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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Thanks for sharing the reviews of the ride and I'm glad to hear that it is different enough from Behemoth for 2 different experiences within the park.


The whole plaza looks great, especially for Cedar Fair! I'm very impressed. Hopefully we will see more of this theming/signage around the chain in the coming years.


2 questions:

Did we ever figure out the angle of the lift hill?

Any word on when the tunnel is going to be added? I saw that they have the footers ready for it on the POV.

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The waiting is over, more photos from the media event!


Jason and I braved the cold Canadian spring (it honestly snowed a bit this morning…) to check out the parks 16th and new for 2012 coaster at Canada's Wonderland. LEVIATHAN!


The ride is a great addition to the park and really does stand out compared to Behemoth. They may look similar but Leviathan focuses on the speed and turns, and boy does it do it well. It does feel like Millennium Force but a million times better. Right from the start the speed never lets up as you move right along the front section of the park and over the main entrance. There are also a lot of airtime points ranging from floater, to even ejector air on the smaller hills!


Quick rundown of some stats:

Height: 306ft

Length: 5,486ft

Top Speed: 148km/h (92 mph)

Angle of descent: 80 degrees

Capacity: 1600 pph

16th coaster at Canada's Wonderland!


Check out TPR's official POV Video:


Now on to some photos!



The awesome Leviathan ride sign! The park kept managed to keep this secret and wow did they do a great job on it. The whole entrance plaza is focused around this fountain creating a really nice atmosphere.



Leviathan media kit!



All checked in and ready to go. First some lunch with the media/auction winners.



New view from the front entrance. With the ride running long the length of the park it add great atmosphere to the park as you enter.



The first major hill is right next to the parking lot and towers over everything. Dragon Fire looks incredibly small from anywhere around Leviathan.



The hammerhead turn of awesomeness. The ride really hauls through this area and that wonderful B&M roar fills the main entrance.



306ft in the air. Time to throw your hands up and start screaming!



The drop in to what will soon be a tunnel. Construction on it will being on Tuesday and will be completed before opening day! It will definitely will add to the ride and make it even more amazing. From what I was told it will be a tight fit, so expect a great head chopper!



The park did a great job at updating the area around Leviathan and you would even notice that this is a brand new building.



The Queue wraps around behind the building in to a few more sets of switch backs before heading up the stairs. Even with a small queue it shouldn’t be an issue as the ride-ops were really pushing the trains out this afternoon.



It wasn’t just media day today; it was also the first rider’s auction! 96 eager riders and their guests were ready to go. The only people to ride before today was the park manager and any testing authorities, making these 96 people truly the first riders!



Over ,000 was raised for Sick Kids Hospital Foundation thanks to the 96 bidders for the first rides.



One last test run before they can open it up for everyone!



Here comes the first train and the car wraps were looking great.



And they’re off! The first train of riders heads to the lift.



Up and away! At this point there was a huge amount of screaming. That view up the hill really is intimidating.



Flying through the barrel roll.



32 happy riders back in the break run. It may look long, but it really does move quickly through that upper section.



Looking cold, but they are smiling, must be a good sign right?



I'm really not too sure about this… Guess there no turning back now!



The lift moves quickly and before you know it you have an amazing view of the park beside you and that massive drop ahead.



Then you face this. Hanging over the edge of the 300 ft drop for what seems like an eternity. The track just keeps getting steeper and steeper. Certainly didn’t feel like just 80 degrees!






Airtime hill. I was out of my seat the whole time during this with great floater air.



This little airtime hill may not look like much, but it the train is really flying through here and it does throw you up and out of your seat. The supports also make for a head-chopper in this spot.



In to the hammerhead and really flying over the front gate!



The next hill is full of airtime and from there the ride really doesn’t let up until the break run. With it being so cold this morning I can only imaging what it will be like this summer. The train should be much faster through here making it even better.



Another view of the barrel roll from the parking lot.



Another train full of anxious riders about to plunge 300ft. The lift looks even more terrifying thanks to the lack of supports at the top.



The small speed hill is only visible from outside the park, making for a nice surprise for unsuspecting riders.



View from the station. All three trains were on the track and cycling well today.



Canada’s tallest, fastest, and steepest coaster! It’s a great addition to Canada’s Wonderland and everyone needs to check it out.



Sadly Snoopy was too scared to ride today; maybe by Leviathan bash he’ll change his mind. ;)



Snoopy may not ride, but that wont stop us.



Some of the new Leviathan merchandise available in the gift shops.



Leviathan’s construction also brought a facelift to the arcade. It now fits in with the medieval area a lot better. No more futuristic theme in a medieval area!



Leviathan vs. Behemoth! Who do you think would win?



ater in the evening the ride sign came to life even more. In addition to the mist and smoke the eyes now glow! Really creates a menacing atmosphere.



The back of the sign also has a bit of themeing to it!



One last shot of Leviathan as we say good-bye to Wonderland. Definitely have to get back there soon to ride with the new tunnel and hopefully warmer weather!


