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So here it goes! I'm not really sure where to start....I found you guys because my husband and I went to Michigan's Adventure last Sunday (6/22/08) and I thought it would be funny to see what other people's experiences were with the strangely shaped, minorly awesome, not to mention ONLY amusement park here in Michigan. After finding a few TRs about MiA (see I'm learning the lingo already!) I got sort of addicted to this site and the cooky folks on it. Hopefully we will share many laughs together in the near future.


Quick Bio: My name is Mary, I'm 24, married, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1 child (Robbie born 4/3/08), stay at home mom, grew up in Utah (not a mormon), previous home park is Lagoon in Farmington, Utah (only one TR, whaaa??) and currently Michigan's Adventure. Favorite park so far (only been to 4 or so, lame huh?) is Islands of Adventure in Fl.

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hey all i love your vid's and i think rob might know me im ramawson on youtube anyway im from england i play the guitar and hopefully when im older i can go on trips with tpr when i go on holaday to america im gonna get some pics of the park or when i go to blackpool i have riden all the rides in the disney parks and at blackpool too

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Hey everyone!


My name is Jeff... I live near Toledo, Ohio. I live about 45 minutes away from Cedar Point.


I am really looking forward to the day I can go on a TPR trip... Especially Europe. I *hopefully* will be on the next one!


Hmm.. Some about me..... I play trumpet. I have played in the All-Ohio State Fair Band for 2 years... I love school. I maintain a 4.26... Hmmm... That's about all. Pretty geeky and nerdy.


OH! And I work at McDonald's... so who wants a 20% discount say I?

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Just wanted to post and say Hello!!! And Thank you to all webmasters and moderaters for an amazing coaster and theme park website!! Special thanks to Rob and Elissa, I downloaded some videos from the site years ago and they are still awesome!!!!


I'm a middle school music teacher from El Paso Tx.

Our local park is a little place called Western Playland. I haven't been there for a while since they relocated the park, it just isn't the same as when I was a child .

My last Theme Park experience was Cedar Point, which was a dream come true and second to that was Six Flags Over Georgia.

I'll post my top 10 coasters when I survive X2 and Tatsu next month!!!


Other than Coasters and Theme parks I love music, travel, Live Concerts, movies, and well.... U2!!! My favorite band of all time!!


Take Care my Coaster Friends!!! You'll be seeing me around the site!!!

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Hi, my name is Chad (feels like one of my AA meetings) anyway, I'm 29 and live in NE Ohio. I spend most of my roller coastering time at Cedar Point, it is only an hour and a half away.


The first time I ever rode a coaster was when I was 7 and my dad took me on the Double Loop at Geauga Lake. Seeing it sold for scrap kinda made me sad so I decided to make it a point to get to ride as many coasters I could, because you never know when they won't be around any longer.

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I'm Lizzy, 23 and live in Liverpool (UK) with my boyfriend. I've been to Alton Towers multiple times since I was 10 (most recently last week!) I know some UK people knock it but I think it has some great coasters and there are pretty much always discounts available on the tickets. I'm a huge Disney fan and aim to visit all of the parks (done Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney World so far with DL coming up later this year) My favourite coaster is Kraken at Seaworld Orlando and favourite park is Hollywood Studios at WDW

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Hello! The name is Howard. I am a newbie from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am a coaster freak. I will share some of my photos of amusement/theme parks I've been to in the future.

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Hello, I'm Seth..


I live in one of the unhealthiest towns in the US, Louisville, KY. But don't worry, I don't bite. My home park is the glorious SFKK, although Holiday World and Kings Island are both within short driving distances (oh and Beech Bend). So yeah.

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Hi everyone, I'm Torben


I just wanted to introduce myself. I've actually been around these board for quite some time, stalking everybody else (3 years to be more precisely), but I think this is the time to tell who I am.


I'm a 21 years old guy who lives in Denmark in a town called Fredericia. Sadly we don't have our own amusement park, the one closest is Tivoli Friheden in Århus. I work as a salesperson at a major electronics retailer in a nearby city called Vejle.


Like everyone else here, I love coasters, though I haven't been on that many yet (around 40 different coasters I think). I have mostly visited Scandinavian and German parks, with the exception of one American and Disney Land Paris. I was in San Francisco last year, so I took the opportunity to visit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.


I'm going to visit Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen tomorrow, so I think I'll make that my very first trip report!

