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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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EDIT: Just read the Twitter thingie, they need to theme the tunnel to a space monster with a ribcage on the inside so riders can be pooped out into space.


Take the krake mouth, remove the teeth, and put it on the back end.

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I think the tunnel is really nice and you could tell that it was planned since the track goes below ground. So, does this make the drop larger than MF's drop?


Or is that fact being hidden by the tunnel so that us coaster geeks won't keep going on about the possibility of this being a taller drop then MF? Things that make you go "Hmmmmm";)


All jokes aside though, I am super pumped for the First Rider Auction next week. Any other TPR members taking place in it or at least bidding to try?

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^^, ^ Good luck guys! Mine fell off the board already


I'm predicting that we'll see a minimum of $180-$200 per seat, which is incredible for the Hospital for Sick Children (Sick Kids)--it is a phenomenal institution. They helped my sister out when she was really young, along with a lot of families around the world. Hopefully the budget will still allow a bid. I'll definitely check again on the morning of the last day to see where it's at. They also have a donate only option if you aren't able to qualify for a seat.


Here's a breakdown for anyone who's interested:


Total raised through the auction to date:



Seats 1 to 18: $500 to $700 per seat

Seats 19 to 28: In the $300's per seat

Seats 29 to 65: in the $200's per seat

Seats 66 to 96: $150 to $200 per seat


Bidders are primarily from Ontario, but in the mix, we have bidders from California, Ohio, Michigan and Massachusetts.

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It was just mentioned on Facebook that the front gate got a makeover with the sign going onto the entrance building and the Canadian flag added to the row of province flags. I noticed this on the new park map but didn't think much of it. Has anyone seen it yet?


And I'm guessing this means the very last Paramount element is gone, that being the row of star brick pavers.


With Leviathan, Dinosaurs Alive, Starlight Spectacular, and the park entrance makeover, I'm curious to see what the grand total of all of these projects are. With more side projects being announced continually, they're doing a good job keeping my attention. CF is really treating this park well and I can only imagine they have more surprises by the time we get to Haunt.


BTW, check out this video from Global News: http://www.globaltoronto.com/video/the+morning+show+conquers+the+leviathan/video.html?v=2224538321


Here's a nice screengrab from the news clip. (lol @ the news ticker)

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^hahahaha the best is the second story, as it's so important that everyone knows that the mayor was caught with a bucket of KFC during his weight loss challenge. I'd just call it a cheating day. I think I've been having too many of those cheating days myself when it's busy so not sure what the big story is here other than a diet is tough stuff. Maybe the mayor will be the first to ride Leviathan? There's a connection there somewhere...

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I was considering bidding on the first rider auction, but I'm kind of shying away from it now. I figure I could be pushing $160-$170 to get one of the last seats. Since I'll have the cost of a platinum pass soon, not sure the rider auction will make my budget.

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I was considering bidding on the first rider auction, but I'm kind of shying away from it now. I figure I could be pushing $160-$170 to get one of the last seats. Since I'll have the cost of a platinum pass soon, not sure the rider auction will make my budget.


Save your money and get a Fast Lane pass instead - then you can ride it as much as you want with little wait. $50 well spent as opposed to $200+ for a single ride.

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Maybe the mayor will be the first to ride Leviathan?


C'mon Jason, you know the restraints wouldn't lock. Best walk of shame ever! Sorry, I couldn't resist.


You went there first...I just led the way


^If I can't do the bid, I"ll probably go on opening day and get a fast pass.


^^^Don't forget, it's not all about the coaster. It's a tax deductible charitable donation for a great cause with the coaster, dinner and gift package being a great bonus. I bet many bidders donate to Sick Kids annually with this being a really cool way to do it.

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^I one of them! I normally donate $50/month to Sick Kids Hospital. These types of events are a great way to bump up my annual contribution every few years - not to mention the opportunity to be a part of a great event! Hopefully I'll see some fellow TPR members there.


I can also assure people that the tunnel has been in the works for quite some time, it's not just a last minute addition. I don't think it's the duration of the tunnel that will matter, it's the head-chopper effect you'll get at the bottom of that first drop.

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They look awesome. I'm still anxiously awaiting to see what the ride's sign, plaza, queue, gift shop, ect. turns out to look like. It seems like CF is paying a bit more attention to this one to make it fit in the Medieval Fair area of the park. So far, I'm impressed.

I know there was a change at the top with Mr. Ouimet, but I think many of the new additions this season can be credited toward the park management. Since Raffi went back to Knott's, as far as I am aware, the top management at Wonderland are all veterans of the park. I can see why it's just now that Medieval Faire is starting to go back to what the area was meant to be, and with the announcement of the placement of the entrance sign like it was back when the park opened in the 80's.


With food being improved over the last few seasons, I would love to be able to buy mexican food on International Street again.

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That train...I have no words. Simply stunning.


Also, I had no idea tunnels were so controversial. I always figured they were pretty much universally liked. Yes, you do fly through first-drop hyper tunnels so quickly it's like they're barely there, but I'm looking forward to the headchopper.

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