The ride is fantastic and everyone needs to go and check it out. It's a great addition and B&M can pull off amazing things when they push their limits on things!


Be on the lookout in the next few days for even more video of Leviathan!

Edited by robbalvey
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For me, Behemoth is two different rides during the day and night, the latter being more intense. I can't imagine what night rides are like on this beast. Is there any special lighting on Leviathan like chaser lights?


One more thing... I noticed there's a lot of speakers on Leviathan. Is the spiel a bit longer or something?


Anyways, thanks a lot for the coverage today!

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All I can say is... IT`S ABOUT TIME! After ALL the coverage over this off-season, I`m so excited I was able to FINALLY ride this beast! As others have mentioned, I can`t wait to ride this when it`s above freezing


It was definitely a great event. Along with CWMania and TPR, I was able to spend some time with a few of the local Toronto news stations too:




Only the service lights are up right now... I have a feeling that may change soon

Edited by robbalvey
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With the Stinger sign and now Leviathan's ride sign, It seems that Cedar Fair is really stepping up the level of personality for their new coasters under this new leadership. The ride signage alone adds a personality to the ride that makes it more than just the 16th coaster in the park.

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Wait wait wait...the most exciting thing I've seen so far is I think the arcade that is near the ride is the one that had "Metric Skeeball"!!!!


"We are playin metric Skee Ball...it says 10 points, but it's really 80"

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It looks fast and fun, but it seems like there won't be much airtime considering how slowly it goes over the hills.


Actually, there was plenty of floater air, and that first little hill gives you what I would consider a nice little hybrid between floater and ejector air. And it was also quite cold yesterday, so when it gets warm, the trains will run even faster. It's amazing!

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Wait wait wait...the most exciting thing I've seen so far is I think the arcade that is near the ride is the one that had "Metric Skeeball"!!!!


"We are playin metric Skee Ball...it says 10 points, but it's really 80"


It is...However, where they set up the On Ride Photo pickup is where the skeeball used to be. Unless they moved the skeeball to a different part of the arcade, it may have been removed entirely


Cannot confirm though as I did not walk the length of the arcade.

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I as well braved the cold and wind last night to get my first rides in on Leviathan. This ride absolutely did not disappoint. My favourite part of the ride is easily the small airtime hill after the first overbank as it provides both fantastic air and a great sense of speed. Even with the temperature being quite cold last night, the ride was still hauling ass and provided decent forces on the camelbacks and turns. Based on what I experienced last night, when this ride gets nice and warm in the summer, it's going to be amazing.


Also, it appeared the cold kept a lot of people away from the park, so the line for Leviathan (and everything else) was pretty much non-existant. We ended up getting 8 rides on Leviathan, which made for happy and satisfied coaster enthusiasts.


Here are some pictures from last night!


Fancy sign/fountain!


The lift is quicker than I thought it would be, but it's still slow. B&M should have called Intamin to borrow their cable lift.


Good floater air coming over this hill


The hammerhead does this weird "kick" when it reaches the apex of the curve. Kind of weird, but enjoyable.


Leviathan absolutely dominates Dragon Fire now. And yes...the brake run is taller than Dragon Fire.


First drop at sunset


More floaty goodness




The turns all gave very good sensations of speed. Leviathan is most certainly not Behemoth 2.0


Sign all lit up nicely at night

Edited by mightypotato
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Wait wait wait...the most exciting thing I've seen so far is I think the arcade that is near the ride is the one that had "Metric Skeeball"!!!!


"We are playin metric Skee Ball...it says 10 points, but it's really 80"


The Metric system explained in great detail!!!




Great update, the ride looks fun. Hopefully we'll get up to the Great White North sometime.

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Personally, my favourite thing about Leviathan from last night, was not the ride itself, but that part of the reason they built it was to make the lines for other rides like Behemoth shorter. It really shows just how much they care about making the park enjoyable (just about as much as they want to make money ).


As for the ride itself, I thought it was really fun! Not as good as say I305, but definitely on par with Millennium Force. The first half of the ride is very fast, and you fly through the first turn and small hill, which like everyone said was GREAT . As for the airtime, I'm sure you get some good floater in the back, but the employees seemed to be stapling everybody in, so I didn't get much. They also did an AMAZING job theming the area! Now, pretty much every part of Medieval Faire is themed now, and flows really nicely without having the Cyber Cafe sticking out like a sore thumb...


P.S. There was literally NO line for Behemoth all night. I got 10 rides in, and for 5 of them, I never even had to get out of the seat. NEVER have I seen Behemoth so empty, especially when rides like Vortex had 15 minute waits! It was a bit shakier this year, but still amazing and intense. I never realized just how amazing the first drop is in the back!

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So now comes this question: Whats next?


2013 minor upgrades like new Verkoma restraints, 2014/15 a cool flat of some kind, maybe a watermark expansion. Then in 2015-2016 a dive/wing rider that interacts with Wonder Mountain loading opposite of Vortex.


*fingers crossed*


Oh and expect the GP to proclaim Wonderland is out of space and moving every step of the way!

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