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What Was The Last Coaster You Rode?

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My most recent coaster ride was Riddler's Revenge at SFMM on April 23 with my daughter Diana and her friends Ernee and Marissa. We went to celebrate Diana's 15th birthday (which was actually the next day).


They're ready to go in this picture; (l-r) Marissa, Diana, and Ernee.



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Last Coaster's of each day (weekend just gone), If that's allow :?



Friday - Inferno - Thorpe Park


Saturday -Tonnerre de Zeus - Parc Asterix


Saturday Evening - *King - Foire Du Trone


Sunday - Tacot Express - Jardin d'Acclimatation



* If you allow to count travelin coaster's

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The last coasters I went on were....

On the 14th I went on Silver Comet at MFI for the first time (loved it)

Then that night I went down to SFDL and close SFDL... (3 of the coasters were closed.. and the 3 opened all ran 1 train..)

I went on SROS 2 times both in front


and the crappy wood coaster

I hadnt been to SFDL for like 6 years... And all that had been added was a topspin and a slingshot.. Oh wait and SF new "btr" a porslide Tornado..


on the 15th I went to Sylvan Beach also in NY and went on its Galaxi


So in all.. I went drove 1,200 miles this weekend for 2 coasters :o

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Hydra, at Dorney, at 9:15 on Friday night.


Next coaster will be Talon, at about 12:10 on Friday afternoon.


(working ten minutes from the park and having season passes hath it's priveleges!)



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