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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I can't wait till we see trains on track! No wait I can't wait till we see people in trains on track. Scratch that. I can't wait to see me in train on track!


Hey and look at this little souvenir I got while at the park the other day. It's signed by Lisa Rau Silver Dollar City's head of PR/Publicity, Brad Thomas Senior Vice President of SDC, Fred Grubb the owner of RMCC and Dennis Clevenger Director of Maintenance and Construction! It's my little piece of Outlaw Run! Yay!


I love a nice piece of wood!

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Thanks for the update, Chad...great photos!


I was thinking about trying to squeeze in a trip to SDC this year over Christmas, but decided to go next year so I can get a night ride on Outlaw Run, see all of the awesome lights and just soak in all of the cool things that this park looks to offer.


Despite being disappointed about not getting to go this year, I'll make up for it by going to Dollywood over Christmas to get my first ride on Wild Eagle and enjoy all the Christmas awesomeness there for the second year in a row!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm honestly surprised that the height restriction for Outlaw Run is 48 inches. It seems like such an intense coaster, and I can't imagine small children being tossed around on it. Well I guess Silver Dollar City is always trying to find ways to let families ride the attractions together, which probably explains the requirement on this. Isn't Powder Keg 43 inches with an adult?


I was estimating 52 inches for it. With the two barrel rolls, extremely banked turns, and enormous airtime, it added up correctly in my understanding.

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I don't see a problem with the 48 inch height restriction, but I'd be surprised if they market it as a family coaster. I'm still a little surprised that PowderKeg (also 48 inch height requirement) is marketed as a family launched coaster, but I'd say most kids who actually will actually ride a coaster like this are going to enjoy it. One of my cousins rode Millennium Force when she was five, and while she didn't have much to say about it, you could tell she enjoyed it by looking at her on-ride photo. I'd also say that kids being thrown around on Outlaw Run would be less of a concern than some of the roughness that occurs on Vekoma/Arrow Corkscrew coasters and many older wooden coasters.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Last week, it was clear winter had arrived at Outlaw Run. A fresh blanket of snow covered the “World’s Most Daring Wood Coaster” for the first time. We don’t know about you, but for us, spring can’t come fast enough. Get Ready to Ride.






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I don't see a problem with the 48 inch height restriction, but I'd be surprised if they market it as a family coaster. I'm still a little surprised that PowderKeg (also 48 inch height requirement) is marketed as a family launched coaster, but I'd say most kids who actually will actually ride a coaster like this are going to enjoy it. One of my cousins rode Millennium Force when she was five, and while she didn't have much to say about it, you could tell she enjoyed it by looking at her on-ride photo. I'd also say that kids being thrown around on Outlaw Run would be less of a concern than some of the roughness that occurs on Vekoma/Arrow Corkscrew coasters and many older wooden coasters.


Maverick was advertised as a family coaster with a 48" height restriction, but it was changed. Really ticked me off - I was younger then and wasn't yet 52", but I would have been tall enough if the restriction didn't change. I'm tall enough to ride essentially anything now, but I hate it when rides have different restrictions despite identical restraints. Sometimes it is proportional to intensity or size, while other times it is seemingly random and only based off of the company.


Cheetah Hunt - 48" (I think)

Maverick - 52"

I305 - 54"


Most small Arrow Loopers - 48"

Vortex (KI) (closest thing to viper besides missing a loop) - 48"

Viper (SMMM)- 54"


The only different thing about Viper (never been on it, so correct me if I'm wrong) is the larger handle.


Then there are random ones-


SFOT Runaway Mine Train - 42"

Cedar Creek Mine Ride - 48"

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