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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Just watched a POV (not posting it here; don’t ask). Those overbanks after both of the launches look like they’ll be the best parts of the ride when you spin to face downwards as you go through them!


I remember the best parts of Cobra’s Curse were the overbanks at the end as well.

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Just a reminder to keep an eye on the Theme Park Review Twitter today as Robb is at the Media Day Grand Opening for Time Traveler at Silver Dollar City!!!



wow. .the name check and callout to TPR was awesome

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Obviously there's a trip report coming so I'm not going to be a douche and flood the thread with pictures from TPR's Twitter ahead of that, but I just wanted to pop in and say that based on the picture they posted the station looks insane. Good lord. If you haven't been following TPR's Twitter today, you really should be.

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Great video! Some of the taller elements look pretty laggy and slow. And that spinning is definitely mild (good news for spin-sensitive folks). At least the drop and twisted airtime hill look awesome!


I really hope the vegetation fills in around the layout soon. I know it’s still early spring and leaves will fill in, but you can visibly tell how many trees were removed for this.


Looking forward to rider reviews!

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They've really toned down the spinning since the reveal.. I don't know how I feel about that. Also, people are saying the bottom floor of the station is empty (which was supposed to be the clock shop), and the second floor is just a wall and some hanging clocks. Can anybody confirm? I feel kinda let down..


EDIT: and that first launch with the slowing down... why? Just why? They should've put in a show building or something to show that you've traveled through time. I'm guessing that was their original plan, but had to cut it due to budget?

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I'm not complaining at all, but I'm really surprised SDC didn't put some kind of small scale display building on the first launch.


That's my only regret as a season pass patron, wish they had included that as there was ample opportunity.

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The theming may be the most exciting part of the ride! The coaster itself looks like plain and simple fun. But I do wonder how the fit is for larger riders. I’ve seen a few posts saying it was tight. Could it possible be more “unfriendly” to large riders than Outlaw Run? At least just the lap bar?

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I'm not complaining at all


Welp, looks like someone else filled those shoes... (see below)


They've really toned down the spinning since the reveal.. I don't know how I feel about that. Also, people are saying the bottom floor of the station is empty (which was supposed to be the clock shop), and the second floor is just a wall and some hanging clocks. Can anybody confirm? I feel kinda let down..


EDIT: and that first launch with the slowing down... why? Just why? They should've put in a show building or something to show that you've traveled through time. I'm guessing that was their original plan, but had to cut it due to budget?


There's still time for themeing throughout the station. The first launch is probably slowed so that the ride won't be overwhelming for most people. Going through these elements sideways and backwards could be very disorienting for a lot of people. I'm sure they want the lines to be long with as little vomit in the station and on the exit ramp as possible.


The lack of show building on the launch isn't necessarily disappointing for me personally, but it was surprising. The cost associated with doing something like this may be minor in comparison with the ride, but if you look at the overall cost of the revamped area around the park, I'm sure all of these things add up quickly.

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They've really toned down the spinning since the reveal.. I don't know how I feel about that. Also, people are saying the bottom floor of the station is empty (which was supposed to be the clock shop), and the second floor is just a wall and some hanging clocks. Can anybody confirm? I feel kinda let down..


EDIT: and that first launch with the slowing down... why? Just why? They should've put in a show building or something to show that you've traveled through time. I'm guessing that was their original plan, but had to cut it due to budget?



How can you feel let down when you haven't even rode the ride yet or even seen it in person?

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I'm not complaining at all


Welp, looks like someone else filled those shoes... (see below)


They've really toned down the spinning since the reveal.. I don't know how I feel about that. Also, people are saying the bottom floor of the station is empty (which was supposed to be the clock shop), and the second floor is just a wall and some hanging clocks. Can anybody confirm? I feel kinda let down..


EDIT: and that first launch with the slowing down... why? Just why? They should've put in a show building or something to show that you've traveled through time. I'm guessing that was their original plan, but had to cut it due to budget?


There's still time for themeing throughout the station. The first launch is probably slowed so that the ride won't be overwhelming for most people. Going through these elements sideways and backwards could be very disorienting for a lot of people. I'm sure they want the lines to be long with as little vomit in the station and on the exit ramp as possible.


The lack of show building on the launch isn't necessarily disappointing for me personally, but it was surprising. The cost associated with doing something like this may be minor in comparison with the ride, but if you look at the overall cost of the revamped area around the park, I'm sure all of these things add up quickly.


I will not get a chance to ride it till first weekend in April at the earliest but as someone that frequents the park on the reg as a season pass holder that buys plenty of food when there, I had rather seen all that moving gear work in a first launch show building. I have seen a pov elsewhere and the first drop should have been into some kind of mystical Ozark wormhole rock cave.

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^Then people would have complained about the lack of themeing in the loading area. I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.


Jesus Christ. This is why I'm not a member of any coaster clubs. I'm probably going to want to punch myself in the face when I go to my first ever enthusiast event, Coaster Campout at Cedar Point.

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