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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I can definitely confirm that is now the typical speed they are obtaining during testing (as of yesterday). It MOVES through the elements (especially the first barrel-roll/overbank turn and the first large camel-back hill). I can't wait to ride this!

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Not sure of when those videos were taken (not sure if they were open or not at that time). I'll have video up tonight that I took yesterday (Sunday). They were manually adjusting both trims (on both camel-back hills). So I believe what you'll see in my videos is what it looks like with trims "on".

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I'm wondering since the brakes are magnetic if we'll even really realize the open and closed trims. I wonder if there will be a big difference in the feel of the ride since they aren't friction brakes. I just looked at page 397 of this thread & the Jan. 23, 2012 video update to see how they differ.

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That last video with the 3 angles .... OK so ... WOW.. its like night and day compared to the POV and first videos. It ate those camelbacks even that large one like it was nothing... I almost dare say B&M ejector air on that return camelback. Also that first turn just screams intense... So I hope they keep it ike that... and not trim it down to what we saw in the first pov.

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^ Based on the photos/pov, up close it does look rather oddly shaped... but from a distance it looks cool.


So, when will they trim it to death like Intimidator down at Carowinds...? It looks insane at the moment, but let's face it, will B&M actually allow a hyper-like ride to be that intense?

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^^^ Well, the beginning before the first camelback looks absolutely insane, and since there's no trims before that, we know that at least the first part will be great


After watching the first pov I was a bit disappointed, but now after seeing that last video, I can now say that this has become my most anticipated ride of 2012. Even if the camelbacks only give some floater, I still do think that it won't harm the ride too bad, especially since the beginning looks very intense!

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Did anyone else notice in the POV that Dragon Fire had both trains on the track?

Ride crews will begin training in a matter of weeks so I'm sure rides are coming out of hibernation all over the park. I'm sure the park is taking advantage of this gorgeous weather we've been having lately.


I'm stunned by the contrast between the first test run and this recent video. I hope it continues to run this way. It even looks like you can get a small pop on the brake run.

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Another update from Canada's Wonderland today. Topics include Leviathan (including more footage of testing) and new 2012 entertainment offerings. The full set of pictures can be found here: http://www.cwmania.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=242&page=1&sort=dd




Checking out the transfer track area.


Station view from the base of the lift.


For those of you that love chains and gears.


Ready to go up the lift!


Here's the first train ready to make the very first test run on Leviathan!


Soon we`ll all be entering the station here getting ready to hop in to one of those comfy B&M seats.


Big coaster. Big sensors in the station.


Red, orange and yellow. 3 comfy trains ready to thrill guests in just over a month.


I am so jealous of all those water dummies...


Custom mount for the GoPro camera used for the POV we`ve all enjoyed.


Station is coming along. Still lots of details to add.


Another view of the station. It definitely blends in with the other stations in the Med. area.


This is where you`ll be able to purchase your on-ride photo.


For the those of you that love a nice, big motor!


Wiring continues.


Wiring continues 300ft in the air.


Soon, this will be a queue full of excited guests!


Now, let us take a quick walk down memory lane...


It all started almost a year ago with a fence and these same pipes showing.

Edited by kunpc1
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^^My pleasure Laura! I've loved following along with updates from so many members on this site and others of great coasters going in their home parks. It's been so much fun getting to keep everyone up to date with the construction of Leviathan and everything else Canada's Wonderland. Just my way of saying THANK YOU to everyone that has kept me in the loop all these years!

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Can we please stop posting the same on-ride video over and over? Apparently, it's not even accurate to what the actual experience will be when the ride opens.

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