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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^The flat part of the drop serves as the mid-course brake run that allows the B&M hypers to run three trains safely. That allows a train to crest the lift hill so long as a train has moved on to the sloped section of the brake run - meaning that a train should be able to be dispatched safely as soon as the one before it crests the lift hill. It keeps operations running smoothly, while also keeping the price from getting any bigger than the $28 million it's already costing them!

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Yes, they're starting by removing the Cyber Central tech theming for the arcade and redoing the building facade. They're also matching the station to the area as well. There will be another large addition or two to the area that will really make it stand out.

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When do you think that they will begin the testing? Not rushing them to get this done, I'm curious though.

How long does B&M usually take (precautions wise) other than the pull through?


Behemoth's testing phase began in March and ran all the way through up until a few days before Media Day in April of '08. Leviathan will probably be on the same schedule when it comes to testing, but they may start a bit earlier for Leviathan considering it is B&M's first Giga Coaster plus both them and CW will want to make sure its running smoothly for Media Day, Season Pass Preview Night and Opening Day.

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There is still quite a bit of electrical that needs to be run along Leviathan's course. They're currently working on the final track alignment. Once that's complete, they'll take the coaster "envelope" around the course to make sure all the clearances are adequate. Once all of these things are complete, they'll be able to start testing. Behemoth started around March 17 (if I remember correctly) so I'd expect Leviathan to start around early-mid March if all goes well (just a month away!). Hopefully the weather continues to hold up the way it has all winter. I'll definitely keep everyone here posted on any updates!

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^"All the trims"? Isn't there only 2?


Never understood why people get so upset with trims. Even with trims on the return hills of Behemoth I've never once not gotten some sort of airtime going over each and every hill.


This might be the deadly "Intimidator" trims where it drastically slows the train down.

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And remember, these are not fixed trims. The "open" and "close" and will only be used when necessary (just like the friction trims used on Behemoth). There are only 2 trims along the course. One on the up-side of the first camelback and one on the up-side of the second camelback hill.

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In the summer heat the trims will heat up since they are magnetic and will have less effect on trimming the train. Regardless, I'm not sure any B&M could be trimmed as much as Intimidator @ CW.

In fairness, I had several rides on Intimidator that were practically trimless (usually early in the day or with half empty trains), and those were some of the best rides I've had on any B&M hyper. The rides during Coaster Stock '10 in particular were INSANE. However, in the middle of a hot day with a full train, those things grabbed pretty hard.

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Every giga coaster ever built (with the exception of Millennium Force which people find other reasons to complain about) has trims. Most Hypercoasters do too. I don't see why people have to act surprised and disappointed when these coasters get trims. I have never ridden a B&M or Intamin hyper coaster where the trims detracted from the ride and just because it has trims, doesn't mean they'll be all that powerful.

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Every giga coaster ever built (with the exception of Millennium Force which people find other reasons to complain about) has trims. Most Hypercoasters do too. I don't see why people have to act surprised and disappointed when these coasters get trims. I have never ridden a B&M or Intamin hyper coaster where the trims detracted from the ride and just because it has trims, doesn't mean they'll be all that powerful.



Stop trying to use facts, all the wannabe engineers know what's best.

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In fairness, I had several rides on Intimidator that were practically trimless (usually early in the day or with half empty trains), and those were some of the best rides I've had on any B&M hyper. The rides during Coaster Stock '10 in particular were INSANE. However, in the middle of a hot day with a full train, those things grabbed pretty hard.


I agree and I have no doubt that Intimidator can be a great coaster however the 3 rides I had, the trains slammed into the trims pretty hard.

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Every giga coaster ever built (with the exception of Millennium Force which people find other reasons to complain about) has trims.

Leviathan is only the 4th traditional Giga coaster in the world to be created. Of the other three (one of which you already excluded), only one of them actually has trims: Intimidator 305.

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