306' lift hill!

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I really wish I could go to Canada's Wonderland...that sign is one of the best Cedar Fair attraction signs I've ever seen. I'm not complaining...I just wish that there was a giant statue of Leviathan compared to the little one. The ride is big with a sea creature/dragon it doesn't match up to me.

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