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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^I've heard this as well however Intamin transfer track design keeps the load of the train on the road wheels at all times so not exactly sure how true this rumor is. It does make sense however.......


It would be interesting to find out how often wheels need to be replaced between the two manufacturers... Then again, while usually both produce smooth rides, would it be the general consensus that B&M's are usually the smoothest coasters out there? Maybe that's the difference, however small it may be.

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^In my experience working coasters from both companies, Intamin wheels need to be replaced like 1000x more often. Intamin tends to make coasters that use the wheels much more aggressively and more often, so they blow out a lot, especially with guests on them. This also goes along with the "flat spot" conversation. Especially Wicked Twister which doesn't have a transfer section; the wheels get really deformed and the ride feels like rolling over a bed of rocks, even though the track may be perfectly smooth.

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^I've heard this as well however Intamin transfer track design keeps the load of the train on the road wheels at all times so not exactly sure how true this rumor is. It does make sense however.......


It would be interesting to find out how often wheels need to be replaced between the two manufacturers... Then again, while usually both produce smooth rides, would it be the general consensus that B&M's are usually the smoothest coasters out there? Maybe that's the difference, however small it may be.


I have found B&M's that hang (flyers and inverts) to be the smoothest among the companies that make them. But sitdown Intamins are definitely smoother than B&M's and age better. Intamin does not develop a "rattle" like B&M's do. I've never felt a bad case of rattle on hanging B&M's, but I certainly have on floorless and hypers.

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When it comes to wheels, I've never been closely involved in operating an Intamin, but I do know Intimidator at Carowinds went through wheels pretty regularly its opening season.


Your referring to the B&M Intimidator, correct?

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When it comes to wheels, I've never been closely involved in operating an Intamin, but I do know Intimidator at Carowinds went through wheels pretty regularly its opening season.


Your referring to the B&M Intimidator, correct?


"Intimidator at Carowinds". So yes, he was.


Anyway, it has been interesting to have the input of people who have worked on the rides. I guess this technique seems to have some positive results. I personally have heard the B&M rattle (Diamondback), but never been enough for me to notice on ride. I wonder what causes this to develop...?

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I have found B&M's that hang (flyers and inverts) to be the smoothest among the companies that make them. But sitdown Intamins are definitely smoother than B&M's and age better. Intamin does not develop a "rattle" like B&M's do. I've never felt a bad case of rattle on hanging B&M's, but I certainly have on floorless and hypers.


Millennium Force had a very noticeable rattle when I rode it in 2010.

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^^Any coaster can "rattle" over time. I'm no engineer but I'd have to say its a combination of things.....

- Wheels types that are used. Nylon is harder than polyurethane so more likely to rattle however there are some exceptions to this. (IE: Riddler's Revenge, BM:TR @ SFMM) which are both still extremely smooth.

- Amount of riders on train makes a HUGE difference. Scream @ SFMM with only 3 or 4 riders will rattle the teeth out of your head but when the train is full the rattle is almost non-existent.


I will say that Intamins do develop rattles over time. I like to call it the "Intamin Shuffle."

Kingda Ka has a really bad rattle and almost feels like there's a 6" section of track missing at the end of the launch.

California Screamin' also has a nice rattle at the back of the train exiting the loop.

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Millenium Force did not rattle when I rode it in 2010 and 2011. It is definitely smoother than the B&M Raging Bull at my home park. And Raging Bull is trimmed to death and MF has none, plus moves 20 mph faster. I did ride MF Memorial dayish too, so I don't know what it's like later in the year and MF does leave the station fully loaded.

I forgot about Kingda Ka. That did rattle when I rode it. Good points. ^

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Kingda Ka has a really bad rattle and almost feels like there's a 6" section of track missing at the end of the launch.


This is an extremely accurate description! It amazes me that Kingda Ka has SO much rattle even compared to TTD. Does 8 miles an hour really impact it that much or is there a second factor?

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I've had some pretty bad rattling on MF before, but it wasn't as bad last year. Maverick and Fahrenheit both rattle kinda badly, as well. But I think overall, B&Ms tend to develop more rattle.


I've felt the whole track move on Maverick when it pulls into the brake run at the end, especially when the train I'm in is stopped.


Kingda Ka has a really bad rattle and almost feels like there's a 6" section of track missing at the end of the launch.


This is an extremely accurate description! It amazes me that Kingda Ka has SO much rattle even compared to TTD. Does 8 miles an hour really impact it that much or is there a second factor?


Might just be that TTD should have been as tall as that type of ride should have been. KK is also 30'-35' taller, which means more wind to shake the tower and more sway.

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^ I've felt that also on Maverick. I always thought that was very interesting!


^ Also, regarding TTD and KK, I would guess it has to do with maintenance, as others have said and hinted at. Six Flags and Cedar Fair probably maintain what are essentially the exact same ride in completely different ways. Parks develop maintenance and operational tricks and techniques over the years that perhaps some use and others don't, or aren't aware of.


It might take some time and growing pains, but CW will also develop little tricks and techniques for Leviathan to help better maintain it and run more efficiently.

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I personally have heard the B&M rattle (Diamondback), but never been enough for me to notice on ride. I wonder what causes this to develop...?

From what I have observed, this is because of a difference in the ways B&M and Intamin lock their wheels to the track. B&M uses springs, so the wheels are capable of moving around a lot more during the course. Intamin has the wheels pressed against rubber stoppers, which hold the wheels more firmly to the track, but do cause more friction...at least this is how CP maintains them separately.


This is an extremely accurate description! It amazes me that Kingda Ka has SO much rattle even compared to TTD. Does 8 miles an hour really impact it that much or is there a second factor?

It really has nothing to do with it, and I bet TTD gets a lot more wind than KK, being right on Lake Erie. It really comes down to maintenance. I have a feeling the shape & design of the trains have a large factor in it too. Because of the OTSR's locking mechanism, the center of mass on the KK trains is much higher from the track, which would cause them to move around a lot more.


As far as rattle in general on coasters, a large factor that people don't take into account is whether they are sitting in front or rear of an individual car. If you're sitting right on top of the wheels, you will get a much rougher ride than if you are sitting between two different sets of wheels.

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As far as rattle in general on coasters, a large factor that people don't take into account is whether they are sitting in front or rear of an individual car. If you're sitting right on top of the wheels, you will get a much rougher ride than if you are sitting between two different sets of wheels.


This is true.

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