HHN Dylan Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Well im preety new to the fourms. Im dylan as you can see, HHN means Halloween Horror Nights, its hard to explain just check out www.halloweenhorrornights.com. Im from Florida so i have my share of home parks. Well i cant really think of much else, i look forward to coastering' with many of you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
livefromcolatown Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Hey everybody! Â My name is Sean Markey (absolutely no relation to Ed... heh). I currently reside in Columbia, South Carolina so I guess my local park would be Carowinds. I'm originally from Michigan so I was pretty spoiled with CP when I first got into coasters. I'm a student at the University of South Carolina as a senior this year. I've got about 81 coasters on my list and am looking to add some more any time I get. Â Is there anyone else from Columbia here? Â Thanks, Â Sean "no relation to Ed" Markey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ihani Posted July 21, 2008 Share Posted July 21, 2008 Hi, I'm Emmi, and my local park is Oaks Amusement Park! I go there every year in the summer. Um... I've only been on 8 coasters, all steel, and two were Vekomas at Disney World. I guess that's it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gtaylor Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 Howdy TPR, I have been a member of the forums since 2005 and I've never really introduced myself or participated a whole lot, but that's all about to change. Â My name is Gary, and up until a month ago I lived in the DC Metro Area, within a couple of hours of SFA, KD, BGW, HP, etc. At the end of June I moved to a little town in southwestern VA called Raven. Now my closest park is Dollywood, which is about 2.5 hours away. In addition to not being surrounded by theme parks anymore, there really is not a whole lot to do here. The closest movie theatre is 30 minutes away. The closest mall is about an hour away. PO-DUNK!! But my purpose for moving was to be close to family. Â So, as much as I will be trying to enjoy the beauty of the area, I am sure I will be participating more on TPR and living vicariously through everyone's travels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautWithAltitude Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 Hi everyone,  people call me Norman or Norml or Norm or whatever, you decide since I seem to be getting too many names to care anymore.  In 2003 I was lucky enough to catch a job in the coaster business, and since then I´ve been working on more than 50 rollercoasters. Mostly I do technical drawings for tracks, supports, bases and various details for wooden and steel coasters, working as a freelancing engineer.  There are two sons of mine and their mom´s also still here, so we are a happy little family here. I live about 70 km west of Munich and spend most of my time here in my home office or with my family outdoors, browsing around and watching and laughing at our rascals.  What else? I have a serious crush for handmade music and listen at least 4 hours everyday (all kinds of punk, rock, some metal, also unplugged kind of stuff, like Dead can Dance or even jazz...) and sometimes I like to shake the house by putting on some action movie on my home theater system, which is pretty big and plays loud enough to make you sweat just by being in the same room.  Then I like barbecueing, grilling and cooking, and to compensate I like to go for walks or ride on bike, all of that pure and simple and not gearheaded at all.  Then there are some minor hobbies like bowling, computing, reading, tinkering with things, watching people and backbiting them...  So I´m totally your regular guy, just a pretty lucky one  Norman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 Hi there, welcome to TPR! Â What company do you work for by the way? Â Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautWithAltitude Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 Hi Dave,  I´m working for Mr. Stengel´s office. (Funny one with the TP, I wondered when somebody was going to come up with this...)  Norman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mash80 Posted July 22, 2008 Share Posted July 22, 2008 Missed this thread before, so here we go.... Â Hi all, my name is Matt, I'm 28 and live in Nottinghamshire, UK. Â Having loved coasters and theme parks as a child/teenager it became a forgotten passion as I started working. Then recently we arranged for a group of online friends from all over Europe (my World of Warcraft guild) to have a meet up at Alton Towers, which will be next Friday. Since this arrangement I've been like a little kid at christmas, I honestly haven't been this excited for a long long time! Because of this I decided to try and get into it again, maybe find somewhere online where I can meet like minded people and I ended up here! I've been glued to this site now for the past week, reading TR's etc and got to say it's a great community you have here. Â My coaster experience isn't that extensive (as you can see from my sig). American Adventure was my local park until it shut so I now count AT as my local park, which was always my favourite park anyway (I don't count Drayton Manor though it's technically closer ). I am still to experience Air and Rita though, it's been that long! Â I was lucky enough to get to Florida with my school in 1994, getting to ride the awesome Kumba aswell as visiting WDW/Epcot/US etc, and on a family trip to Spain in 1996 I rode Dragon Kahn 28 times which was even more awesome. Oh yea....did i mention I'm an Intamin coaster virgin (until next week at least ). Â Other interests include music - all kinds but Pink Floyd if I had to choose one band, football - I'm a big Manchester United fan, and occasionally gaming when I have time. I also like a good game of Poker. Â Enough from me, sorry for the long post lol. Hope to get to know some of you better and maybe meet up in the future! I certainly intend to get a TPR trip in asap, they look unbelievable. Â Matt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dingo Posted July 23, 2008 Share Posted July 23, 2008 Oh hello there! Â dingo's the name! Â Coasters are the game! Wooo Party! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MixedDrink Posted July 27, 2008 Share Posted July 27, 2008 Hey my name is Ryan Weatherby, my home park is Canada's Wonderland, I live about 30 minutes away. My favorite coasters (globally) are Dueling Dragons (both tracks), Behemoth, Gwazi and Incredible Hulk Coaster. (In no particular order). I like to post on ThrillNetwork and CWMania. In my free time I animate, but I'm a student. I also like to play videogames. I hope to get to Behemoth Bash, I just need to find a friend who wants to go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jkwan Posted July 28, 2008 Share Posted July 28, 2008 Hey I'm Jason and I'm a wave pool lifeguard at Six Flags White Water in Atlanta. The closest park to me is Six Flags over Ga. My favorite theme park is Epcot but I don't know why. It doesn't have a single coaster. I'm also a student and in a week I'll be at Sea World, BGA, and Blizzard Beach. I haven't been to Blizzard Beach at all and haven't been to Sea World since Journey to Atlantis was built. