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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Wild Eagle is the main attraction in Wilderness Pass, but it also is coherent with the theme of Wilderness Pass. Outlaw Run is themed to a stagecoach company, if I'm correct. Does that or will that be coherent with Wilson's Farm?


Any way who is excited to see how that last element is tracked out? I bet it will have some awesome head choppers?

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I'm not sure that they would turn this in to a whole themed area. Look at Wildfire and PowderKeg...both are located out of the way of everything else at the end of a path, and so is Outlaw Run as of now. The station really is not far from the Giant Swing, and it doesn't look like they've made a lot of room to build past the station of Outlaw Run - I could at least see them building paths near the double barrel roll, and maybe even the drop as a viewing area - sort of like they've done with PowderKeg and the viewing area for its launch.


As far as coaster construction goes...I'm excited to see all of it! The double barrel roll is just one of the many awesome elements of this layout. I'm sure we'll get to see some great pictures come April 9th...and I can only imagine the headchoppers. I feel like the GICT and Double Barrel roll will have headchoppers that would rival X-Flight's in-line twist!


I imagine they will build a very nice queue for the ride. Wildfire's queue is just great, and though it's never full when I go, they even had an upstairs area that was very cool and well themed. Powderkeg's queue is so-so, but looking at what we have for Outlaw Run's station so far, I'm sure it will be fancy.


Edit: Does anyone else think that RMC has to have tested this already? They can't just be like, "Well, we'll finally get to see if it works!" right? I'm sure building the element on a pre-fab woodie work much better.

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^^I'm thinking they must have tested it somehow also.


Anywho I read on SDCFANS that the final element may already be close to completion for some showing off tomorrow at the big reveil. I'm ready to see this thing!


Is it streaming live and/or will I be able to find it online later tomorrow?

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  Bobby2889 said:
^^I'm thinking they must have tested it somehow also.


Anywho I read on SDCFANS that the final element may already be close to completion for some showing off tomorrow at the big reveil. I'm ready to see this thing!


Is it streaming live and/or will I be able to find it online later tomorrow?



Yup, like I mentioned on SDCFans, the big finale looks like it might actually be built and tracked already, or at least most of the bents are up. It actually looked like nearly all the bents for this ride are in place now, but I only had one ride on the wrong side of the train today. SDC isn't very much fun in the rain... even the train shuts down.


I was very impressed with the elevation changes in areas where we weren't even expecting much, such as the "double down" right after the OMGWTFBBQ element. Looking at some of the photos/concept art from earlier you wouldn't expect some parts of the ride to be all that exciting, but when you see it in person it's almost surreal how much of the ride is just absolutely balls-off-the-wall crazy looking. Every foot of the track is being used to do something incredible. Every single direction change is just ridiculous with banking. There will in fact be some good airtime in this ride as well. I'm pretty happy with it all around, the only complaint, as always, is that there isn't more of it.


I'm looking forward to the TPR footage tomorrow. I'll be riding the train over and over again I'm sure, but you need to get on the other side to really see the face of this coaster. I didn't bring the right cable to upload my photos from here, so I'll just have to post a PTR when I get back next week.


P.S.: There won't be any online streaming that I know of, but there should be coverage available by the evening.

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Silver Dollar City has sent us some pre-announcement teasers regarding their upcoming addition to be announced later today...


Something bold is emerging from the woods, on the outskirts of The City…..


  • Silver Dollar City is announcing its Biggest Investment in the Past Decade – a 10 million dollar highly themed attraction!
  • Travel beyond the safe haven of the 1880s Silver Dollar City to a place where adventure awaits!
  • This daring new attraction features several “World’s Only” elements!
  • After a year of planning and months of construction… we will finally – SOON, this morning, share all of the details!
  • From now through opening day follow the progress of this exciting new adventure at http://www.silverdollarcity2013.com.
  • What do we know? It’s taking…
    • 59,000 wood screws
    • 89,000 bolts
    • 4.4 million pounds of concrete
    • 5.6 miles of welding
    • 800,000 pounds of steel
    • And half a million board feet of lumber to construct this massive structure!


    [*]This construction site covers mountains, valleys, trees, woods, train tracks – spanning over 6 acres of land!


    [*]Tough. Audacious. Headstrong. This new attraction is born from legend and full of mystery!


    [*]Silver Dollar City’s new attraction takes you to a place where civility is gone and everyone needs to be on the lookout: NOW HIRING Fearless Stagecoach Drivers!

    • WANTED: Honorable Passengers Headed West!
    • NEEDED: Experienced Lawmen!


    [*]Plans for the entire area have been created minimizing the impact on trees, including the location of the structure, buildings and walkways.


    [*]This new attraction was designed to utilize and preserve the natural landscape, with two or more trees planted for every one removed during construction.


Nothing is off limits in the Silver Dollar City frontier but there is one certainty – The Good Guys Always Win.


The Adventure Begins in 2013 at Silver Dollar City!


For information visit http://www.SilverDollarCity2013.com

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  Hilltopper39 said:
A teaser 2 hours before the announcement, jeeze just go ahead and announce this thing already! Can't wait to officially see what they have in-store here.


They want to create buzz, it is working because you are talking about it!

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