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Hey there Theme Park Reviewers! Well, after hearing so much about this place and seeing Robb post in some other forums, I figured it was time to take the plunge and join the party! Bring on the coasters......and the donkeys!!


Well, I'm Nick and I'm 29 years old. I live in Natrona Heights, PA, which is a small suburb north of Pittsburgh, and work as an engineer. I am a full-fledged coaster nut, and have really gotten into riding them and visiting new parks over the past 5 years or so. My home park is Kennywood (mmmmm, Patch fries!!) and I have been on 88 different roller coasters. My favorite Wooden Coaster is Voyage at Holiday World (see shiny avatar for a purty picture!), and my favorite Steel Coaster is Millennium Force (the most misspelled coaster in the USA! ) at Cedar Point.


Besides the obvious interest, I also enjoy photography (especially at parks with all that coaster porn), sports (more watching than playing!), movies, music, and hanging out with my family and friends. On a personal note, I am engaged to the love of my life and we are tying the knot in November of this year! She's a keeper, and my very best friend. She even likes going to parks with this coaster geek, so I'm a lucky fella! Although, I wonder if she realizes how big of a coaster dork I really am??


Lastly, I would like to thank Robb and Elissa for creating such a great looking website! From what I've seen already this is a pretty cool place. And I'm hoping that someday I may be able to meet ya both on one of your killer coaster trips! That's all from me - see you all on the boards!!

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Hello TPR'ers or TPRians or TPRites or whatever the hell we all are called. Justin Adams here... back on TPR after a long absence in the coaster and Alvey-Totally-Platonic-Man-Love wilderness.


Basically, I turned into this large, gesticulating mass of giant Godzilla bunghole and took out my evil flatluations on an unsuspecting Robb... but thankfully the man has found it in his heart to forgive and hopefully forget. I'm still recovering from being a large chunk of Godzilla's bunghole, but the doctor says it should clear up in a few more weeks. Keep putting on that cream!


So anyways, yeah. I'm back. Like you all care or something. I'd also like to say sorry to anyone that I've irritated in the past, the present and anyone that I'll irritate in the future. Just to cover all my bases, you know. I get cranky when I don't take my meds.



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I've been a member for a couple of months now, but I'm still sort of new to the site, so I might as well give out info about myself!


My name's Alexander Robinson, I live in Los Angeles, CA across from The Grove near The Farmers Market, and every year I get a season pass to Universal Studios Hollywood. Ever since I joined Theme Park Review I've always wanted to go on a trip and be featured on the videos. Theme Park Review videos are now pretty much the only videos I watch on youtube. (aside from the ones on my account)


That's all I can think to say about myself

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Hey everyone, I'm Aaron. I live in Indianapolis, which is about an hour and a half from the nearest theme park, unless you count the zoo. Some of my favorite coasters are SheiKra, Kumba, and Vortex.


I love watching TPR on youtube, which eventually lead me too signing up here!


I also love too take pictures and play guitar. But coasters are probably still my number one passion.



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Hi! My name is Patrick Carnahan. I'm a 12 year old (almost 13 on September 21) boy who really wanted to join this site, and I'm glad I FINALLY got my account activated. I began liking roller coasters and themeparks in late 2004, when I went to Wild Waves, my local park in Federal Way (approx. 1 & 1/2 hours from Seattle) in Washington. They have a few good rides and, this year, they added my favorite flat ride EVER: Disko Flashback. But I really began liking coasters on our trip to SFMM. Robb, you're really lucky to live near my favorite park (that goes for Elissa too)!


I live in Seabeck, also about an hour & 1/2 via ferry from Seattle. It's a small place, not very big at all, but pretty quiet and very peaceful. I really love riding coasters and going to parks, but aside from that I enjoy just hanging out at home playing RCT2, RCT 3, No Limits, etc. I also kinda like basketball and talking with friends on the internet.


I really hope sometime I can get an update on Wild Waves 'cause I've never seen an update on it. Also, once I figure this out, I may post an update on Silverwood. We're going on the 27th, so hopefully Aftershock'll be open. Well, that's all from me. Hope to go on a trip sometime and I give best wishes to everyone on the site, especially new members. See you on the boards! Patrick C

P.S. If you have any cool RCT tracks/parks, you can post them on Coasterfuel.com; I have an account on there too. P.S.S Favorite Coaster: Revolution @SFMM or Hulk @ IOA. Favorite park: SFMM, soon to be Cedar Point. Coaster Credits; ??????? Too many to count.

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