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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Aren't a lot of B&M's rides like, super-reliable and lower-maintenence? If I were a park, I would gladly take a great-looking ride that isn't as thrilling to enthusiasts if it meant that it wouldn't be down as often.

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^I really hope it's a game-changer as well, but in all likelihood, the only game being changed is B&M's own. For better or worse, Intamin takes many many more risks than Walter and Claude do.


Then again Walter and Claude used to work for intamin, and they always have solid engineering. I think we can bet that their giga coasters will be far more reliable then the intamin gigas

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Parks have a choice with pros and cons when they're choosing between Intamin and B&M. Do they want a huge, insane, pushing-the-limits twisty thrill machine, that will most likely have many initial issues, and not be incredibly reliable? Or do they want a huge, sprawled out simple B&M, that will be very reliable, but not as 'thrilling'? (IMO, I still think B&Ms are thrilling, but not as much as Intamin)


It's a win win situation for either, they just deliver different things. I don't think B&M is necessarily trying to surpass Intamin in any way, they just have different styles.

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^The GP doesn't know the difference between B&M and Intamin, so I doubt parks care too much about what the enthusiasts will think about their ride. I'm sure they know about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability, and I'm sure they know about B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability. And they damn sure know what the price tag is for each. But at the end of the day, the GP sees OMFG 300 FOOT DROP!!!! no matter who builds it.

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^The GP doesn't know the difference between B&M and Intamin, so I doubt parks care too much about what the enthusiasts will think about their ride. I'm sure they know about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability, and I'm sure they know about B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability. And they damn sure know what the price tag is for each. But at the end of the day, the GP sees OMFG 300 FOOT DROP!!!! no matter who builds it.


Hey Steve, I read your post too quickly and thought you had gone loony for a minute and were saying that the GP knew about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability and B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability and also the price tag for each.

Edited by larrygator
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^The GP doesn't know the difference between B&M and Intamin, so I doubt parks care too much about what the enthusiasts will think about their ride. I'm sure they know about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability, and I'm sure they know about B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability. And they damn sure know what the price tag is for each. But at the end of the day, the GP sees OMFG 300 FOOT DROP!!!! no matter who builds it.



Beautifully said.... brought a tear to my eye . But seriously does anyone know if the trains are onsite yet. I WANNA SEE THIS THING TEST!

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^The GP doesn't know the difference between B&M and Intamin, so I doubt parks care too much about what the enthusiasts will think about their ride. I'm sure they know about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability, and I'm sure they know about B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability. And they damn sure know what the price tag is for each. But at the end of the day, the GP sees OMFG 300 FOOT DROP!!!! no matter who builds it.


Hey Steve, I read your post too quickly and thought you had gone loony for a minute and were saying that the GP knew about Intamin's spotty track record with reliability and B&M's pretty sterling track record with reliability and also the price tag for each.

I'll admit my use of pronouns was a bit ambiguous.

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I can confirm that one of the trains are on site and it looks amazing. Can't wait until it's moved out on to the course. I believe the second train should be arriving at the park shortly (the third is a month or so away).


I'm not sure of an exact time, but I'm guessing the auction rides will be early-mid afternoon. I'll try and get more details next time I'm at the park (hopefully this coming week).

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Wonderland has posted pictures to their Facebook page of the first Leviathan train being lifted onto the transfer track! Sorry, can't link to the picture in this post (at work). Not much longer until it makes its first test run!

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Is it common for the regular track to end and the trains just ride on those center wheels while in the station? I never noticed this on other B&Ms, but it's possible I just missed it.


EDIT: Or, maybe that's the maintenance bay now that I look again...


I'm hopefully making my first visit to CW this summer... looking forward to it!

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Is it common for the regular track to end and the trains just ride on those center wheels while in the station? I never noticed this on other B&Ms, but it's possible I just missed it.


EDIT: Or, maybe that's the maintenance bay now that I look again...


I'm hopefully making my first visit to CW this summer... looking forward to it!


Correct, it's the maintenance bay. By moving the load of the train onto the center wheels, maintenance has access to the entire wheel assembly and undercarriage of the trains.

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Is it common for the regular track to end and the trains just ride on those center wheels while in the station? I never noticed this on other B&Ms, but it's possible I just missed it.


EDIT: Or, maybe that's the maintenance bay now that I look again...


I'm hopefully making my first visit to CW this summer... looking forward to it!


Correct, it's the maintenance bay. By moving the load of the train onto the center wheels, maintenance has access to the entire wheel assembly and undercarriage of the trains.


I've also heard that it prevents the trains from sitting on their wheels in one position for extended periods of time (overnight and off-season), which produces a "flat-spot" in the wheel, making a bumpy ride... or at least warranting a wheel replacement more often.

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^I've heard this as well however Intamin transfer track design keeps the load of the train on the road wheels at all times so not exactly sure how true this rumor is. It does make sense however.......

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