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rhoadkillstew Posted July 28, 2008 Share Posted July 28, 2008 hey.. well i'm Myke here in South florida... the last 9 years i've lived in Michigan, Maine, Vermont, Alabama, and Northern Florida... I've heard of TPR from my friend Scott and kinda fell in love with it... i'm a huge fan of coasters and theme parks as well as photography, sports and outdoors stuff... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YJG(Ride On) Posted July 29, 2008 Share Posted July 29, 2008 I'm John in O-town a.k.a. the worst city in America. But anyways, my home park is Cedar Point. I always have a season pass and I know a lot about Cedar Point, so for anyone who wants to get any tips just ask me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CyberTwin Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Hi i'm Lars from Germany, next park to my town was Movie Park and Phantasialand (some kind of little other Themeparks) they all less then 100 miles away. Im 25 years old and i love coaster. i think as you all too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.TP.Emma. Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Hey i'm Emma and i'm 15. I'm from Kent in the UK. my local theme parks are Chessington and Thorpe park. i absolutely love Theme park Review and have been a fan for a while but i only just registered as i now have time to be apart of your great team i totally love coasters and rides and i go to theme parks quite often, i just got to learn to save my money a bit better and hopefully join you on one of your trips Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anthroprincess Posted July 31, 2008 Share Posted July 31, 2008 Hi everyone! I've been a coaster junkie since my aunt took me on my first coaster at 7. Â My home park is technically Canada's Wonderland, which I of course have a season pass for, but my true love is Cedar Point (ahh Behemoth, you're great, but just no comparision to Millenium!) Â Next year I definitely want a platinum pass, hopefully I'll have some extra money to check out a few extra parks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joffs115 Posted July 31, 2008 Share Posted July 31, 2008 Hi people! My name's Jonathan or Joffs to my mates, 20, and I'm from Wales, UK. Seems like I'm following the trend and I'm also a 'long time reader, first time poster!' My home park is Oakwood, home to the brilliant Speed: No Limits and Megafobia, and I love rollercoasters and rides in general. I'm going to Orlando in 3 weeks time so hopefully I will be able to post a PTR! Â I enjoy football, rugby, swimming, video games and drinking. I'm currently studying for a degree in Geography at Aberystwyth and I'm also a fluent Welsh speaker. I think that's about it so yeah, that's me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceDragon Posted July 31, 2008 Share Posted July 31, 2008 hey all, I return under a new name, all because of a dream I had last night... Robb and Elissa were mentioned in it O.o  Can't remember my old accounts password (IceDragon), though no doubt nobody remembers me  Just a small "hey-de-ho" to get me back ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luka Posted July 31, 2008 Share Posted July 31, 2008 Hello there, I'm Luka and I'm from Canada. I'm kind of new to coasters but I already know quite a bit and I'm looking forward to riding many coasters. I play guitar and soccer. Sometime in August I'll be heading out to a park and I'll try and get a nice Photo TR to share with you all. Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JFrombaugh Posted August 2, 2008 Share Posted August 2, 2008 Hi, I'm Joseph Frombaugh and I'm 19. I've been a TPR fan for quite awhile but I've just now taken the time to register. I have my own site devoted to the coasters I've ridden which has onride photos, pictures, reviews, videos, and even results I've gotten from various personality quizzes I've taken the time to take. Â I'm still a "coaster enthusiast in training" with 69 credits, but there's more I'll be riding in a couple of weeks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Starr Posted August 4, 2008 Share Posted August 4, 2008 Oh hi there TPR! Hows it going! Â I've been reading the boards for a while a decided to join! Â So Hi! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fate Posted August 5, 2008 Share Posted August 5, 2008 Hey everyone, I'm Michael from Minnesota and I've actually been lurking around here for awhile, and finally decided to start posting. I'm 18 and I've been into coasters for the last ten years or so, and I'm not really new to the internet coaster world either (I'm guitarplayer over at CoasterCrazy if anyone already knows me). I've been on about 70 coasters, 69 if I'm counting correctly, and I'll be moving to Boston for college in the fall so I'll have to pick up some more of the east coast credits over the next few years. Anyway, great site Robb, I'm looking forward to getting more involved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Coasterboy Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Hello everybody. I'm a poster over at the point online, and have been for quite sometime. I'm into film, writing, music, and art. I'm not a big sports buff and to say the least, I'm a slacker in school. Cedar Point is obviously part of my life, but so are other roller coasters as well. I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wierdo135 Posted August 8, 2008 Share Posted August 8, 2008 Im not new to TPR but I am rather new to the forum... Â I live in Northern Michigan and I was born in Denver so I guess my home park would be Elitches but the nearest park to me is Miadvenutre... yea im abused. Â I've Been on a whoppin 55 coasters!!!!!!!! Â I hope to travel when I get older and expand that... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mickey_079 Posted August 8, 2008 Share Posted August 8, 2008 Hello  Well as you can see I'm new to these forums, well sort of, I have been reading for a long time and thought it was time to join in on the conversations. So here is a little bit about me...  My name is Michael, I am an Aussie and proud and I live in a little country town called Cessnock - see the link - Boring Place  I am 18, I am still at school and don't really have a local park, I did until Wonderland in Sydney closed, now I have to take a plane trip to Queensland to go to our major parks.  I am planning to take an infamous Theme Park Review trip next year when schooling is complete and cannot WAIT to meet some new friends. My favourite park I have visited at the moment would definitely be Magic Mountain. And now something un-coaster related...hmm... I own a white car Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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