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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I've heard their woodies have potential but aren't very good nowadays, is that right?


I agree with the poster that said Ghoster Coaster was the best woodie in the park. I have been going to this park every few years since 1984 and I don't recall ever having a stellar ride on any of their wood coasters.


Two years ago, Wildbeast plummeted to third from the bottom of my wood coaster poll (only SoB & Hurler at KD were ranked worse). I didn't dare ride Minebuster after that ride on Wildbeast...awful. This past year, I didn't ride any of their wooden coasters as they (actually) had really long lines.


Even with a walk-on, we won't do Wildbeast again unless it has some major retracking done. I might be willing to try Minebuster...just to see if it is as God-awful as Wildbeast.

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Last time I was at the park, Wild Beast was brutal rough, and Minebuster was fairly smooth but boring.


Minebuster was never the same after the buzz bars were removed, and a couple of the hills were re-profiled to fit bridges to the water park in.

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Minebuster hasn't been too bad over the last few seasons. It's not as rough as it used to be, but it's forceless and boring as all hell. Wild Beast however has continuously gotten worse every year. I will absolutely not ride it under any circumstance. Can't comment on Woodstock as I haven't been on it since like 1999.

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Minebuster hasn't been too bad over the last few seasons. It's not as rough as it used to be, but it's forceless and boring as all hell. Wild Beast however has continuously gotten worse every year. I will absolutely not ride it under any circumstance. Can't comment on Woodstock as I haven't been on it since like 1999.


Agreed. I never EVER ride Wild Beast. The coaster is so rough and brutal and it makes Mean Streak look smooth. They never swtiched the name over to Woodstock so it is now just called "Peanuts Ghoster Coaster"

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Minebuster's hills were not re-profiled to fit Splash Works. The first and second bridges fit nicely between the bunny-hops. the second and third hills were combined into one long, forceless hill as the negative forces on the second hill were a maintenance nightmare. I assume the rest of the hills on the return trip were re-profiled to try and smooth them out which also left them forceless. It's a shame, it once provided a good amount of airtime. It really isn't too rough. Especially if you sit in the middle row of pretty much any car (seats not over wheels).

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I remember when I hit that magical height mark many years back, I rode Minebuster with my cousins and we all got freaked out by the amount of airtime, though I'm not sure if it was because we were kids or because of how awesome the ride was back then. It was a sad season when I rode it only to bump along this drawn out hill and be jackhammered at the end of it (which was fixed just a few years ago)


I know this isn't going to get much approval, but I actually enjoy Wild Beast slightly more than Minebuster. It's rough, so I can only ride it once or twice in a visit, but I'll take excitement over smoothness. I get a kick out of how strong the forces on it.

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I actually still like Wild Beast...I don't know why, I just do. I remember about 3-4 years back, the park was so empty that I rode Wild Beast 8 times...in 1 hour!!! (Don't ask why I rode it 8 times...I just love that coaster)

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Just got back from the park (pictures to be posted this evening). Landscape work is being done around the base of the first drop. Fencing is up around all the low-clearance areas of the ride. No train visible anywhere on the course (including the lift hill).


Pictures as promised:


Landscaping continues near the front gate.


No testing yet. No trains on the lift today. You can also see that the temporary supports have been removed.


Fences have been added around the low clearance areas.


The hammerhead almost looks like an inversion from this angle.

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Posted on cwmania.com


by jazzimm » Mar 15, 2012 10:06 am


Just a quick update. I'm at CW now for a Georian College presentation and Dave Phillips (VP Marketing) just told us that water dummy testing on Leviathan is set to begin today. I have some (not so great) photos of the station and will try to get some photos of the dummy testing if it starts before we leave!

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^For the silly Americans that don't understand the metric system, 4.5 meters per second is about 10 mph. So, in other words, it's going to take forever to get to the top.


Thanks Steve It just means you'll have that much more time to realize how high up you are!


Update! Leviathan made its successful first test run at 6:17PM! Video to come tonight!

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^For the silly Americans that don't understand the metric system, 4.5 meters per second is about 10 mph. So, in other words, it's going to take forever to get to the top.


Thanks Steve It just means you'll have that much more time to realize how high up you are!


Update! Leviathan made its successful first test run at 6:17PM! Video to come tonight!


Cannot wait to see that !

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Gahhhh, that lift is so wonderfully torturously slow! And did it seem like the trims noticeably slow the train down, or was it just because, y'know, this is the first time it's ever run the course ever? Either way, it can only get faster from here!

Edited by UrbanLegend
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