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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Here's a quick rundown of some of the things we'll be seeing in 2012:


-Leviathan (obviously)

-Dinosaurs Alive

-Introduction of Fast Lane

-Return of Starlight Spectacular

-New entertainment

-New food options

-new coat of paint for Flight Deck

-new coat of paint for The Fly

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Hey for those who have been before, how is season pass preview day crowd wise? This year it is April 27th, a Friday evening. How does it compare with other Fridays and such in June?


We were thinking of driving up from Cleveland to ride Leviathan and Behemoth and such... Quite the drive, not sure if it will be worth it to get there for preview day if we could... Want to make it worthwhile... Was at the park in Fall, so don't need to ride about 80% of the stuff in the park, mainly Leviathan... Not sure if it is packed this day or pretty light crowds, etc...


Appreciate any help!

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Ooooooh, 4.5 G's. B&M's going back to the gold ol' days! Yay!!!

Unfortunately, if you look closely at the computer screen after the 2nd test run, the Z-axis hits a max of 3.40 G's which is quite a far stretch from the quoted 4.5.

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Thanks for the responses! Looks like I will pass... Was not sure how it was, but that clearly shows (the video). We will go later in the season!


If you go before schools get out up here you'll be in for some normally light days. I think the school season ends in June sometime now.


If you can come during the week in May for example you should see much lighter crowds during the day.

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